Above The Sky

Chapter 498 Really Fragrant (24)

Facts have proved that the Alchemy Association doesn't mind testing a young alchemist who was introduced by the Ellen family and who is also favored by Master Gosse, who is now in the limelight in the association.

On the second floor, in a medium-sized conference hall, headed by two old men wearing Phnom Penh alchemist robes, a total of eight alchemists sat in their respective seats and observed the candidates' every move on the 21 surrounding screens.

The silver chip and the prophet are also his strengths, use them as they should, all of which are his efforts and struggles!

The assessment is divided into time batches, 20 candidates each time, and the time limit is one hour.

Ian was postponed to the fifth batch, which happened to be the last shift in the afternoon. The other alchemists were entering their closed examination rooms, and the chatter of those people could be vaguely heard.

The Alchemy Association really put a lot of effort into suppressing the turmoil that an alchemist master was deprived of his title.

"Not a very attractive reward."

"Huh? The guy whom Gosey is optimistic about is here too?"


"Silver chip, ready to deduce!"

After seeing Ian, two people moved slightly and reported to the top.

"In the last game of the afternoon, the materials used will not be poor, right?"

The alchemist knew Isengard, so he was very attentive to Ian who was brought by the blond boy. Now he is answering Ian's question: "You mean the reward for ranking? If it is someone else, I will try to seduce them. Push them to do their best.”

"very good."

The materials hadn't been delivered yet, and so were the exam questions. Looking at these instruments, Ian couldn't help but miss his workshop in Port Harrison... I still have a lot of experimental materials and notes there.

If that's the case, then there's no need to be too pushy... just about it.

"As a result, the secret hand in the bracelet was seen by this kid - if this is psionic power, how strong should his observation psychic power be?"

Ian thought so. It seems that Isengard gave him a full set of collector's edition alchemy equipment, and the total value is probably more than the one to three people awarded by the Alchemy Association in this assessment.

Soon, the materials and exam questions came.

The middle-aged alchemist was still recalling, and he said somewhat uncertainly: "It seems that there is still a reading card allowed to go to the Royal Grand Library... It is mainly a certificate of honor, after all, it is not a borrowing card, it is just a proof Those who are qualified enough to go to the supreme hall of knowledge. If the time is right, maybe the treasure book area can also be viewed!"

The orange light gave a hint of warmth. As a person participating in the assessment, Ian bid farewell to Isengard temporarily and followed a middle-aged alchemist to his separate examination room.

Although Master Gosser's business card can also be read, but he can't enter the treasure book area. The two are superimposed. Maybe he can stay in the treasure area for a while?

At that time, the imperial capital had not been fully developed and rebuilt, and there were even many wild labyrinth-like monsters running rampant in the various layers. The Setal people build their own home while expelling monsters.

Like myself, I am afraid that there are not many people who go directly from trainee to elite.

"It's all things that are more honorable than practical."

at the same time.

There are corridors that can only accommodate three people walking side by side, passages about 2.4 meters high, and each one is too delicate, so it can be seen that this is an architectural design to maximize the use of space.

Moreover, maybe he can also take a look at the commission from the Dragon Cult... The Book of Silver Shining and the Collection Room of Precious Solitary Books... Although he should not be able to get close, but with the help of his own psychic perspective and silver chips, he can be considered as able I explained it to Elder Manya.

But for Ian, all this is indeed a bit ordinary.

Obviously, for ordinary alchemists, they can get so many good things just by taking the assessment ranking. It's a rare opportunity for a whore.

reading? For him, what is the difference between reading and permanent loan? Others think it doesn't matter, he can't miss it!

"But if it's a friend of the Ellen family, then I'll tell the truth - it's nothing more than a few collector's edition alchemy instruments, and some rare alchemy materials... Maybe there are also masters who are optimistic? But for you, I'm afraid these are not attractive, you just need to play normally, and it is estimated that you can get the best."

"How can the association be so poor, don't scare yourself, play well."

He looked around and used the vision of vision to observe these same batch of alchemists who had been assessed.

"Almost all the qualified alchemists around the plain have come this time, and the competition is quite fierce."

When the middle-aged alchemist talked about these rewards, the envious expression on his face could not be hidden.

Everything is the epitome of the architectural style of the ancient city-state era of Gusetal seven hundred years ago.

Several people said goodbye and entered the examination room respectively. Ian saw that there was a complete set of alchemy equipment in the room. Although it was only ordinary standard equipment, it was very complete.

The Royal Alchemy Association located on the fourth floor has a very old history. Fortunately, it was not damaged in the Dark Moon turmoil, so it has become one of the top ten oldest buildings in the imperial capital. It is not like the Lonely Mountain Star Gazing Tower. Majestic and majestic, even a little narrow.

The other old woman with black and white hair and a rather serious expression narrowed her eyes, her purple eyes flickered, and then thoughtfully said: "Although I'm annoyed by Bavar's age, for the sake of money Hands-on dirty work, but his inscriptions and alchemy are very well combined, and Gosey can't see it unless he checks carefully."

Most of them are in their twenties or thirties, and they should already be working in some workshops. None of them are 'apprentices'... Also, there is no need to come to the imperial capital for the formal alchemist assessment. Graduates of the Alchemy Academy will If you can go directly to the advanced level, you need to go to a big city for a formal assessment only when you are officially elite.

Ian nodded slightly, and he made up his mind: "I have won the first place."

That being said, in order to get a reading card of the Royal Great Library, Ian would not be shy about using any means.

The gray-haired old man raised his eyes to look at the light curtain, his eyes were far younger than his appearance, and gleamed with a golden-orange wise light: "Ha, let's see... this is too young, I heard him say that At least he must be seventeen or eighteen, isn't he still a child?"

Entering the compartment, this is a small room with a total size of no more than 15 square meters. There is a fairly clean iron flat table with a row of commonly used alchemy instruments on it, and there are other instruments on the other row of cabinets. tool.

"But the really good ones won't come to take the test, they are all young people like us... Generally speaking, it is also an opportunity to prove themselves. If you can get the ranking, it will be convenient to go to the big workshop to find a job in the future. "

Ian also entered a spare assessment room. Although the competition this time was fierce in theory, in fact, most of the people didn't think they could win the top few, so the atmosphere between them was relatively harmonious.

"He saw what that idiot Bavar did?"

"This assessment lasts for seven days, and a hundred people are limited to participate each day. Today is the sixth day."

Ian will not be blindly arrogant. He feels that his level of alchemy is far beyond these ordinary-looking experienced alchemists. He will definitely do his best to communicate with these imperial circles, perhaps representing the younger generation of the Setal Empire. The new generation of alchemists compete!

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