Above The Sky

Chapter 434 New Equipment And Old Ghosts (13)

The new armor chosen by Ian is a fine collection of Marquis Barton. According to the knight who led the way, the Marquis has opened his private armory twice to outsiders over the years, and he is the third one.

The new armor is named 'Tangkong', which looks quite strange, giving people a sense of alien creatures. Its helmet is similar to the racing helmet of the previous earth, with a V-shaped blade-like structure at the top.

The thick surface carapace of the armor body is smooth dark gray, and can even reflect part of the light, and the overall structure is extremely smooth.

The armor's helmet, shoulders, arms and waist have rows of closable breathing holes. They are symmetrically distributed, which can be used for ventilation, external oxygen supply equipment, or other alchemical gas interfaces.

Ian looked at the back and saw that there was indeed a clasp to hold the alchemy jar.

The hollow surface has white fine lines, which is not an acquired process, but a natural one. Its raw material is the carapace of a sublimated giant insect. Natural Gale Inscription.

Ian activates it with a non-attribute source substance, and the white lines on the entire armor emit a pale white light like breathing. The light starts from the chest where Ian touches, and stretches all the way to the limbs and helmet.

The weight of the entire armor was instantly lighter by more than 90%, and the teenager could even lift it with one finger.

"Is this the sublimation armor?"

Ian turned his head to the side and looked at the knight leading the way with some doubts: "The general is so generous?"

"It's just a pair of armor, not armor."

The knight who led the way was wearing full-coverage armor, and his face was covered by a helmet, but he could still hear the smile in his words: "Guide knight, the flying flame biological laboratory you exposed alone is placed in the army, it is considered a second-class merit. , you can get the medal. Unfortunately, you are not, otherwise, the reward will only be more."

"Is the decision to be entangled? There is also a saber to choose from. Of course, you can also like other weapons."

he prompted.

"That's it, thank you very much."

Ian nodded slightly, so it seems that he may have taken the flames too lightly? But think about it, the two countries have been at war for many years. As long as they can attack each other and let the other side's plan fail, it must be a great achievement.

What's more, he did succeed in attacking the base of Flying Flames south of Mount Indigo, which was indeed a big credit.

Then he would be at ease.

Ian asked to try on the armor, and the knight who called himself 'Sharp Bone' certainly wouldn't refuse, and helped Ian wear the armor.

There is a layer of airbags inside the armor, which will expand and fit according to the wearer's body. Ian feels this unexpectedly comfortable, and there is almost no loss of power transmission.

And he sensed that the breathing holes located all over the armor could be opened and closed with his source material running, especially the breathing holes located on the sides and back of the body were more dexterous, and the design was very delicate.

Ian's thoughts moved, and he turned the fairy wings, and immediately bursts of cold air began to spread in the air, and the air holes on the armor opened and closed rhythmically, and the mist of hoarfrost spurted out from it, cooling the surrounding air rapidly. Then the armor inhaled the cold energy into the body and accumulated it.

As the source material spreads, the white pattern on the entire armor surface becomes brighter and brighter, and the entire armor even slowly floats up and hovers in mid-air because of the airflow gushing from the breathing holes.

"Very good...it suits me perfectly!"

Ian understands why this suit of armor is called "Wangkong" - the invisible airflow uses breathing holes and airflow beams as entrances and exits, and is tightly wrapped around the armor shell like a tangled chain, becoming a layer of invisible atmospheric armor. It reduces the weight, and even allows the user to fly in the air while providing decent arrow deflection and defense.

"That's it."

Ian had decided, and the Bone Knight took it down: "Okay. Then the saber is next..."

"I'll use that one."

Ian didn't hesitate on this point. From the moment he entered the Marquis's private armory, he saw a good long sword. Although it wasn't as good as the Chongyuan Iron Sword, it was also quite a good weapon.

The scabbard of this long sword is dull in color and quite old, and it is quite worn, with mottled marks everywhere.

