Above The Sky

Chapter 446 The Secret That Shouldn't Be Explored (13)

The magneto-optical knight was not so easy to die, but the Chongyuan iron sword coated with fine gold was too sharp, not only pierced through his armor, but also shattered his sublimation organ behind his heart, the Thunder Thunder. Heart'.

The core essentia organ was destroyed, and Ian's water system essentia froze his blood flow around it, which made the magneto-optical knight die without even having a chance to explode.

Yes, the magneto-optical knight can self-destruct - his Thunder Heart has a tendency to gather energy and explode just now. energy storage capacity.

The most thorny stunt of the thunder giant rhino is to detonate one of its three hearts, which greatly strengthens its control over the source of the lightning element in an instant, and then turns its body into a bomb, so that the All enemies turned to dust.

If Ian wasn't a prophet, I'm afraid he would be involved.

But he was, so he didn't give the Magneto Light Knight this chance.

"Well... no, he still has to blow himself up."

Less than a second after the sword was retracted and the magneto-optical corpse fell to the ground, Ian knew that things were not that simple.

Not to mention that he didn't plan to reveal his strength, even if he was forced to reveal it, it couldn't be so strong that the magneto-optical self-destruction couldn't be used.

Accidentally, wrong again - he should fight a little more and act.

Thinking of this, he took out three bottles of thunder-type potions from the alchemy pocket on his waist, and after half a second, he gritted his teeth and took out several bottles of fire and transpiration potions.

Ian threw down the thunder potion with a painful look on his face, then mixed the fire potion and the transpiration potion with the power of the goblin, and then threw it on the corpse of the magneto-light knight.

After the thunder potion was broken, it spread immediately. The magneto-optical corpse and armor that were originally frozen by Ian's source material became the core of the concentration of these potions. Even the city-breaking gun entered the charging state and began to operate spontaneously.

The fire medicine that can follow is mixed with thunder, like boiling oil into water, producing an extremely violent reaction - the transpiration medicine is an excellent catalyst, which instantly accelerates this reaction to the point of being on the verge of detonation, and causes it to explode. These medicaments diffuse and transpiration, stirring thoroughly...

--boom! ! !

In an instant, the explosive airflow created a huge lightning flash, and the sudden strong wind blew all the dust and stone chips away. Ian could only control the air wrapping armor to lift off to avoid the strongest wave of impact.

A small mushroom cloud rose slowly, more than 100 meters high, and slender electric arcs flickered and flowed in the expanding fire cloud.

In the distance, in the hilly area, the Purple Maple Knight also saw this scene.

"Oops, what's going on with magneto-optical?"

The elf knight's face sank. Although she expected that Ian was not easy, at most Ian and Magneto were inseparable and escaped smoothly, while Magneto was caught up by the Dragon Cult member or the Marquis. Chasing soldiers to arrest this ending.

Yes. She can fully see that this operation is a desperate madness of Magneto Light, but in fact it does prove that Ian is really a core member of the Dragon Cult... If the plan goes well, she can get information about Anfa and Canaan Morgulong Information about the labyrinth.

But it was precisely because of this that she chose to run-because Ian had already prepared for it, which proved that the so-called 'raid' of Magneto-Light had failed from the very beginning.

If you don't leave as soon as possible, you will definitely be caught by the main force of the Dragon Cult chasing after him!

It's just a pity, she never thought that Ian had informed the Dragon Cult before leaving the city.

"Muir...why take the risk."

The Purple Maple Knight was about to turn around and head to the Western Province to try to contact Master Oak's team, but a green figure entered her field of vision.

With chains wrapped around his body and holding a long bow, An Fa floated down in front of Zifeng as if he was weightless, blocking his way.

Although he only had the strength of the first energy level, he was not nervous at all when facing Zifeng. The long-haired elf just sighed: "You don't need to get involved in this matter."

"Ann Farion..."

The elf knight's pupils shrank, her chest heaved for a moment, and then she calmed down: "You must be more than one person behind, right? I should have nowhere to run."

The Purple Maple Knight smiled and revealed a dangerous taste: "But you are only the first energy level, why do you dare to stand in front of me?"

An Fa, whose full name was given out, didn't speak, he just shook his head slightly: "Don't think about hijacking me and running away, you also understand that my inheritance... is just a restriction."

He stared at the same clan in front of him, and said softly: "Muyi Er, there is no need to be impulsive."

"Although you didn't succeed, the loyalty of the Gray Leaf family, whether it was me or Master Oak, saw that you didn't betray Canaan Moore - it has been the same for more than ten years."

"Maybe you will go through three to five years of refrigerated assessment in the future, but after that, you will definitely rise to the top. How could the Great House ignore a potential and loyal elf like you? Time is still long, so there is no need to rush it for a while."

"And you joined the Dragon Worship Cult!" Zi Feng clenched her fists tightly, she gritted her teeth and said, "No one has made any accusations against you!"

"Just because you belong to the Jhin Deng family? How can this be fair..."

An Fa glanced at Zifeng with strange eyes. He was a little funny, but he calmed down in the end: "I am a patient, and I came to worship the Dragon Cult for treatment... At least that's what the Great House said."

"Mui Yier, you have joined the Dragon Cult for so many years, why don't you understand it? There must be a reason for it to exist from the lost era to the present."

"And at the end of the day... we're not here to debate loyalty today."

He raised the bow in his hand and said calmly, "Do you want the future, or a momentary pleasure?"

Taking a deep breath, the Purple Maple Knight bit his lip.

She raised her hands reluctantly, expressing that she had no hostility: "...surrender."

"I surrender."

"Wise choice." Anfa's thoughts moved slightly, and the sound of metal chains colliding came from his waist, and two chains with reddish runes flashed out, binding the hands of the Purple Maple Knight. The one still wrapped around the other's eyes.

"What's next, Master Maester?"

After that, a mountain man suddenly appeared from the ground. He seemed to have been hidden in the mud before and was not discovered by anyone: "Do you need to help a group of knights? It seems to be fighting fiercely over there. look."

This mountain resident has silver-white hair like metal, and his skin is as blue and black as steel. He is obviously the same clan or descendant of Elder Manya.

"do not go."

Anfa shook his head. He raised his hand and stopped the young mountain people's eager actions: "There are some things that we shouldn't explore or know. I have secrets, you have them, and the knight naturally has them."

"Okay." Hearing this, the young mountaineer nodded, but hesitantly said, "Didn't Grandpa say that the first thing to do is to ensure the safety of the knight? He's not too old, so can he really stand it?"

The elf scholar narrowed his eyes. He glanced at the rising fire clouds in the distance, and nodded thoughtfully: "Of course I can."

"Don't underestimate this young friend, Pansha... He is currently fighting a fierce battle with a second energy level."

The two stood on the hill and waited silently, watching the series of explosions and shocks in the distance.

Swords were sonorous, armor shattered, ice and thunder intertwined, and finally ended in a low roar.

After a while, Ian, who was safe and sound, appeared in front of the two of them.

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