Above The Sky

Chapter 7 Dry Rice

After a hard day's work, the natural appetite is widened.

Ian came to the kitchen. There are some leftover ingredients in the kitchen and cupboards.

For example, a piece of jerky, probably air-dried venison, and a lot of salted fish, a small pot of maroon sea salt, a small bowl of berries that smelled sour, and a small bag of wheat sacks hidden deep in the cupboard.

When my uncle came home, he also brought back a piece of fresh fish, which was probably a snack for him for dinner today.

For a feudal society, the fact that there is a lot of meat is already very rich, even luxurious.

When you think about it, it's not surprising.

After all, on the continent of Terra, the physical quality of human beings is far better than that of ordinary people in the Middle Ages on the earth. Everyone can be regarded as a strong man when they become adults. Their productivity is higher, and their living standards must be better.

"Yes, it seems that I can make something delicious."

Ian is welcome, although the uncle is dead, the fish must not be wasted.

The fish was still fresh and had been cut open to remove its internal organs. He set up a pot on the stove, poured half a pot of water, and then used the stored fire to ignite straw and dry sawdust.

After the fire was strong, I added some firewood that I had chopped myself, and Ian threw in the jerky that had been cleaned of oil and dust on the surface, boiled it with the water, and then went to the side to deal with the fish scales.

With the sound of the water gradually boiling, he crushed a few berries that tasted like lemons, smeared the juice all over the inside and outside of the fish, smeared a layer of gravy and salt, strung them with wooden skewers, and placed them in front of the stove slowly bake.

Gradually, the aroma came. The outside of the fish was crispy and the inside was still very tender. The taste of sour berries and gravy mixed together quite appetizing. Roll in the pan.

Having a hot pot of broth and grilled fish is a total treat on this blissful night of delicacy.

Ian has always believed that anything can be done casually, but when it comes to eating, it can be a little more refined.

"It should be almost there!"

Seeing that the heat was enough, Ian took off the grilled fish, took a bite, and his tongue was burned immediately, but then he narrowed his eyes and chewed vaguely: "Well, it tastes good!"

Although the taste of the grilled fish is a bit bitter due to the lack of spices and the salt is not refined enough, the taste is indeed crisp and clear, and the pure protein is chewed into the stomach, and the satisfaction is incomparable.

After a few mouthfuls of grilled fish, Ian scooped up another spoonful of broth and drank it.

To be honest, the venison jerky stew is too thick in fiber, slightly hard in taste, and not too much oil, but it is chewy and an important source of nutrition. The piping hot gravy is full of raw energy flavors, as well as the charred umami from the Maillard reaction.

Seriously swallowing precious nutrients into his stomach, Ian even had an illusion that his body was quickly absorbing all the nutrients of food and converting it into the physical strength and growth energy of this body.

Maybe...it's not an illusion.

Ian thoughtfully took a bite of the fish.

Terra humans are not earth people after all, their bodies are extremely strong, and it is completely understandable that their digestion and absorption ability is stronger.

But himself, perhaps because of his awakened psionic energy... He now feels that his body is open to all kinds of nutrient sources and completely absorbs them!

It's just that instinct and common sense told him that ordinary Terran people, no matter how strong their digestive ability, would not be able to recover their stamina after eating food for more than ten seconds.

Ian can almost clearly feel that his cells are jumping up and down, all the tissues and organs in his body are absorbing nutrients, and this thirst is almost thirsty, making his heart beat faster, his breathing is rapid, and the blood is surging under his body. Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the ends of blood vessels.

"In the past, I couldn't eat so much meat, and now, I'm just filling my hunger, far from being full."

Ian thought deeply as he felt the body absorb nutrients and chew the food in his mouth.

Thinking of Orsenna's deformed right leg, he couldn't help frowning: "That's also very strange. Do ordinary people's tumors appear there? Physical aberrations of this level, even if genetic modification fails, rarely occur."

"Maybe it involves psionic power and other powers? In short, the true power of the Terrans should be far more than the surface I know."

Ian may be able to roughly guess a thing or two about the abnormality in his body.

Leaving aside factors such as Terra's psionic power, the genetic adjusters on Earth have experienced similar situations.

In the earth of the age of stars, everyone has undergone genetic modification, and everyone is a little superman to the human beings of the past.

However, all kinds of powerful genetic organs, strengthening muscles, and strengthening bones, all require nutrients, even special nutrients, to develop and mature.

After testing, a perfect genetic adjuster, if he can't eat a lot of protein and carbohydrates in childhood, all his genetic organs will suspend development, or even stop growing completely.

In this way, the original superman becomes a mortal.

Naturally, genetic modifiers who have not successfully developed are still stronger than ordinary humans, but still only in the mortal category.

Ian felt that many ordinary people in Terra Continent might be in a similar situation.

Their inherent potential is great, but because of the social system or lack of productivity, ordinary Terrans cannot fully tap the potential in their bodies.

"The Terrans in the past should have been far more powerful creatures than the current Terrans. It may be genetic modification, or it may be some kind of magical creature, psionic creature, and the nouns have been changed casually, but the meaning behind them is the same."

"However, due to various reasons such as the cessation of spiritual energy, the cessation of the magic tide, the world-class nuclear war, or climate change, or even a meteorite falling down, the former civilization lost its productivity guarantee. The characteristics of higher races, but lose the relevant power."

Just guessing at random, Ian didn't think about it, just put the situation of his former earth in Otherworld.

He has watched a lot of novels and movies, so naturally he will guess some possibilities in this regard, but these are not important.

"It's better to be full than not to be full, whether it's magic or psionics, or something else, that's absolutely true."

Chewing the venison carefully, staring at the boiling gravy and bubbles in the pot, Ian's mind is like a mirror: "Nutrition intake in childhood will greatly affect future growth, it is always good to eat more food, even for ordinary people. Adequate nutrition is also necessary to become strong.”

"My psionic energy can find most of the secret special resources and materials in this world... This is the source of future wealth and the guarantee of life."

Thinking of this, he clenched the already brittle fish bone in his mouth, Ian crunched the fish bone and swallowed it.

He looked solemn: "The premise is that I can grow up safely and get enough nutrition."

"Every meal counts and is precious."

Being sure of this made him more open to eating.

Soon enough to eat and drink.

Ian, who was fully recovered, stood up.

He opened his 'precognition horizon' again.

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