Above The Sky

Chapter 495 Mrs. Ellen's Luncheon (23)

[The first day of the month of flowing flames, the imperial capital. I, Mikael Setal, entrusted by the Governor of Southridge, the Marquis of Mayova Barton, and the Governor of Port Harrison, Viscount Ayers Grant, to be an apprentice to the Knights of the Patrol, Ian 's award. 】

[Since becoming a member of the Knights of the Patrol, the knight Ian has made many achievements...]

In the center of the hall, only the bird-shaped heart light body and Ian were left. The second prince's heart light body was suspended in mid-air, reciting the process to Ian, as well as the various deeds Ian had done.

Some are exaggerated, some are untrue, but in general, there are not many mistakes or omissions. The intelligence system of the Setal Empire is indeed quite capable.

As for the mind light body instead of myself... In Terra, the strong man's mind light body represents the strong man himself - even in the kingdom of the frontier and the king's court of heaven, the strong man is more accustomed to using the mind light body to carry out All kinds of important ceremonies, thinking that this is the true meaning of attention.

What's more, Mikael is probably not in the imperial capital now, and the appearance of the heart light body is very formal.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the second prince's heart light body. These two flashes of light were like two sharp swords of light. They touched the shoulders of the youth's armor lightly, and then converged to a very small size. Turn into a pen and sign the document on the other side: [Very good. That's about it. Ian, you've been named a lord, as for the name...you fill in it yourself]

[After all, it's just a knight's collar, don't be too strange, the rest is just as you wish]

Fill it out yourself? so easy...

Ian was stunned for a moment, and Isengard, who was beside him, was also talking to his mother in a low voice, as if saying, 'This doesn't quite fit the process, right? ' and Mrs. Ellen's reply 'What's the process? ’.

[Your soul is very tough, I see, it won't take long for you to reach the second energy level. Psionicists are uniquely endowed in this respect, and at that time, you can officially be named a noble by virtue of your territory and strength]

The second prince said so, and he suspended the document to Ian: [Now, you are the youngest knight lord in Nanling, and I hope that in the future, you will also be the youngest new noble in Nanling]

[The responsibility for the future revival of the Cieharorvo family rests on your shoulders]

"Thank you for your encouragement... The rise and fall of the family will never be forgotten."

And the young man took it, looking at the document with complete seals and the signatures of the second prince and the deputy head of the frost trail, he couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

--So simple? The whole process took less than ten minutes, of which five minutes were spent posing and stamping...

There is someone above, it really works well...

In addition, he also noticed that these few seemed to have some misunderstandings about themselves.

"Reviving the Cieharorvo family? To be honest, I don't feel it at all..."

Thinking of this in his heart, Ian looks serious on the surface, but in fact he understands the misunderstanding of the second prince, the deputy head of Frost trail and Mrs. Ellen: "They should think of Elder Pude as the kind of person who has inherited all the family's heritage. Inheriting the elders, and then working hard to cultivate me, right? In fact, it is not wrong to say that the elders of Pude have indeed paid all their efforts for me... and the people of Bai are undoubtedly the basics of my future. "

"Well, it seems that I really want to revive the family."

"Forget it, it's a good thing for me that they like to think that way."

After the seal was over, the second prince and Mrs. Ellen went to the side hall to communicate, and then left - he is a busy person, even if he can divide the heart light body into several, it is still not enough.

And Ian handed the secret letter of the Marquis of Barton to the deputy head of the Frost trail.


The blue-haired knight raised his brows and said with interest: "Why, you can give it to me now?"

"You are all here."

Ian shook his head slightly - the fact that the deputy head can come here and testify for his canonization is obviously already done.

It's weird that he doesn't give it.

"Good job."

Frostmark laughed and didn't say much. He patted Ian's shoulder, and gave Ian a thumbs up with the other hand, and said quite heartily: "The Knights of the Patrol have lacked potential new blood in recent years, although There are also many eldest young masters who come to our gilding, but they are truly capable and can continue to do in the patrol knights... Tres and you are two."

"I'm very optimistic about you."

"It's overrated, Captain."

