Above The Sky

Chapter 437 Ian: Huh? I Am The Core? (13)

The warehouse where the Magneto Light Knight and the Purple Maple Knight met should be the raw material warehouse of an alchemy workshop. The doors and windows are tightly sealed, and the interior should be welded firmly, but the Magneto Light Knight just stretched out his hand, and the tightly sealed door lock Automatically undress and untie, and fall off to the ground.

The fog of the vision was surging, and Ian saw across the wall that there were many kinds of magical beast limbs and herbs in the warehouse, which were stored in closed cabinets, and the magneto-light knight and the purple maple knight communicated here.

Ian found a restaurant close to the warehouse, ordered a few drinks and iced products, and drank red plum juice while talking to the inner ghost in the distance.

Because it is really two streets away, even with Ian analyzing the movement with the precognition vision, coupled with the enhanced perception of the silver chip, he can't completely hear what the other party is saying and writing.

But the good thing is that most of the time, human language only needs to be heard roughly, and the meaning is pretty much the same... If it doesn't work, he will get closer.

As for now, the Magneto Light Knight is proposing to cooperate with the Purple Maple Knight.

And what they're working against is a bit of a coincidence.

It happens to be Ian himself.

【As long as you can catch him... your goal can be achieved...】

This is the voice of the magneto-light knight. He is undoubtedly the one who tracked Ian outside Doubletree Town. He is related to the Lingzhi Institute, and there is probably a big man behind him.

[Knight, your proposal is insincere, why do I have to attack an imperial knight that has nothing to do with my needs? Especially since he attended Marquis Barton's private dinner yesterday...]

This rather capable female voice is the Purple Maple Knight, her voice is very penetrating and not stupid.

Ian took a sip of the juice and continued listening.

Then, he knew the thoughts of the Magneto Light Knight and Zifeng.

After sorting out the process of the dialogue between the two, Ian has completely understood that he was involved in the whole picture of the Dragon Cult-Canaan Moore incident.

The Purple Maple Knight is Canaan Moore's undercover agent in the Dragon Worship Cult, and has become the middle-level leader of the Dragon Worship Cult. His status may be better than that of Elder Manya, who can directly contact the King of the Mountain instead of a fourth The quasi-high-level person who can take care of his children is a little lower.

Otherwise, she would not have been arranged to lead the members of the Dragon Worship Cult from the Canaan Moor Branch, bringing 'required items' to Nanling, the former lair of the steel dragon, seeking the Nanling Worshiping Dragon headed by the King of the Mountains. Teaching aid.

This was obviously an excellent opportunity, so the undercover Purple Maple Knight directly contacted the candle holder and tried to capture the members of the Canaan Moor Dragon Cult at sea.

She succeeded - but also failed.

Because Anfa, another elf, is the real bearer of essentials.

Her exposure not only failed to obtain key information, but also exposed the intelligence network centered on her. All the important dark sons of Canaan Moore's official worship in the Dragon Cult died because of this.

Anfa acted alone and arrived at Nanling with the essentials, the steel stone. He was like a real scholar, investigating the local folk culture, and proceeding along the path to the south... But he still showed some clues.

He paid too much attention to the news about the dragons and the various sacrifices of the mountain people, and this clue was discovered by Sister Yingguang - Yingguang linked the recent disappearance of Nanling to Anfa.

Being followed and followed by the Huaiguang Church is not a fun thing... You can't really kill them, because if you kill one, you will come to a group of church enforcers, and kill this group of church enforcers - if there is a fool Dare.

The holy mountain will come.

The typical hit the small to the old.

Anfa also obviously noticed this, so he found the Leanling one step ahead of Sister Yingguang through the information channels of the Dragon Cult and the mountain people, and used himself as a bait to transfer the suspicion to the increasingly crazy Baron Lean body.

Don't dare to provoke you, let you check others!

So he evacuated directly when he met Ian for the second time, and Sister Yingguang, who followed, also successfully noticed that something was wrong with Ian's leadership.

