Above The Sky

Chapter 487: Void Realm, Curtain And Dreamland (43. W Word Update, Ask For A Monthly Ticket~)

"This...is the Fairy Township?"

When Ian opened his eyes... or rather, used his soul to perceive the strange environment around him, he felt a deep shock.

This feeling is as if the whole body has turned into a huge eye, and the things that this eye can perceive are not bright and dark, and there is no color and temperature. Everything is just vague conceptual forms, huge buildings made of clouds of mist, mountains, cities and planets.

This is the world of the soul. Color is a reflection of a phenomenon caused by the absorption, refraction and scattering of light by matter. In the world of the soul, there is no light, and nature does not have everything that light brings.

But Ian can still feel...this world without color, but still colorful...and soul-stirring.

Just like the fog of different colors in his precognition horizon.

[Dangerous] [Friendly] [Good Trend] [Difference] [Bad Trend]…

Red, green, blue, grey, black...

It's hard for Ian to describe the feeling. The many trends that his soul perceives will naturally be converted into various colors in his thinking, and many 'predictions' will be given to him... This is a kind of synaesthesia, and it is also a way of human beings to protect their own thinking logic. Perception, a translation of the perception of the soul.

The young man looked around him, the light blue eyes shone, and endless mist surged up beside him, forming a whole world in the interlaced, endless light and shadow in these mists, shining all kinds of indescribable light spots and phantom mists.

And in the process, Ian saw Hua An.

In other words, it represents the 'image' of Hua An.

It was a ball of light, and there were many light and shadows rotating in the light ball, and this light and shadow expressed a rather long event.

——When the sunset gradually fell, and the twilight and the shadows of the mountains gradually mixed and blended, the shadows of birch with black spots gradually merged into this ambiguous boundary. The spirit that originated in the depths of the earth was born in this blurred and ambiguous boundary. He unfolded his soul and observed the first scene of this beautiful world...

It is 'Birch Dark'.

This is the goblin's 'real name' - not the simple adjectives that human characters can describe, not the tones that language can recite, but a kind of spiritual perception and emotion, a kind of 'emotional concentration' .


In addition to Hua An, in the entire soul perception, those huge buildings, creations, mountains and cities made of fog are also some kind of 'concentration of emotions and perceptions' and 'generalizations of information and concepts'.

They're the way they are, simply because Ian's instinct is what they should be.

And what about yourself?

Ian thought so and looked at himself.

Heh, he's also turned into a ball of light now.

A light sphere with a pure blue body and a slight silver pattern on the edge.

It's just that there is no light or shadow playing in this ball of light, just a dark blue wave.

"Miss Hua An..."

Ian complained to the light ball fairy who looked very happy: "You dare to let me try such a dangerous thing? I thought the fairy's meditation is at most under the subconscious ocean current."

"It's not dangerous for you."

And Hua An said as it should be: "The first time I saw you, I mistaken you for a fairy... Of course, it's not just your appearance, but your soul is very special, although it looks similar to ordinary people, but the core But very similar to our fairies!"

"The point is that your soul is not completely rooted in the body, but has an independent 'ego core', and as long as you have this ego core, you can ignore the anchor of the body like a real goblin, Come to this 'goblin town'!"


At this moment, Ian also understands a bit why he can cross the 'land of instinct' and come to the abyss beyond instinct.

The answer is the 'extreme realm' related to the soul that he condensed when he was at the first energy level 'fairy bloodline'.

It is it that has changed the essence of his soul, allowing his soul to have another small freezing point.

And the core of this freezing point is his own psychic energy... the self-talk that he heard when he was diving.

【Explore the unknown】

As long as Ian is exploring the unknown, he will never get lost.

This is his 'extreme domain'... the core of his soul that he condensed.

And the goblin?

Fairies don't have this kind of requirement that they have to do something so they won't get lost.

Because fairies do what they want to do!

Leprechauns are free!