Ian answered calmly. Then Frostmark encouraged him a few more words and left.

He just came to witness Ian's seal, and did not intend to get involved in the affairs of the Ellen family.

"I didn't expect that you would become a land lord!"

After seeing off his second uncle and the deputy head of Frostmark, Isengard looked even happier than Ian: "This is really good, I didn't expect Viscount Grant to recommend you..."

He patted the boy's armor, and said with some emotion: "He actually let you out like this? I remember that nobles like to keep geniuses in their hands?"

"He has a child. If I can become his child's teacher, the Viscount will definitely be happier than I am under his command."

Ian shook his head. Compared with the young master Yisen, he understood the psychology of the nobles better.

He quite understands the viscount's thoughts - in the final analysis, even if he becomes a lord, he has to accept the viscount's affection. Even if you are promoted, you must show affection when you meet the old superiors in the army.

And in this way, Ian will also become the Viscount's best assistant around the Onyx Plain. The cooperation between the two sides is definitely closer than the cooperation between Baron Ryan and Viscount Grant. This is a win-win situation.

"That's what you said." Isengard didn't think so much. He nodded and took Ian to the attached hall on the side: "Let's go, take off the armor, the luncheon is about to start."

Ian followed, and took off his armor - one thing to say, this technical level has actually reached the point of full information battle, and the war in the world of Terra may not be the same as he imagined.

The Ellen family luncheons were generally quite lavish, and even Ian was amazed when the waiters and maids presented a variety of dishes.

First of all, the dishes were quite bright and colorful. There were pickled olives from the Haga Peninsula, pickled with a special local rock salt, which can adjust the stomach. I noticed that this thing can even be used directly as a raw material for healing medicines, but as an ingredient, it tastes very crisp, refreshing and sweet, and the post-cutting process adds to its fragrance.

In addition, there are wide-shaped ice strips placed in a long porcelain plate with various honey and dairy products placed above the ice strips, and there is also an Maple syrup honey dessert, the former is a rare high-sugar maple species, and the latter is a psionic creature.

The nests of the cloud-winged acid bee are mostly underground, and various fermented honeys will be brewed due to the difference in the surrounding ecology and plants. This honey has different effects according to the taste and fermentation properties, as well as the psionic characteristics of the local bee colony. Honey that can be eaten directly as food is even more precious.

Ian tasted it and felt that his perception was slightly improved. In addition to the refreshing sour and sweet taste, the honey component of Yunyi Sour Bee can also temporarily improve the perception of the eater and better perceive the deliciousness of various dishes.

"Is it better to use sublimation materials as ingredients?"

Ian thought, and the next thing was all kinds of main dishes.

Beef steak, lamb meat, stewed fish soup, nut platter, and a stew similar to the beast stew that Marquis Patton liked. A variety of seafood are evenly placed in the large porcelain basin, the color is golden brown and brown. The thick soup has a charming aroma.

Ian glanced at it and saw seven or eight different kinds of mild animal meat.

These dishes are all extraordinary. The head of the bull is a kind of magical beast. Although its meat is tough, it has a strange mellow aroma. Regular consumption can increase its potential in terms of strength. Lamb meat is even more extraordinary. It comes from The Cangtian Royal Court, which has a cute name called 'Ball Ball Sheep', is also a kind of magical beast. Its thick spherical fur can generate electricity through friction, and form a huge 'voltage charge' by rolling on the grassland in clusters. , or even a 'Maglev Charge'.

Because of this, the muscles and fat under the sheep's skin are quite developed and difficult to eat, but the lamb meat is absolutely delicious, and it is a frequent guest at the banquets of the Khan royal court.

"It's a little outrageous. How many thousand thalers are needed for such a table?"

Even the well-informed Ian couldn't help but feel a bit outrageous. In contrast, the meal that Marquis Barton invited him to eat was just a little snack that the old man ate while chatting with his junior. Chat with him over drinks.

Is this the cost of the great aristocracy? To be honest, Ian felt that even in the imperial capital, the standard was a bit high.

He raised his head and looked at Isengard.

Then Ian was shocked to find that this guy was still drinking stamina potion!

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