Above The Sky

Chapter 490 Growing People (33)

When Ian woke up from this unexpectedly deep 'deep meditation', it had only been an hour.

The clock hanging in the hall of Isengard's mansion was ticking, and the sound of flipping through files could be heard in the blond boy's study.

Obviously, Isengard did not realize that his friend had gone to the fairy town in the virtual realm with a fairy friend.

At the same time, Hua An also woke up. She stretched and yawned: "Well... I feel a little sleepy. Good night, Ian, I'm going to bed too!"

Saying so, she staggered up and flew towards the back garden of the mansion, seemingly planning to set up a tent there.

As an earth-type fairy, Hua An still prefers to rest in a natural environment.

"Who said before that fairies don't need to sleep?"

Ian complained in his heart, stood up slowly, and carefully paid attention to the balance on his shoulders, so as not to wake the frost butterfly.

"Don't be too late, we can continue to discuss tomorrow."

Randomly found a room, Ian also greeted Isengard and told him to rest early.

After getting a serious response, Ian tidied up a little and lay down on the bed.

Anyway, he is a sublime, he has not fought recently, and his body is not dirty. The most important thing is that if you go to take a bath, Frost Butterfly will definitely wake up.

Washing tomorrow morning is the same.

Thinking like this, Ian closed his eyes and recalled the experiences and details of the recent period in his mind.

"Void Realm... Machine God." He muttered to himself in his heart: "It's only a heartless creature like a goblin who doesn't care, right? Such an incredible Void Realm giant... There must be other people behind him. The same kind, or even stronger fifth-level virtual realm gods."

"And then, it can already be regarded as a god."

The legacy of the pre-epoch civilization left in the virtual realm, I am afraid that now it has become a terrifying destroyer like the final deleter - plus the original virtual realm is probably not a good place, it may become more primitive than the prehistoric realm. The Wild Ages are even more dangerous.

But after all, what does all this have to do with him?

At least recently, Ian has no plans to explore the virtual world in depth - he always makes plans and then moves.

"Anyway, I want to sleep."

He made a decision, and then felt tired drowsiness welling up inside him.

In a feeling of contentment and security, in a state of mind that is warm and soothing.

Ian had the best sleep in two months.

After waking up in the morning, Ian finds his hair, shoulders and pillow covered with coffee-smelling ice water.

The awakened Frost Butterfly lay on it, looking at Ian innocently.

"You little guy..."

Ian snorted, reached out and touched Shuangdie's little head, making the other party show a (>.<) expression.

He suddenly discovered that raising a goblin might not be a very simple matter...but maybe it's okay? At least Frost Butterfly won't make the room full of hair and smelly like those who keep cats and dogs.

The coffee smell is not bad, Isengard probably won't wash the pillow by himself, let's talk to him.

"Play for yourself first, I'll take a bath." The young man instructed the little goblin.

"Okay~" Just being pressed on the small head, without being told or scolded, Shuangdie happily flew up and went to find Hua An to play.

And Ian took a shower.

In fact, with the power of Ian's water goblin bloodline and the ventilation ability of the air-wrapped armor, he is dusting his body all the time. In theory, he doesn't need to take a bath at all.

But the process itself, for teenagers, is actually a ceremony of thinking and summarizing.

"Besides me, my companions are also growing."

Straightening his long hair, Ian rinsed off the traces of coffee that might remain on the tips of his hair, as well as some impurities metabolized by the alchemy potion, he thought in his heart: "Sharks are getting smarter and Frost Butterfly has become a real goblin. ."

"Qingchao has become a swordsmanship teacher in Port Harrison, and Scott is also preparing to become a sublime - not to mention the little guy Ellen, the last time we contacted, his voice was obviously much more energetic, and in his arms With the help of the Church alone, it is estimated that the barriers to speaking will soon disappear."

"The most powerful is Isengard."

Ian was especially surprised by Isengard's growth this time in the imperial capital.

Two or three months ago, this young aristocrat who was not familiar with the world, has now become a 'smart person' who can make full use of his identity and status, collect and summarize a lot of information, and accurately analyze his current situation. .

And most importantly, this smart man didn't lose the hidden kindness in his heart... It is precisely because of this kindness that is extremely rare among the nobles that Ian looks at him differently.

After all, it's easy to ignore other people in cold blood, but it's really difficult to be able to endure the unbearable pain in your heart.

Not to mention, the young noble of the Norka family who met at the scene of the car accident before did not look at the victim from the beginning to the end.

He is real, he doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all, he only cares about the value of Ian to him.

"There are more and more people I know."

Ian recalled that he found that after he left Port Harrison, the number of people he knew increased at an extremely rapid rate.

For example, Anfa and Shio, who worship the Dragon Cult, and the elder Manya family.

Sister Yingguang of Huaiguang Church, and others, such as Miss Huaan, Marquis of Barton, Knight Tres and others.

"Sure enough, you still have to leave your hometown to see this world."

Ian tilted his head and rubbed his hair. He remembered Port Harrison and couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "I was thinking about whether to stay in Port Harrison all the time and slowly grow the fields... When it's almost time, Go out and practice again.”

"But now it seems that it is a bit too naive - the Empire has trains, cars and even a whole set of transportation systems at night, and the Imperial City is even more exaggerated to be a planetary shield generator - not to mention it is very popular in Harrison Harbor. It is difficult to have the tools and technologies to develop the South China Sea Labyrinth."

"Even if the Sequoia Base is really repaired, so what? Without enough manpower, it is far inferior to the big cities of the various countries, not to mention the still intact ruins of the pre-epoch civilization like the imperial capital. Central Metropolis."

Ian knew that if he wanted to realize his dream, he would definitely have to go back to Nanling to build his base.

But now is not the time... He doesn't even have the second energy level on the surface, so what if he has a territory?

Instead of fighting with a group of local noble knights, concealing his strength and slowly farming, he might as well travel around, looking for opportunities to improve his strength faster.

Just like this time, if I didn't come out and meet Miss Hua An, how could Ian go to the virtual realm under the guidance of the other party and come to the mysterious 'goblin town'?

Although he can't stay in the virtual realm for too long now, and he has not encountered any wonderful intelligence or the existence of the virtual realm to give him blessings and knowledge, but with training and persistence, he will always encounter.

This is something that the worm nest can't do.

"If I really want to farm, can I still have a worm nest to farm quickly? But even a worm nest can't do it. It is conceivable that if I want to achieve the future I want, it is definitely not something that can be achieved by simply living in one place and farming. ."

"I have to collect a lot of clues, collect a lot of key resources, and let me grow up quickly... and then lead the growth of a place."

After washing his hair, there is nothing else to clean up. Ian controlled the water flow away from his hair and body, and changed into a new clothes that Mr. Yinfang had prepared for him.

The inner lining is a white shirt with an alchemist's robe over it, and dark grey anti-corrosion gloves. There is a steel sword on the waist, and the badge of the patrol knight is pinned to the neckline... Although this knight badge is a little out of tune, it looks like a gold-red gem pendant from a distance, and it doesn't affect anything. .

Ian walked out the door, but heard the melodious piano sound.

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