Above The Sky

Chapter 493 Mrs. Ellen And Becoming A Lord (33)

After Isengard finished packing, he took Ian out, preparing to attend the luncheon set up by Mrs. Ellen.

According to the blond boy, his mother really wanted to meet Ian, the young talent who saved her son.

When leaving, Ian spoke to Hua An and Frost Butterfly, and Hua An had already heard the conversation between Ian and Yisen in the study, so naturally he would not say anything more.

And Yisen also gave the two goblins a card. With this card, they could eat and drink for free in several restaurants under the Ellen family, and immediately made the two goblins cheer. , but free things are happy to eat.

Ian and Yisen got on the alchemy cart of the Ellen family and drove to the second floor area.

There are residences of the great nobles and the core parts of some powerful families. There are many guards strictly guarding them, and there are even armored patrols. It is impossible for ordinary people to approach this place.

The main house of the Cieharorvo family in those days was located here... When Ian looked through the car window in the direction of the family mansion described by Elder Pude for him back then, he could not see the house depicted in the old man's memory. All you can see is a high hall and a deep courtyard, a block of thick walls.

And at the entrances of the walls of these courtyards, the coat of arms and door plaques of some families are hung, and each surname is a famous name in the imperial capital and even in the empire.

"Actually, few of them are human."

Sitting in the back seat of the car with Ian, Isengard, like the teenager, looked at the mansion compound by the window: "The Adelaide family, the Isaac family, the Glass family... They are all the same as our Ellen family, They are nobles located in the frontier. The new generation of noble members of our family must come to the imperial capital to live, and these three families have not had any new direct members for more than 20 years, except for some guards and servants who clean and station here. , usually no one is there."

"And the Ed family over there... that is the main family of a famous Iron Nation clan in the imperial capital. Just like your Chehalorvo family, it has a considerable position."

"Stop talking about that."

Ian sighed. He lay on the soft cushion of the alchemy cart: "My current status is, to be clear, the 'after the refugees'. What does the Cehalorvo family have to do with me?"

The driver of the car was unaware of this, and his expression remained unshakable.

The difference between an alchemy car and a car is that the fuel for the alchemy hearth is more expensive, but the power is more powerful, so it can be mounted with very thick armor, and the alchemy car used by nobles to travel is incredibly thick.

In addition, some ordinary civilian and military alchemy vehicles may also need wheels... But some high-end alchemy vehicles can already fly in the sky as a simple air transportation tool.

Just like the 300-meter-high city wall of the imperial capital, ordinary people need to use a cable car to go up, but aristocrats can take a flying car to directly enter the passage.

As soon as he saw this thing, Ian used a silver chip to scan the entire structure of the flying car - and then he sighed, there really are all kinds of strange things on the land of Terra... Then when will the super-giant floating aircraft carrier also be Come out and show him?

But Ian didn't have time to think about the possibility of Terra's floating aircraft carrier. Isengard shook his head and interrupted his imagination: "Isn't the status of a refugee for three generations? You are three generations later, and you must not be a refugee anymore. ."

"Oh?" Ian thought for a while and realized that his great-grandparents were the exiles, his grandparents were the second generation, and his parents were the third generation.

His generation had just gotten rid of the refugee status, he wondered: "Then I am a normal citizen of the empire? No wonder Elder Pude always said that I am the hope of the family. It turns out that from my generation, the white people of Port Harrison You can really restart the struggle.”

So chatting with Isengard in a row, Ian observes the outside world.

He noticed that the security of the second floor area had really reached an incredible level.

As far as the area he just passed through, there are about 300 very elite guards patrolling the entire second floor area, I am afraid that there are thousands of guards who can be called elite soldiers patrolling.

In this place, not a single mosquito can fly into it.

But here...the vast majority are empty rooms.

Thinking of the many small town residents who are still worried about the temporary residence permit in the vast land outside the imperial capital, Ian can't help but sigh.

They came to the main house compound of the Ellen family on the second floor.

Behind the three-person towering wall, the five-story-high, marble-like building like a small castle was brightly lit. Almost every window and doorway that could expose the light was shining brightly gold, proving that someone was indeed moving.

The alchemy cart passed through the automatic opening gate and parked in the parking space beside it. Ian and Isengard got off the car, but they found that there was a beautiful woman wearing a silver bottom and red borders and a fine silk robe standing at the door. His long golden hair was rolled up, and a string of silver-white pendants hung from his slender neck, making his skin even more white.

She looked at her son and the white-haired boy beside him with a complicated look.

"Mom? Why are you outside?"

Seeing this scene, Isengard couldn't help feeling astonished, and stepped forward quickly.

Mrs. Ellen is a true noble with royal blood. In theory, such a noble would never do anything that would damage his identity-Which noble's wife would stand at the door to greet guests? This is really too much.

"I want to see you for the first time, what? What rules do you think will keep your mother in check?"

The blond woman snorted coldly, obviously, even if a royal princess married as a wife, it was very different from the idea of ​​ordinary nobles: "I said, last night, or this noon, bring your friend to see you. I...then you didn't text me last night."

She approached her son, stretched out two slender fingers, and pinched Isengard's face: "Why, the wings are hard?"

——No wonder Isengard was always 'my mother said my mother said...' at that time, so Mrs. Avlina is this character? I said why is he a bit of a mommy...

Looking at this scene, Ian showed a clear expression.


Isengard's cheeks and neck were hot, and his snow-white skin was flushed at the moment, especially after he noticed his friend's clear eyes behind him, he immediately became even more ashamed: "Mom... I was wrong... I just felt You know it all..."

"I know, it's not that I have everything to do with you...it's that you are clear about the importance of priorities and procedures...it's only good for your future."

Her son's obedient confession and lovely begging for mercy were clearly satisfying, but Mrs. Ellen sighed.

This gesture does not follow the same mold as Isengard, it is indeed the biological mother and son: "You have grown up, you will definitely hide something from me. This friend is just fine. If you meet someone who doesn't know them next time. Dangerous friend meeting?"

"You are responsible for your own safety."

Then, she looked at Ian.

"Ian...that's a nice boy indeed. But I thought you'd come in armor, so that would be much more convenient."

Mrs. Ellen's words made Ian and Ethan stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and obviously didn't understand what the words meant.

But Ian reacted quickly, he raised his brows slightly, and had a hunch in his heart.

"Get ready to come in, dear boy. Go to the next room and put on your armor. Before the luncheon, we have an important thing to do."

Sure enough, Mrs. Ellen raised her head slightly. Although she met Ian for the first time, she seemed to have known the boy well for a long time: "That is your award ceremony - I remember that Ian led the one near the lake. Part of it? If you're not satisfied, you can choose anything except Laian City."

"All in all, congratulations, little knight. You've become the youngest lord ever in the history of Nanling."

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