Above The Sky

Chapter 508 Who Will Love The School? (14, Ask For A Monthly Pass Guaranteed At The Beginning Of The

"Sure enough, this aspect is misleading... I originally thought that the family was of little use to me now, but now it seems that I am a descendant of the Cehalorvo family. It's great."

Ian felt a little relieved. Of course, what Mikael suspected was not the inheritance of the silver chip and the immovable fortress: "Thank you, family. I will carry forward you."

This is of course, Ian's camouflage is indeed very good, he didn't show any clues at all, and under the guidance of Master Gosse, he even did a good job in the camouflage of the second vest.

What Mikael sees now is the vest of the second layer 'The Last Hope of the Cieharorvo Family'.

And this vest can explain too many things, alchemy, inscriptions and all kinds of strange thoughts can be compatible.

In theory, Ian would never suspect that he was exposed at all, and at most one prophet would be exposed—but this can’t be said to be a completely bad thing for him. It can only be said that he will definitely live under the extreme attention of everyone in the future, and he will act very well. Difficult, but in exchange for a rather lofty identity, you can go the palace and church route.

But who told Master Gosser and others to hit his self-confidence severely? There are really not many stupid people in this group of Terran high-level people, at least they are better than themselves in terms of personnel.

But because of this, Ian can learn.

learn from their experience.

When he came back to his senses, Ian continued to act with Mikael, and after seeing through this disguise, the second prince wanted to observe for a while, but when he realized that Ian had no flaws, and that he had confidence in his own thoughts, he did not. Go deeper.


He just opened his mouth and said slowly: "You may still be thinking about how you exposed yourself... Indeed, theoretically, you have not exposed any key technology in your grandfather's manuscript. I have a transcript here for you. It has been done very cautiously."

"However, the idea of ​​making alchemy potions and related products more widely used and popularized, as well as the supplementary improvements you have made... For more than 700 years in Terra, only a few people have done research."

"And the closest one is my grandfather. The black king, the tyrant... or the pioneer Inaika the Great in your mouth."

"I don't know……"

Ian said softly, his tone tense and a little bewildered: "Is there any problem with this? Why do you say that I am with..."

When the white-haired boy said this, he deliberately paused for a while: "Is it related to the manuscript of the Black King?"

"If other people hear you say the black king, it may not be surprising. The Cheharorvo family, who was wiped out by their grandfather and sublimated to Nanling, can of course say the word 'tyrant' by their descendants. ."

Mikael said meaningfully: "But I know some inside stories - the elders of the Cehalorvo family took the initiative to ask for exile."

"They thought that they had made a big mistake, so they took the initiative to ask for exile to Nanling - Grandfather's idea at that time was to let you return to Yinfeng, and support you to return to the imperial capital and return to 'pure'."

"But your ancestors took the initiative to ask to go to Nanling before they died, which made me suspect their motives... But after knowing the existence of the Nanling Labyrinth, I realized the far-reaching plan of my grandfather - Harrison The port is the outpost for exploring that big labyrinth, so the Grant family and your Ciehalorvo family, who seem to be in decline but loyal, are sent there, my grandfather is to use this credit so that you can rise again."

Mikael shook his head slightly, and before he knew it, he had already summoned two chairs and motioned Ian to sit down: "Don't worry, I didn't come here to do anything to you - even if you really hate us because your family hates us. And what about the royal family of Thar? 'The second sun should be hated, because it burns day after day and never ends, and one wants to die with it'."

The second prince said something similar to a proverb, and he smiled humorously: "These are the original words of my grandfather back then, what he said when he was reviled by others, and by the way, he satirized all the emperors and the fifth energy level on this earth. The strong people made the representatives of various countries who participated in the conference at that time quite dissatisfied."

He nodded to Ian, motioning Ian not to be nervous: I'm here just to talk to you... about your understanding of alchemy, and to give you a piece of advice. "

Ian believes this. Mikael didn't lie.

As for what the other party said, the Cieharorvo family was exiled to Nanling on their own initiative... He also believed it, instead of feeling that the other party overestimated the plan of Inagar II.

Because Ian remembered the many doubts that Elder Pude had mentioned when he told himself about the family's past, and knew that at that time, Elder Pude's mother, one of the elders of the family, had such an idea.

They think everything is their own fault, and ask Elder Pude not to hate His Majesty.

And Elder Pude, as a sublime, could actually survive the cleansing of the exiled family... This is a doubt in itself.

In addition, the 'support' mentioned by the second prince is probably not false - it's just that the Dark Moon turmoil broke out and the entire Harrison Port lost its subsidy.

But even so, the old Viscount Grant still regarded the young elder Pude as a good helper and provided a lot of help to the white people... This kind of optimism seems to know something now.

In short, Elder Pude supported himself without knowing all of this, waited for his arrival, and regarded himself as hope.

The Dark Moon turmoil changed everything, and the death of Inaika II did completely change the direction of history.

Thinking of this, Ian still doesn't dare to relax, and continues to pretend to be a skeptical genius boy: "Then, Your Highness, what do you want to say to me? Even if you really have no ill intentions, I'm... a little panicked."

"It's human nature to panic."

Mikael said calmly, he raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the laboratory: "It's just that even me, I don't know where to start for a while. Haha, please forgive me, I rushed as soon as I heard the news. Come, so there is no belly draft."

Bowing his head, he looked at Ian again, and the blond prince stared at the boy in front of him with sun-bright eyes: "But now I've decided."

"Ian, do you know that Inaga II, the man who was later called the Black King."

"He once tried to popularize compulsory education, so that everyone in the entire empire can freely choose their own destiny?"

Ian was silent for a while: "Yeah."

He narrowed his eyes and said softly, "I know."

"I saw the casino converted from the ruins of a school in Nauman City. I thought everyone had a bad impression of compulsory education."

"Of course not."

The second prince knocked on the armrest of the chair, and he said lightly: "To be precise, everyone, including those who are educated, doesn't feel very well."

"The farmer in the countryside was asked to leave his son and daughter who were supposed to be helpers. He worked hard to support the family for several years, but came back with a group of guys who talked about the world and forgot how to farm and weed."

"Having learned knowledge that they have never accepted, and how vast the world is, people are filled with anxiety and confusion. They know the narrowness of their hometown, but they don't have the strength to go out of their hometown. They are obviously full of passion to change the world, but they can only Raising pigs and feeding chickens at home.”

"Some nobles worry about whether their family knowledge and sacred realm will be affected by these ordinary people... oh, in the words of those idiots, they will be invaded by the 'untouchables', while those scholars born in the commoner are hindered by their own family background. In the academic circle, it is difficult to move an inch - they only have a foundation, but there is no upward channel, because it is difficult for them to become sublimators, just mastering knowledge is no more noble than a farmer."

"There is no such cultural atmosphere in the empire. So everyone doesn't love the school. There is no ladder to higher levels in the school, and there is no channel for knowledge to be exchanged for force and power, which will only turn people into self-pity and cynical lunatics - but this Can you blame them? It can only be Inaga II's fault."

"Who would love the school?"

------off topic-----

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