Above The Sky

Chapter 439 The Journey To The Imperial Capital (33)

Yes, let Mr. Yinfang transfer it to the Dragon Cult.

Ian is not stupid. After he really joined the Dragon Cult, can he still not see the background of Mr. Yinfang? What he wrote was quite obscure, but the old gentleman absolutely understood it and would help pass it on to Elder Manya and Anfa for him.

In this way, suspicion can be avoided.

After doing this, Ian began to pack his bags and prepare to leave Nauman City.

The longer they stayed in the city, the longer and more fully prepared Magneto and Zifeng were.

Ian doesn't intend to display the power of the second level unless necessary, and in that case, the less prepared the enemy is, the better.

Further north from Nauman City is the Golden Fields. If the name of the Onyx Plain comes from its magnificent scenery and gorgeous colors when viewed from above, then the Golden Field is very simple in nature.

There used to be quite a lot of gold reserves in this place.

The reason why the empire developed Nanling back then was precisely because a large number of gold mines were discovered in the golden field, and it was certain that there must be more abundant mineral reserves in the south... This is indeed true, but those minerals are stored in the Baisen Mountains. , it is not as simple as the golden field to excavate.

And the subsequent geological exploration proved that the Golden Field is not land in essence, it is a cooling zone of igneous rock caused by a super-giant lava eruption event, no more than 1,500 years ago, it should have occurred in the lost era A huge catastrophe.

But the catastrophe was pacified. The scorching lava rapidly cooled and solidified, exposing a large amount of minerals, and the mineral nutrients from the Great Desert of Flying Flames and the rainfall of Nanling gradually made the place flourish, forming a strange grassland ecology.

Here, there are huge spiral-shaped pits, loophole-shaped pits and hourglass-shaped pits formed by the cooling of lava, and there are also wide rifts, which make the cross-section of the mine veins exposed to the human vision.

And all kinds of geothermal spring resources and related ecology are natural nests, allowing many monsters to breed comfortably in this complex plain area.

And after crossing the golden field, it is the landmark building on the edge of the western province, the 'Diju Bridge' - it is an extremely magical geological wonder. It surged out towards the sky, and its wind was so smooth that it even made it possible for people to 'swim' in it, all the way through the Great Rift Valley to the other end.

In addition, the Empire also built a bridge here. This bridge cleverly used the wind from the depths of the abyss. It was built very quickly. Many workers were floating in the air. A major spectacle in the province, it has been imitated to this day as a celebration program.

After the bridge is built, it can bear the load stably without relying on the wind... and when you cross it, you can step on the official road that leads directly to the imperial capital.

"That's about it, they should attack me in this area."

Ian put away the map, he has determined the route, and roughly estimated the three possible locations where the magneto-optical and Zifeng attacked him.

The first one is a worry stone mine on the way when you first entered the golden field from the southern border. This ore can affect people's mood and is the key to the fear halo and intimidation ability of some magical beasts. The 'horror potion' also needs worry stone. of refining dust.

It is quite dangerous here, and there are not many people going there on weekdays, and it can also interfere with the operation of many alchemy equipment and even psychic accessories. Only some professional mining personnel will be here.

But as an alchemist, he would definitely go to see it and buy a batch of ores—it would be abnormal if he didn’t go.

And the second is a spectacle in the middle of the golden plain, the 'Nine Spinning Abyss'. There are as many as nine giant spiral-shaped hollow structures that reach the depths of the ground and are irregularly distributed here. Five of them are monster dens, and there are extremely rare cave monster ecology inside, which is officially designated by the empire as a 'key ecological observation area'. .

There are often powerful monsters here. Although there are no big monsters of the third energy level, that is, the beast king-level monsters, there are at least five monsters of the second energy level.

It sounds like they are not as many as those raised by the Nanling Sequoia natives... But the five second-level monsters here are all veterans who often bring their own groups to sweep, fight with each other, and start wars, and the general Warcraft is not the same thing.

What's more, there must be more beast leaders in the depths of the cave, but only five or so often appear on the surface.

If you run near here and die in danger, no one will say anything wrong.

As for the third one.

"It can only be the Bart Rift Valley. Because of the constant hurricane, the psionic field here is extremely disordered. Even if I have a communication device, it is useless. As long as I find the right time, I can be silently Assault."

Ian nodded slightly, he'd be prepared to deal with the battle in these three areas.

For example, 'Ningxin Potion', "Beast Repelling Fragrance" and "Beast Attraction Fragrance", as well as "Wind Affinity Potion" and "Transpiration Potion"...

The teenager entered the alchemy laboratory again, and he did not come out until the afternoon and evening, but he carried a row of colorful jars and test tubes on his body.

Ian didn't plan to change his mount, and still planned to ride the giant horned camel to the imperial capital - mainly because his luggage was too heavy and too heavy, and ordinary horses would not work at all, but if it was a carriage, it was too exaggerated and the goal was too big. If there is a battle in the middle of the time, it is more likely to be affected by the aftermath.

Dry food, tents, materials, utensils and various alchemical substrates. All the things that should be prepared have been prepared with the help of the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce.

