Above The Sky

Chapter 453: Face Pinching Lovers

Not to mention the pre-epoch period.

After the catastrophe, the hometown of fairies was the 'Starfall City' next to the Furious Sea. There is the "ancestral land" of all the inherited fairies on the Terra Continent today.

But the world is so vast, and as time goes by, there are four 'townships' outside the city of Falling Stars as strongholds for fairies from all over the world.

"Huanxin Township" located in Whale Song Cliff; "Anle Township" located in the Elan Mountains; "Jiao Yue Township" located in Canaan Moore and "Amazing Township" located in Faran Island.

These 'goblin towns' are all gathering areas of psionic energy fields that are located in the deep mountains and inaccessible to ordinary people. It is difficult for ordinary people to find them, even close to these areas.

Hua An is a goblin from Anle Township. The reason why she crossed the entire empire and came to Nanling is precisely for the possible existence of the "primitive goblin gathering place" in the "South China Sea Great Labyrinth".

This is not a trivial matter... Any gathering place in the psionic field that naturally breeds fairies has the qualification to become a 'goblin town'.

Of course, not every natural breeding place can become a fairy town, but it is definitely necessary to explore in the past.

Hua An is the messenger of Anle Township, and her destination is Harrison Harbor.

It was precisely because she was keenly aware of the aura on Ian and Frost Butterfly that might be related to the South China Sea Great Labyrinth, so she ran over to greet the boy and the others.

As for helping...it's just a momentary itch, and the nature of a fairy.

"This awakening potion..."

After understanding Hua An's mission, Ian couldn't stop nodding, admiring that the other party guessed right, he and Frost Butterfly were indeed from Port Harrison, which made the goblin girl look a little shy, but smiled happily.

After that, he looked a little distressed: "After all, I'm really not a real goblin. How can I use this awakening potion? Do you want Shuangdie to drink it, or take a bath?"

In the blue alchemy bottle, the medicinal liquid is quite thick, but it does not stick to the wall.

It should be an alchemical potion unique to fairies.

Of course Ian would use it. However, occasionally showing their weakness and seeking help from others will make some people feel happier and more willing to help themselves.

There is no doubt that Hua An is this kind of fairy. Although I have known each other for less than an hour, Ian's eyesight has roughly found her core temperament in this warm and cheerful, gorgeous and elegant but approachable fairy. .

That is like taking care of people like a mother.

"Simple, I'll teach you."

Just as Ian thought, he fluttered his wings and came to the boy, Hua An happily guided him slowly: "Come on, pour the awakening potion into this water pool, and gather the water attribute source quality..."

Ian complied.

The alchemy bottle was opened, and the sea-blue awakening potion gurgled down from the mouth of the bottle, causing the blue ink-like traces to spread in all directions, seeping into the surrounding sand, turning the entire pool into a deep blue ocean.

There was a fresh sea flavor in the air, and Frost Butterfly, who was crawling on Ian's head, let out an exclamation, and then grabbed the teenager's hair.

And Ian saw with the vision of precognition that as the awakening potion spreads to the surrounding environment, the rich natural psychic energy of the water attribute will naturally gather and condense in this pool of water.

Condensed into a small, translucent crystal.

"It's now." Hua An can clearly see this, she waved her small umbrella and guided her earnestly: "Let Shuangdie go in and hold that crystal!"

And Ian also instructed without hesitation: "Frost Butterfly, hurry up, hold it."

Whoosh, hearing Ian's instructions, Frost Butterfly, who was already eager to try, cheered and rushed into the pool with a cool breeze.

The ice-blue leprechaun hugged the translucent crystal tightly—the elemental crystal of pure water-attribute essentia—with a comfortable expression, the wings behind the frost butterfly were originally regular geometric shapes in the shape of ice crystals, although it looked Beautiful, but quite fragile, but now, the ice crystal flower is growing rapidly, spreading in the water, becoming thick and strong, making the shape more stable.

"Awakening potion can activate the surrounding natural psychic energy and be absorbed and utilized by some special beings, that is, our fairies."

At this time, Hua An has taken out a full set of equipment from his tent, and Ian watched the fairy girl who looked like a princess skillfully take out all kinds of drills, pliers, hammers from the small toolbox With the carving knife, she instantly became an elite craftsman: "Frost Butterfly has reached a critical point, she has been cultivated very well, obviously because you have kept her by your side, and absorbed your pure water source quality."

"But even so, coupled with the catalysis of the awakening potion, at most it will make the 'spirit core' of this primitive descendant mature... In human terms, there is only 'fairy light', no wings and no body, and more Not to mention structures such as the Elementium Engine."

After arranging the tools, Hua An reached out to Ian: "Quick, Frost Butterfly probably still needs some time to absorb the source material to grow."

"I already know that you have prepared her body material for Frost Butterfly, now let me process it!"

"It was really hard work."

Ian stared at Frost Butterfly, who seemed to be sleeping in the pool, but smiled, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He took off the small freezer from his waist, took out Shuixiangdie's energy gathering shell, and took out some ore materials and alchemy bottles from the alchemy material box: "That's all, is that enough?"

"The first energy-level high-level Warcraft's water-based energy gathering shell, sublimation ice dew, suspended sea dust and sand with a purity of more than 99%, and non-melting ice! You are well prepared, especially this energy gathering. The shell is so delicately handled."

Seeing the materials prepared by Ian, Hua An, who had prepared a full set of equipment, showed a surprised expression. She thought she needed a big fight, and by the way, she offered some friendly help.

Unexpectedly, Ian's preparation was so thorough, and she even preprocessed all the materials, saving her a lot of trouble.

