Above The Sky

The 449Th Chapter Looking Up At The Sky (13)

In the dark night, there was a muffled sound of thunder, low and heavy, roaring.

The young man slept very lightly, and the air-wrapped armor leaning on the camel beast's flank trembled slightly, proving that the master was waking up from a short-lived dream.

Half of the sky near the Great Rift Valley of Butte was obscured by overcast clouds, thunder roared, and half was a dark night sky, silent.

They are clearly separated and do not affect each other, and the vast cloud pillar that reaches the top of the sky not far away is constantly turning, just like the giants in ancient myths sticking out their arms from the nuclear abyss of the earth, stirring the kingdom of gods erected on the seventh-level ladder .

A pair of cyan eyes opened, with a little panic in his eyes, the young man took off his helmet in a short breath, raised his head and stared at the sky, staring at the distant and vague pitch-black curtain.

The phantom moon and the new moon, the intact and broken moons hang on both sides of the sky, just like a pair of dead twilight eyes, watching everything in this land.

In the darkness of the few stars, there are still a few stars twinkling. Although they are lonely, they still exist. They are not like a dream. dissipate.

Ian woke up from the dream and broke out in a cold sweat, until he was sure that the stars in the sky had not dimmed again, and his breathing calmed down.

"It's like this again... a dream?"

Bowing his head and hanging his long eyelashes, Ian sighed, the light blue light in his eyes fluctuated with his breathing.

He stretched out his hand to reach his neck, and stared at the cold water droplets with a wry smile: "I'm in a cold sweat."

"Really, only the body hasn't grown up, and I'm still a child."

Ian stood up slowly and controlled the Elementium to remove the armor, ready to breathe.

He never wanted to look up on a wilderness night.

Because in the night sky of Terra Continent, there will not be a vast and bright river of stars, nor will there be stars all over the sky dotted with darkness.

Here, there is only a dark void, like a huge mouth, like a bottomless abyss, to swallow the whole world and make everything fall into it.

Ian didn't like the feeling. The remaining stars were no comfort to him, but a wake-up call that kept him feeling urgency and anxiety.

he does not like. I don't like this world. Terra Continent is blocked by nameless darkness, and the stars in the sky are dimmed one after another.

He always doesn't like this feeling, just as he doesn't like to read the end of a book or meet new friends.


After reading a book, it will be melancholy, and the long chapter will end here.

After a person dies, the coffin will be finalized, and there is no other possibility.

Of course he didn't like it. Who would like the unspeakable melancholy behind the hinge, the helpless silence after the event?


Ian will still read the next book.

will meet another person.

Will go...to explore another world.


Using his own essence to dry the clothes, and also to remove the dust and dirt left by the battle with the magneto-optical knight inside and outside the armor, Ian sighed when he raised the iron sword of the Abyss: "Those children, Baron Ryan, and others . A lot of people I killed."

"You can survive in the world where I was in my previous life, in the era where I was in my previous life.

You don't have to die, you don't have to do evil, you don't have to be harmed by evil. "

"It is this world, this era, that cannot carry your dreams and pains."

Frost Butterfly flew out of the small box on the waist of the air wrapping armor, and flew around Ian with some doubts, and he raised his slender fingers and made the little fairy land.

Originally like a goblin made of pixels, now it looks much more delicate. Looking at this cute little guy, the teenager also smiled slightly: "Shuangdie, I have too many secrets, I can only tell you now."

"When you have wisdom too, I can only think on my own."

The little goblin tilted his head, obviously not understanding what the big goblin was saying, but Ian didn't care, he touched the sharp adamantine blade of the long sword, feeling the cold and dangerous touch .

A beautiful world should have infinite possibilities.

In a good era, no one should be judged.

The starry sky is the symbol of that world and era.

For an unhappy country, a society that is not rich; a world that is neither beautiful nor full of longing for the future.

No one yearns for distant stars.

——But what if even the stars have dimmed?

That may be the greatest terror and the greatest doom.

It just doesn't matter.

Even in such a world...he would move on.