Although there are still many delicacies to eat in Nauman City, many scenery not to be seen, some regrets... but it doesn't matter.

He always comes back.

Moreover, there is a wider world waiting for him to see.

So, Ian set off.

In 1973, in the first ten days of June, the temperature was rising day by day. Around the golden field, the distorted heat wave transpired water vapor, causing the shriveled grass and trees to sway in the hot wind. There was no greenery on the originally vast plain.

In this season, even the caravans travel at night, hiding in the shade of trees or waiting in caves during the day, otherwise, even the Terrans will end up with dehydration and heatstroke.

The sun was fierce, a camel beast slowly crossed the avenue in the wilderness, and the hot wind like a sauna blew, but the giant beast that was supposed to be exhausted from the heat seemed very energetic, because the one sitting on it was wearing armor. The many holes in the knight's body are releasing waves of cold air in a continuous cycle, inspiring the camel beast's energy.

There was not even the sound of insects on the open plain, only the sound of camels stepping on the road.

Two days have passed since he set off from Nauman City. He passed through many settlements and trading towns north of Nauman City, as well as new villages and towns built by refugees from the west in the hilly area, and saw a lot of local customs.

It is often said that Nanling is a land full of miasma and wild beasts. Although it struggles for material things, it is a barbaric land. Only those exiled refugees and almost crazy pioneers will come here.

But this is not the case. The people here are just as industrious and brave as they are building their own homes. The land here is nourished by the southerly wind and the minerals swept from the desert, making it unimaginably plump. Even refugees from the west come here. , as long as they build a village and start farming, they can barely support themselves.

The river flows down from the Baissen Mountains through valleys and hills to the golden fields.

These rivers and streams criss-cross the vast land, converge into lakes, and then flow in all directions, bringing large tracts of vegetation and plain forests, as well as sporadic small villages and towns.

Most of the villages and towns in the golden field rely on trade routes, and most of them are manors of various colors built under the protection of knights, planting some local specialties of spices or sublimation plants, which are the most common for the wilderness on Terra Continent. Countermeasures——Establish human settlements with the Ascended as the center, and then start to gain the benefits of the land, and then expand into towns around these settlements, and then become a prosperous paradise.

Although this will lead to the birth of batches of new nobles and even "exploiters", Ian does not think this method is wrong... At least, in this day and age, such behavior at least represents pioneering.

It's just that the refugees from the Western Region are flooded with manors, and the scenes of hard work still make him a little silent and don't know how to speak.

Is this oppression? Those refugees probably never think so. Even if their wages are lower than the local residents, they are at least still free people, and they are obviously employed. Those manor knights are willing to accept these people, let them settle down, and speed up the development of their villages and towns. Development, after all, these refugees have no fixed place, the oppression is too tight, what should I do if they go to someone else's territory?

What happened in the west? Ian originally thought that this was a manifestation of Archduke Thorin's unscrupulous use of war to squeeze the interests of the territorial people and prepare for the next war.

But no matter how crazy Archduke Sorin is, he will never oppress his subjects to such a state... Or, it is precisely because he can't support the pressure of the flying flames, and the empire does not provide assistance, so Have to surrender?

A kind of... a broken jar?

Then on the other side, is the reason for the rebellion of the fortresses in Flying Flame Land for the same reason?

Ian suddenly discovered that even though he used his vision to know the future development of the swarm's path, he knew that Archduke Thorin of the Western Territory would rebel, and so was the land of flames... But when the first wave of the turbulent era unfolded before his eyes, He still felt unbelievable.

When walking through the Worry Stone Mine, Magneto Light and the Purple Maple Knight did not appear. They probably didn't expect Ian to move so quickly. The two had just discussed joining forces and reached an agreement. Before they could continue the discussion, Ian had already set off in the afternoon and left Nauman City.

The Marquis of Baden must have known this, because Ian felt the gaze of the Marquis' guard several times along the way, and it didn't disappear until he crossed the hills and officially stepped into the golden field.

And on June 9th, when Ian was about to arrive at the place where the 'Nine Spinning Abyss' was located.

He suddenly sensed a familiar aura not far behind him.

——Is the attack finally coming?

The boy thought so, and then clenched the rechargeable water gun around his waist, ready to start fighting.

But soon, as the breath gradually approached, he took the water gun back again.

"How could it be you?"

Ian turned his head and looked back helplessly.


On the avenue behind him, two red-haired mountain men were riding horses, approaching him.

One was Shio—he was the same as before, running over excitedly.

The other is another old acquaintance of Ian.

The former mercenary leader of Port Harrison, Mountain People Lübeck.


At this moment, he looked at Ian and Shio with a look of astonishment. The mountain people watched the two of them back and forth, his eyes full of disbelief: "You know each other?!"

And Sio also turned his head in surprise. He used the same posture as Lubeck, looking at Lubeck from time to time, and Ian from time to time: "Huh? Do you know each other?"

To be honest, Ian wanted to ask the same thing.

So, when the two rode their horses and came to his side, the young man said curiously, "Long time no see, Sio... and Uncle Lubeck."

"You two... know each other?"

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