Rather, without her help, Ian might be able to use a certain method to ensure that Frost Butterfly's advanced enlightenment is carried out perfectly... Come here by myself, it is not the imaginary help in the snow, but the icing on the cake.

- You can't lose in this regard!

"It's amazing, but I'm not bad!"

Thinking of this, she nodded solemnly: "These materials, combined with the 'white shell of the surging snail' that I originally wanted to use, are definitely a luxurious match for the goblin of the first energy level."

Tide snail is a kind of water-type monster. It is good at spouting water to move and create vortex to prey on. The inner wall of its white shell is snow-white with a translucent texture, which is close to the water-type source substance, and is extremely strong.

"The energy-gathering shell is used to make the core of the Elementium Engine that wraps the light of the fairy, the wings of the fairy are made of non-melting ice and suspended sea dust, and the inner wall of the white shell is used as the outer armor... huh, these condensed ice dew act as the Buffer and conducted 'goblin blood'...perfect!"

Taking the materials from Ian, Hua An immediately controlled the essentia, and at the same time manipulated more than ten different tools to start processing all the materials.

The energy-gathering core that Ian transformed into the core of the small freezer quickly changed its appearance in her hands. All the redundant parts that had nothing to do with the required essentia structure were eliminated, leaving only a sparkling circle in the end. The blue crystal was infiltrated by the sublimation ice dew and suspended in the air.

The non-melting ice merged with the floating sea dust and sand, and it was shaped like a butterfly wing, and the inner wall of the film-like white shell was slowly bent, almost melting, and turned into a delicate fairy humanoid in Hua An's hands. , filled in all the structures and added many inscription details.

Although the face is still unclear, just the human-shaped snow-white skin, elegant curves, and the body structure that looks like a real person, even more beautiful than a real person, almost like a work of art... is enough to be amazing!

This fairy lady is a veteran in sculpture and inscriptions!

It would be better to say that with the size and precision of the goblin, she was born to be a master of engraving runes and sculpting figurines!

However, the joints of this humanoid are not very detailed, but the same as the doll... but according to Ian's observation, he noticed that the joints under the long birch gauze skirt seemed to be the same.

Seems to be a personal preference.

"Hoohoo, you're done!"

Ian put his hands on the ground and carefully observed the process of Hua An's processing of the entire 'fairy body'. The fairy girl made a satisfied voice: "I didn't expect my craftsmanship to fall down, but it's still so perfect!"

"Indeed, it is an extremely exquisite skill..." He softly agreed, the young man felt that he had benefited a lot.

The process recorded by the silver chip will become a teaching material that will be played repeatedly in his mind in the next few days, improving Ian's proficiency in the finishing of Warcraft materials and inscriptions.

"Thank you very much..." Before the young man could finish speaking, Hua An waved his hand, used the source material to control the goblin's body, and handed it to Ian: "If you want to thank you, you can talk about it later—for now, it's up to you to take care of the future of Frost Butterfly. give her body!"

"After all, you are her 'father', aren't you?"


Ian held his breath slightly, and when he took over the body of the Frost Butterfly Fairy, he heard Hua An's words and almost groaned.

- Why am I a father? Then according to this statement, aren't you the mother of the child who shaped the body of Frost Butterfly?

Resisting this desire to complain, Ian controlled the unstable goblin's body in his hands, and according to Hua An's instructions, he personally sent it into the pool.

Frost Butterfly, who was holding the crystal of the water element, sensed something, woke up from her deep sleep, and reached out her hand to touch the body.

Then, in an instant.

In the entire pool, all the blue that the awakening potion diffused, as well as the body of Frost Butterfly, all converged into one and turned into a ray of light.

The water pool dyed with the Awakening Potion instantly became clear and transparent, and at the same time, an ice-blue, clear and pure light... a little star shining in the water.

Like a meteor, it merges into the body of the fairy.

In an instant, it was originally considered to be exquisite, but no matter how you look at it, it was just a statue or a doll's goblin body, and suddenly an extremely agile and active breath of life appeared.

The water-type awakening potion contains a lot of sublimation materials needed by water-type goblins, which is why Hua An went to prepare in his tent before.

Frost Butterfly resonates with the materials in the awakening potion and the surrounding psionic energy fields, and achieves the activation of its own source material and psionic energy, and gradually controls all the sublimation material components in the potion, turning it into the body of its own body. part'.

This is why Hua An said before that Ian cultivated the frost butterfly very well.

Because only a native fairy with a strong enough spirit core can master the sublimation materials in a whole bottle of awakening potion without any waste!

And now, it can be seen that the long white hair made of some kind of soft gelatin medium is gradually emerging and condensing, and there seems to be a light blue brilliance flowing under the snow-white skin, and the rigid and stable limbs and joints of the goblin's body are now beginning to Be active and show the power of life.

The butterfly-shaped wings gently flapped, and the energy-gathering shell in the body also started to operate, emitting a light blue light, causing the ice crystal cold fog to revolve around him.

Frost Butterfly is mastering every detail of her new body.

"It's now!"

When watching the scene of Frost Butterfly constructing the details of her body spontaneously, Hua An suddenly showed an extremely excited expression.

She flew up, grabbed the edge of Ian's air wrapping armor, shook it gently, and said in a slightly coquettish voice: "Quick, Ian, let's do it together..."

"Together..." Ian felt a huge force that was enough to throw the pinecone wild boar swaying him - the power of the goblins has nothing to do with their size, can enter subsonic speed casually, and seriously can supersonic psionic energy Are creatures joking? .

He managed to stabilize his body, and then came back to his senses and said, "What are we going to do together?"

Miss Leprechaun showed a natural expression: "Then there is no need to say that?"

"Of course it's a pinch!"

------off topic-----

Update 2 chapters of 6000 words today, think about the follow-up plot of the imperial capital!

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