"Let's go, Shuangdie, go back to the small freezer, you are about to advance, I have to prepare for you."

Lowering his eyes, Ian shook his head slightly to the little guy. The azure-blue water element was lit up around the boy's body, and even the ends of his hair had clear brilliance flowing, causing the air wrapping armor to start spontaneously, covering his body.

White hair fell down his shoulders and hung behind him, and Ian wiped the blade to make it shine even more, as if completing a ritual.

He took the Chongyuan Iron Sword back into its scabbard, and his eyes regained firmness once again.

Frost Butterfly returned to the ice box, and the boy who was also worried and lonely returned to the original prophet who was calm, rational, fearless, never hesitated, and communicated with anyone without any flaws.

Because there is nothing to stop.

He is Ian.

Look up to the sky.

He is going to the stars.

It's that simple.

After several days of trekking, Ian has reached the side of the Butte Rift Valley, and now he will arrive at the town in front of the bridge at dawn.

After fighting with the Magneto Light Knight and finishing the scene, Anfa and Pansha left with the Purple Maple Knight.

They need to rush back to the Baisen Mountains as soon as possible to avoid encountering the knights sent by the marquis-although everyone may have a tacit understanding, but if they really meet, let alone one, they must pay some hard work and waste a lot of time, right?

Maybe it's pointless to carry some unnecessary pots.

When cleaning up the battlefield, Pansha secretly found Ian and asked if the boy had any other relatives. After learning that he had only one younger brother, the grandson of the elder Manya, the leader of the new generation of Afud, was quite disappointed.

"I occasionally met a mysterious beautiful girl from Yagubu, but she suddenly disappeared recently. It's a pity, I still want to go to propose marriage someday..."

While muttering, he leveled the land and destroyed some of the traces that the boy had instructed that needed to be dealt with.

Anfa told Ian using the secret method of keeping his voice quiet that the beautiful girl from the mountain people that Pansha saw was actually Heo... At that time, the king of the mountain liked to have a daughter, so Heo had been walking in the attitude of a girl for more than ten years.

A perfect creature like a dragon has no gender at all, and the King of the Mountain himself often walks in the mountains in the image of a beautiful woman and a mature man.

"Then he... whose face did she use then?"

Ian asked curiously, and then noticed that Anfa, who has always been good-natured, was also sullen, and it was clear that he didn't need an answer.

But the strange thing is that it's just borrowing a face, so what's there to be angry about?

Now Heo is also using his face, why is he not angry now?

As for the Purple Maple Knight, he has been tied up all the time, but he is quite safe.

The relationship between Anfa and the Purple Maple Knight is obviously a little delicate. Although Ian has not seen many romance dramas, the elements of 'same clan', 'familiarity', 'undercover same organization', 'enemy and friend' can make people imagine a lot of things .

As for the corpse of the magneto-optical knight, it had long been thrown into the abyss by Ian.

Those are nine lava caves formed by cooling in the lowest depression in the basin. Because of the cooling time and geological changes, a series of huge abysses have been formed - those nine cave openings are just entrances, and there is a whole set of underground ecosystems running inside. .

Some scholars speculate that there is a small and medium-sized labyrinth in the depths of this place, but it is not. It is a spectacle created by a simple and peculiar geological structure.

Walking around the abyss, Ian didn't even encounter half of the rumored war beasts and the herds of beasts that ravaged the wilderness.

Except when he came to the edge of the abyss to throw the corpse, Ian vaguely sensed that a rather grand voice was echoing in the rock formations in the depths of the abyss, and he never encountered those local aboriginal beasts who were said to be very hospitable from beginning to end.

It can only be said that the war beasts are really extraordinary, not only in the aspect of battle, but also in the aspect of admitting counsel.

To this end, Ian had to open the vision of vision, forcibly find a monster with water properties hiding in the small lake next to him, and take out the 'energy-gathering shell' of the 'Shuixiang Butterfly'.

As for why, of course, it is to pave the way for the advancement after Frost Butterfly.

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