In the middle of the process, An Fa met Ian twice, and like Elder Manya, he noticed the faint breath of dragon blood on Ian's body... For ordinary people, this breath is insignificant, but for them who also have dragon blood Say, they can sense the same kind.

It's just that the aura on Ian's body is quite strange, and they can't be completely sure.

Therefore, after the Leanling incident was over, there was an incident in which the real dragon, Shio, opened the human body and came to the door to confirm.

Master Oak came to settle the mess made by the Purple Maple Knight. As a result, on the day of his meeting with Marquis Barton, all members of the Canaan Moor Dragon Sect escaped from prison - Marquis Barton allowed Master Oak to pursue Those who escaped, and that's when Ian met the Oak Master.

The next thing is easy to understand.

Magneto Knight doesn't think Ian is the one who killed Night Snake, but he thinks Ian must know something... He worries that Ian has information about Night Snake's true identity, and also keenly notices that Ian may be related to Night Snake. Dragon worship is related.

He is the head of the Knights of the Marquis. Of course, he knows that the Marquis of Barton did not want the members of the Dragon Cult to be acquired by Master Oak, so he used Ian as an excuse to release him, but Ian was so coincidentally rescued by the Dragon Cult. - It's hard not to doubt.

Therefore, he simply found the former undercover agent of the Dragon Cult, and planned to join forces with the Purple Maple Knight to obtain key information from Ian.

But this cooperation was not satisfactory.

Because his partner is not brainless, and will not listen to his family's words.

[Magnetic light, I don’t know whether it was Marquis Barton or someone else who sent you here, but no matter who it is, even the guide knight in your mouth is really related to the Dragon Cult—he is also a Fourteen or fifteen year olds]

[How could he possibly know what core information? 】

The Purple Maple Knight has obviously had a bad time recently. An undercover spy has been working hard for more than ten years. In the end, not only did the mission fail, but the goal was not achieved, but it also alerted the Dragon Cult at a critical moment and eliminated Canaan Moore's dark son - don't say anything bitter Sorry, Master Oak did not imprison her as a double spy of the Dragon Cult, and just stayed in Nauman City to operate freely, for the sake of the Purple Maple Knight's hard work for so many years.

She was obviously very unwilling. After all, so many years of hard work had been exhausted, and she had betrayed the relationship with the Dragon Cult and was not respected in Canaan Moore. She was in such a bad mood that she had no motivation to gamble.

But even so, the Purple Maple Knight knew how crazy Magneto's proposal was: [You want to take action on the Guide Knight, and you want me to be a scapegoat? To be honest, if it's really possible to reverse my situation, I don't mind being a sword for you, but if it's just for your personal purposes, then I won't accompany you.]

Ian listened with interest, and he also wanted to know how the Magneto Light Knight planned to convince the other party.

"Could it be that I made up a set of reasons why I have important information on me? For example, the secret letter that the Marquis gave me?"

As a result, the boy never thought that the magneto-optical knight actually had a whole set of rhetoric.

[You said that the guide knight is very young and does not know the core information? you are wrong】

Magneto's voice was actually low, and he laughed, causing the surrounding cabinets to vibrate slightly: [Do you know where he came from, whose knight he was, and what kind of mission did he leave with? 】

Ian also wanted to know, he took a big mouthful of red plum juice, closed his eyes and listened carefully.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a conjecture that shocked him.

[He is from Port Harrison, his real name is Ian, and he is a knight of Viscount Grant—and his mission is to leave Port Harrison with the earth-type dragon monster material that the Dragon Cult desperately needs]

[He escorted the materials of the moor crocodile dragon to the agate stone plain to ensure that these materials can be delivered to Nauman City]

[Then, meet with his fellow Dragon Worship Cult, the key target you value, Anfa, the elf scholar codenamed 'Ancient Scholar']

[You said, the guide knight does not know the core information? 】

[Big mistake, he is the core of this plan! 】

Ian, who was drinking a drink, was stunned.

------off topic-----

Grass, the hand slip is wrong, the update is too early.

The remaining 2 chapters will be updated around 8 o'clock, everyone should rest.

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