Above The Sky

Chapter 55 Soma Pit

"The answer is psionic power!"

Ian doesn't plan to continue to hide. Now that the farm and surrounding villages have been attacked, the natives must be planning something that no one knows, but is extremely dangerous.

Instead of hiding his clumsiness, he might as well show his potential, so that he might get some resources as a guarantee before danger comes.

"Sure enough, you awakened psionic energy at that time..."

Somewhat shocked, but more envious. In the recent period of observation, Brin had actually determined that Ian was already a psionicist, so he was not surprised.

What was even more shocking to him was that the other party could actually throw the Supor sleep powder, which was not a good source for the natives, as a hidden weapon, without any hesitation: "It's too wasteful... I really want to use the sleep powder as a hidden weapon, completely You can add some powder of Cordyceps seeds and the bark residue of smoked lacquer wood, the effect is just as good, but the price is only one tenth!"

Although a bag of mixed powder that can confuse people for five or six seconds requires several thalers, it is also a hidden weapon, and the price/performance ratio is much better.

"That's all for the future. Life is the most important thing now."

After placing Brin and letting the other party rest for a while, Ian walked into the forest and retrieved a twisted human figure that was dying with only one breath left.

It was the bucket of water he threw with all his strength before that broke his arm, and even injured his spine, and the indigenous knifeman who had been in shock.

Ian's height is actually not as tall as this native hunter, and his body is more slender. With that beautiful face, no matter how you look at it, he is inclined to be polite and should appear at the dance party.

But he showed strength far beyond his own size, easily picked up the native knifeman who was estimated to be heavier than him, and threw it in front of Brin.


Brin, who was resting with his eyes closed, was startled, but when he opened his eyes and saw the aboriginal who was foaming at the mouth, he immediately knew: "You want to bring a living mouth back to the interrogation? It's very difficult, bring this Guys, we can't run fast, if we are caught up by other indigenous hunter teams..."


Ian's words were concise and his tone was firm, and Brin thought that the other party could easily discover the psionic power of himself and the natives, and could easily target the target in the dark. Stop the bleeding."

"So fast?" Ian raised his head in surprise, he no longer hid, a water-colored halo circulated in his pupils, looking at Brin's wound.

In the vision of precognition, Brin was a thick white human figure, with a faint layer of blood hanging on his body, which seemed to have just faded from the thicker color.

And the bloodiest place was the lower lung where he had been stabbed by the knife before.

However, when Ian brought the knife back, Brin applied the potion to himself, and now the blood-colored wound was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally gradually turned into a slightly richer red than the rest of the body.

"All right."

Brin stood up staggeringly, and the tall herbalist said in a loud voice, "It's still bleeding inside, but it won't affect the action until tomorrow... I'll take care of this knife."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed the twisted body of the native swordsman with one hand and pinched it under his armpit.

"The physical quality of the Terra people is really unbelievable. Brin is like this, and so are the natives. My whole body was broken by my bucket, but they still managed to survive."

Seeing this scene, Ian couldn't help sighing in his heart, although it was not the first time he saw the abnormal damage resistance and self-healing ability of the Terrans, but every time he felt incredible: "If I hadn't done an autopsy, I'm afraid I really would have I think they're only human in appearance."

"Don't worry." Putting down his thoughts, Ian motioned for Brin to continue to rest: "I'm going to search for what those natives have, maybe there are clues about their attack, and maybe there is something to gain."

"Listen to you."

Brin nodded - after the battle just now, he had fully understood that this kid Ian was stronger, smarter...even more mature than he thought.

His plans and opinions are definitely better than their own.

Ian turned his head, did not close the vision of vision, and continued to look at the corpses of the other two natives.

In order to defeat the natives in a short period of time, he used the source essence he stored in the virtual source seed to strengthen his physical fitness.

That light blue halo is the manifestation of the source material chips in his body surging in the capillaries and muscles of his limbs along with the blood flow.

Because the battle ended quickly, he didn't consume much of the Origin Quality, and in order to save his life, there was no such thing as a loss, but he felt that he should still be able to recover some losses from the enemy.

Surprisingly, there was a little blue mist flowing on their corpses.

"Sure enough."

Walking forward, Ian saw the blue haze in a small bag on the waist of the native hunter. He opened it directly and found that there were large beige seeds inside.

The seeds resembled almonds, exuding a mellow aroma, and the appearance was regular in the shape of a circle, about the size of his eight-year-old's thumb.

The seeds gave him a feeling of intense dynamism, but also a sense of danger. Just smelling the smell made the boy feel a little irritated. The perfume is very fragrant, but if it is too strong, it will stink. It can't be delicious, that's the truth.

Crisis and gain coexist.

Later, Brin's surprised words also confirmed Ian's hunch: "The core of the Soma tree fruit? Fortunately, they didn't have time to eat this stuff, otherwise, we probably wouldn't be able to leave alive!"

"The Soma tree? Oh, the wine tree."

When I first heard the scientific name Soma tree, Ian didn't react for a while, but Hilliard's teaching was really useful in the past few days. He immediately recalled that among the many wonderful sublimation plants in the Bison Mountains, the one commonly known as the wine tree sublimation plants.

As the name suggests, the sap of the wine tree is a natural wood wine containing alcohol, and the fruit is also a treasure for brewing fruit wine. It contains natural and easily absorbed sources, and can be used as a stimulant without sequelae.

There is a high-end wine shop specializing in Soma in Port Harrison. Its customers are rich businessmen and aristocrats. Because Soma is said to have invigorating functions in that respect, it has always been in short supply.

The core of the Soma tree fruit is different. It contains too many exciting substances and impurities, and it is poisonous. If it is chewed and swallowed, it will make people 'drunk to death' in a few minutes. ——A large amount of source substances and excitatory substances will penetrate into the blood circulation through the mucous membranes, causing hypoxia and necrosis of the brain, but at the same time, the person who swallows it will burst into the limit of strength in a short period of time, not afraid of pain, and even his head will be destroyed. Half-flying won't stop these already 'drunk to death' people from dying again.

But even so, the refined extract of the Soma kernel is still the key material for the true form inheritance 'selfless fighter'.

That is a heritage that can burn one's own life when necessary, put oneself in slow destruction, but quickly destroy the enemy.

"What native method of suicide violent potion."

Tucao, Ian took back these fruit cores, and he frowned: "The natives actually let the hunter team carry this kind of life-threatening, or even deadly use... What are they going to do?"

Although there are a lot of indigenous tribes, hunters cannot be consumed at will, not to mention that these hard-core hunters are the pillars supporting a tribe, and what enables them to achieve this level... can only be the 'big men' that are respected by the indigenous people of the redwood forest. Shaman'!

Shaking his head, Ian stopped thinking about it.

Aside from the Soma nut, only the darts that have been smeared with the venom of curare can be considered a bit valuable for the natives, but this thing is too dangerous. It is not that an expert will poison himself if he is not careful. Ian himself did not intend to use it, so he used a stone on the spot. Smash and destroy.

The three native hunters, with a total of nine soma pits, Ian handed three to Brin.

After all, without Brin to attract attention and contain the enemy, he couldn't easily kill all the hunters.

In order to save face and momentum, the herb collector wanted to refuse - his life was saved by Ian, how could he accept it? What's more, it's too weird to take loot from the hands of a child, he can't accept it!

But Ian gave too much.

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