Not only that, because the goblin is born without a body, the goblin can easily reach the deepest point without going through all kinds of hardships and struggles when meditating.

This species is truly unique.

"Is this the Fairy Township? Fairy's meditation is the process of arriving at Fairy Township?"

At this moment, Ian is still immersed in the emotion of this wonderful world around him.

If I have to describe it specifically, the 'fairy town' where Ian is now is completely composed of hazy mist, and there is everything in it, from luxury villas on the fifth floor to small bungalows on the first floor; from coconut trees from the southern country, To the unfrozen berries in the north... Here are all kinds of strange, everything, just like a dream.

And the earth under his feet is covered with hills and thorns, there are vast shadows of mountains in the distance, but there are waterfalls and creeks next to them.

"Yes, this is Fairy Township. Of course, that's what we fairies say."

And the light ball Huaan said in a relaxed tone, she walked side by side with Ian in this dream world: "In the period when the civilization of the pre-epoch was considered very ancient, this field was called [the gate of the virtual world] [the place of the curtain] ] and [Dreamland]. At that time, this area was very barren and violent, like a great plain often ravaged by tornadoes, and like a sea area often swept by typhoons, and only fairy villages took root here.”

"But later, the pre-epoch civilization came here and transformed it into what we see today - at that time, they called it [Psionic Cyberspace] [Electronic Spirit World]."

"However, we like to call it [Dream World] or [Fairy Township]!"

"Isn't this different from fairy towns like Anle Township?" Not changing his face, he wrote down these mysterious titles. Ian raised his head and stared at the sky of this 'Fairy Township'.

What shocked him was that there was an incomparably dazzling sea of ​​stars in the sky of Fairy Township. A huge Milky Way across the sky shone above many misty mountains and cities, releasing either warm or icy brilliance.

And when Ian was shocked, Hua An also responded with a smile: "Of course, so it doesn't have a name. Although this place was not made by us, we have the most fairies and were the first to discover intelligent life here, so it's called that! "

According to Hua An's description, this pure soul psionic world, which was first called 'Void Realm', existed in an extremely ancient age. The pre-epoch civilization also discovered this place when conducting psionic research, and then kept trying. Take this place and build it into a huge repository, a lag-free world connecting the world.

At that time, all kinds of resonance signals echoed throughout the virtual world all the time. Many psionicists, scientific researchers and artificial intelligence wearing professional infiltration equipment came here to conduct some research that could not be carried out in the real world.

In this invisible and qualityless world, human beings use their own will and concepts to bring order to the violent virtual realm (hereinafter collectively referred to as the virtual realm) - the land of extremely chaotic souls, because the souls of order settle in, Therefore, it has also transformed into the visual concepts and codes that Ian saw before.

However, the cataclysm destroyed this place together.

It wasn't just a disaster that happened in the real world... Even the invisible realm of the soul was not immune from that huge disaster.

"Since then, we goblins have lost much of our shared memory and knowledge."

Hua An said softly, her tone carrying a little nostalgia: "For the research on the civilization of the pre-epoch, we fairies are uniquely endowed, because up to now, only us fairies are still active here, but not every fairies You can enter at any time.”

"Too weak, or even unsettled goblins can't go to the depths, free to walk in the virtual world, they can only linger in the goblin's settlement."

"Look, Ian. These broken cities, these broken giant machines, and those crazy mountains and clouds in the distance, those are all ruined, and now only the remains of the pre-era civilization heritage."

"There, there are the last memories and obsessions of many dead psionicists... and some artificial psionic intelligences who have lost their masters are still wandering in the depths of those wreckage, intending to wake up their masters, or wait new owner."

"But don't get close to them. Over a long period of time, these residual obsessions and intelligence have become extremely terrifying monsters in the virtual realm, and even viruses that can infect the soul."

"But even so, we still need to guard this place. Because, this is a labyrinth... A huge, full of death and unknown, but contains hope and knowledge..."

"Relics of Pre-Epoch Civilization."

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