But on those areas that have not been worn, it can be seen that there used to be quite elegant patterns on it, and the end of the hilt is a golden-brown crystal the size of a thumb, surging with the power of the earth element.

Ian drew his sword and observed the blade, but saw that the blade of the sword was not smooth, but densely textured like scales.

Using this sword to pierce the enemy's chest with a single sword, it is not only a cutting injury, but a smashing injury scratched by countless small knives.

"Steel-patterned sword. The spoils of war against the pirate fleet were said to be the work of dwarves. They are useless except for being strong... The wound may be difficult to heal, but it is also difficult to use it well.

"But it is said that you had to avoid the battle because of the average quality of the sword, and it was smashed by someone?"

The knight of sharp bones nodded slightly, although this choice is not a good choice, but he can understand Ian's thoughts - anyway, he is also a leader: "Are you sure you want this sword."

"That's it."

Ian is indeed for this reason. After all, the Chongyuan Iron Sword can't be used often in times of crisis, so in a sense his matching sword is used to bully those who are weaker than him.

In this way, it is enough to be hard enough, not to mention that the earth-type source material blessing that the steel grain sword can withstand is quite high, and it is definitely not bad in his hands.

The result is this.

As the Sharpbone Knight took the documents to register, the katana and steel-grained sword officially belonged to Ian.

At this time, the knight of sharp bones also sent the documents that the Marquis of Barton asked Ian to send to the imperial capital. The document was kept in a box with a lacquered seal wrapped around it.

If it were an ordinary person, there must be no way to get through the layers of seals and take out the secret letter inside unscathed—but you know, those are the vision horizon and the silver chip!

So Ian knew the contents of the box the first time he got it.

The result was just a few very ordinary appointment letters.

In recent months, Marquis Barton has appointed and revoked the qualifications of several Nanling Patrol Knight apprentices. Among them, there is Ian's own evaluation form, and the evaluation result is 'excellent', which can almost be a full score.

But obviously, this did not make it necessary for Ian to personally send it to the imperial capital - although Terra Continent did lose a lot of pre-epoch technology, faxing is not difficult... Patrick can communicate with pirates remotely using crystal panels, It can't be said that the Marquis of Barton does not have this wealth, right?

"It seems that I was indeed used as a bait. Or there are mysteries in this news, such as the order of the list or the above evaluation can make up a secret letter."

Ian guessed so, he felt that he was inseparable, but he didn't know which ghosts would be hooked up by this covert letter and cause him trouble: "The Marquis of Barton has given me a lot of things. ."

"Should we kill it directly, or take a prisoner?"

With this in mind, taking the box, Ian walked out of the front yard gate of the Governor's Palace in armor.

It happened to be a rainy night.

And in this rainy night, the young man saw a figure.

There was no fluctuation on the surface, but he was slightly shocked inside.

The magneto-light knight Chris was coming from the darkness of the rainy night. The azure-blue armor was covered with a layer of black magnetic sand. The lights of the Governor's Palace leaked from the door, shone on him, and dragged him on the dim street. Pull out a long shadow.

The two looked at each other, and Ian, who was wearing an empty armor, nodded politely, while the magneto-light knight looked at the unfamiliar knight with some doubts, but he felt strange in his heart.

A familiar oddity.

He also nodded to Ian before entering the Governor's Palace.

Ian watched the other party enter the front yard, and the door of the Governor's Palace was closed, leaving only the pyroxene lamp at the door to illuminate the night, reflecting the translucent raindrops all over the sky.

In the dark rainy night, the wind howled through the street, making the trees beside the street noisy.

A thunder blasted, and a fleeting flash of lightning pierced the sky and illuminated the earth.


Ian stared at the continuous rain in front of him and listened to the sound of raindrops falling on the street and slapping the leaves. He nodded thoughtfully: "The source of this guy is indeed this taste..."

The teenager smiled in the helmet.

"I found you, you ghost."

He stepped into the rain.

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