Above The Sky

Chapter 514 The Heirs Of The Inheritance (13)

When Mikael returned to the conference hall in the upper city and met Brother Xin Marcy again, the great monk of the Spiritual Artifact Church showed a curious expression.

"You went to see the young man?"

The green-haired beauty asked softly, "You can actually persuade you personally, it seems that you really value him."

"I saw my shadow in him."

The second prince sat back in his seat—to be honest, chatting with people from the Spiritual Tool Church is always fun, they can say things that anyone would like, and they always have something to say, not just flattery, and they are quite comfortable to cooperate. As long as the contract is determined in advance, there is no need to worry that the other party will betray halfway.

Just like now, he took the cup from the maid and answered Xin's question with a smile: "I don't want him to realize where the right path is after he finds out that he has taken a detour. Just like me, I wasted seven or eight years or even ten years. A few years of dedicated practice."

"I have a different opinion."

Xiu Xiu chuckled: "If you didn't have the precipitation of traveling the world for more than ten years, Your Highness would not have the strength you are today. To be honest, in our archives, before your return, your importance was only A-level, and after your return, But it is already a 'key observation'."

Mikael took a sip of wine and nodded in response: "It's also good to focus on observation. For example, I used to receive me from the Great Brother Gera. Although he was a good person, he liked that gas mask face too much - but now it is A beauty like you."

He looked at the time, then nodded and said, "It's almost time, it's time for us to enter."

"This Lonely Mountain meeting is almost coming to an end... After that, let's continue our follow-up cooperation and negotiation."

At the same time as standing up, Mikael is collecting all the information of his own mind and light body at the same time, and accepting the reports and summaries of his subordinates.

"Well, Ian exchanged his Knight Patrol Merit for two sublimation materials of the second level... One is the water attribute 'Nerve Bundle of the Fallen Nightmare Sea Slug' and the other is the deformation of the earth attribute 'Rockwound Whale' tentacles'..."

"The former one should be a substitute material that assists the goblin bloodline to perform more delicate operations, and the latter. Well, the potion material. (I don't care)"

The Nightmare Sea Slug is a very rare predator slug, which can create quite powerful hallucinations and mental attacks, easily confuse weak sea creatures into its own food, and its nerve bundles can strengthen the psionicist's psionic power. The subtle manipulation ability of , is the material of many related true forms, which is quite common.

The rock-wound whale is a giant polyp that is rarely used in the true bloodline. It is about two meters long and lives in the muddy swamp area. It sounds like it has nothing to do with whales, but the average polyp is only a few millimeters in size, so This super-giant polyp is called the 'Cetacean'.

It can also control sand and rocks to protect itself, and can use its dozens of tentacles to propel the muddy water to move at high speed.

It's just a pity that the special advantages of the rock-wound whale can only be applied with the help of the water environment, and the true form inheritance of most land attributes generally does not think about going into the water and fighting people, so its most common use is instead. Take advantage of the 'strong vitality' in its material.

Yes, the life force of polyps is extremely strong, and the same is true of the rock-wound whale. The active cells of the rock-wound whale are one of the necessary materials for making high-level regeneration potions in addition to regenerating magic plants, and the life-extending potion also needs to use part of it. Its essence extract.

Exactly what Ian excels in.

"I really envy Yisen. If I had such a helper back then, many things might have a chance to be saved."

Mikael sighed lightly. He knew that Ian had no idea about the regeneration potion, so he didn't pay much attention to this aspect.

At this moment, he was thinking about another thing.

"Grandfather's inheritance of alchemy has been known to go... but there are still many unknowns."

"Besides me, Ian, and Archduke Thorin, there should be others who have received part of my grandfather's inheritance..."


After inspecting the entire laboratory building, Ian determined a checklist and mentally set a schedule for follow-up research.

Although the alchemy equipment here is very complete, he still needs a lot of special equipment.

After all, his next research involves some brand-new research directions-whether it is a breakthrough in alchemy, or the field of extremes, research on potions and semi-potions, related to the most important aether armament Get ready, start planning now.

Yes, aether armed.

After all, Ian has reached the second energy level, and after preparing all the potions, he will be expected to become a dual second energy level plus bipolar domain.

The resources obtained in the imperial capital can allow him to quickly grow to the most powerful form he can reach in this period of time... and then start preparing for the heart light body and the etheric armament.

After all, in this continent of Terra, it is too mindless to fight with people with armored ether weapons by means of the flesh. Even if Ian is a double second energy level, it is estimated that he will fight with the sublime who normally drives the ether weapons. Evenly matched.

But if he also has it, then it is still a crushing combat power of the same level.

Not to mention, the existence of the aether armed itself is a part of the sublimator's use of various means to conceive his own thoughts on the next path, and any third energy level must do the same.

Because the relationship between the mind-light body and the human body is actually very similar to the relationship between the driver and the body - the mind-light body is the manifestation of the will of the strong, it can act alone and is very powerful, but the one that can exert its power the most The method, or in coordination with the ontology, erupted into a power that far surpassed the power that could be exerted when manifesting alone.

With the foundation laid on the side of Viscount Grant, Ian already has some knowledge of making aether arms.

And the 'Ether Crystal' on his left arm is the biochemical result of the most crucial structure of the Ether Armament, the 'Ether Furnace Heart', and it is still the one with a very high degree of completion.

As long as next, Ian goes to the Imperial Capital Great Library to have a look, supplements the relevant knowledge, and then can start to design and prepare his own ether weapon.

Of course, the guise to the outside world can be to create its own combat exoskeleton armor, which is not uncommon.

At the same time, Ian also requested to purchase 'Flaming Locust's Transformer Muscle' and 'Flame Prison Ice Wolf's crystals' through the channels of the Platinum Iridium Workshop under the pretext of needing to research 'Physical Burst Potion' and 'Aftershock Potion'. nuclear'.

This is mixed in the research list of several different potions, which is not very conspicuous in itself, and the purchases between the two are often several months apart, so it is impossible to attract attention-Ian is patient and waits slowly, anyway, he has enough in the emperor. Much needs to be done.

"No matter what the second prince thinks of me, he came to remind me that it was indeed kind."

After confirming the process of all this, Ian breathed a sigh of relief, and he stood up: "With his protection and the platinum-iridium workshop, I really have no difficulty in buying all kinds of Warcraft materials... I don't have to go everywhere by myself. Hunting to kill, even without my own money, there are potion materials in storage."

"Hey, this kind of day when you can't spend money, but earn it for nothing... It feels a little subtle."

With all this settled, Ian is ready to go.

He has made an appointment with Hua An and Shuangdie to visit Miss Mo Feng.

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