Above The Sky

Chapter 430 You Are Already A Patrol Knight (33)

Along the way, Ian has roughly constructed a rough architectural distribution model of Nauman City in his heart.

Ian made an estimate in his heart, and felt that even if this place was attacked with artillery, it would probably suffer heavy losses.

【No need to be so direct】

"Back then, when we fought the turmoil in the dark mountains in the north, the army didn't have any kitchen utensils, so we used a big iron pot to stew the spoils. Because the weather was cold, we had to keep stewing and adding ingredients, otherwise the sauce would freeze."

And when Ian climbed the spiral staircase to the second floor, the teenager realized that there was no prying sight.

The Marquis of Baden was quite talkative, he looked at Ian and nodded slightly: "Appraisal, alchemy, and knights - excellent methods of obtaining information are more important than everyone thinks, and you do have a role in this regard. talent."

"There were originally three other people, one was a distinguished guest, and the other two, like you, were also recommended to join the Knights of the Patrol."

Of course, you have to be careful not to eat too much, otherwise you will be suspicious.

Ian glanced at the iron pot, removed two monsters that theoretically he shouldn't know or had never seen before, and removed two beasts that tasted very similar, a bird monster that he could neither eat nor eat at the first energy level: " They are the hard-shelled bear, the snake-scaled owl, the big forest leopard, the caracal rabbit, the sharp-clawed tiger, the iron-bone swordfish and the wine potato. If the sublimation plants are also counted."

The Marquis is surprisingly talkative. In Mr. Yinfang's description, he can only talk about those who are interested: "I heard that your cooking skills are also good, can you tell me what kinds of monsters you have tasted, and what are they? Kind?"

"I didn't think a general would have the leisure to meet alone with a... alchemist like me."

Marquis Barton retracted his fingers, nodded, took out a short knife from his waist, and inserted it into the roasted bear's paw in front of him: "Come on, let's talk while eating."

Fortunately, over the years, Ian has indeed eaten a lot of monsters on the table.

"I have to say that the psionic power of the observation department can indeed allow you to see more, and it will also be of great help to your career."

He thought that there would be other people attending this private dinner with him this time.

"If you want to know, find it yourself."

The teenager didn't blink: "I feel organized, peaceful and quiet."

"It's a patrol knight." The old general emphasized: "Of course, it's just an apprentice."

"There are six in the yard, and there are twelve people on the first floor." Ian shook his head slightly: "There are too many people."

And it's the best part.

The ingredients are chicken, pork, beef, bear meat, subdivisions, chicken wings and hearts, ribs and pig trotters and other different parts.

"It's not a skill to be able to see a problem. To know some problems don't need to be seen, to know that some things don't matter at all, to know what the real situation is - that's a skill."

"Twenty-three on the way, and the five who have been following."

On the surface, Ian was smoothly entered into the front yard by the knight, and then another guard led him into the interior of the mansion... It seemed to be very smooth, but Ian felt that there were a lot of people who were spying. The eyes of scrutiny and analysis are really unbearable for normal people.

Immediately, a turquoise, transformed into a wooden shark-shaped spiritual body materialized, and the dissatisfied voice of the oak master sounded: [You stingy big eagle, let me listen to it and not lose a piece of meat! 】

Saying so, he raised his hand, and a sharp, fiery invisible wind beam flickered, and immediately hit an invisible object on the shoulder of the young man.

Putting down the knife, he wiped his mouth with a tissue: "Ian, do you think Nauman City is a mess?"

Ian had the right look of confusion: "I'm a little confused, General, I'm just a knight after all."

"How about it, young man, doesn't it feel much more refreshing?"

"The general is waiting for you on the second floor."

Ian raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that Marquis Barton really just met and ate with him one-on-one.

Sitting in the main seat, he said with some regret: "It's a pity that the distinguished guest suddenly has something to do and may be a little late, while the other two... are more disappointing and do not meet the requirements."

"very good."

More than that. The entire second floor of the mansion was dark and silent, almost as quiet as death.

Ian nodded thoughtfully.

Tilt his head, Ian's eyes are clear: "I can't see it, General."

The spiritual wood-grained shark was burnt into spiritual fragments by the high-heat wind beam. Before that, some scolding voices could be heard. Ian showed interest in this: "It's amazing."

Even normal people can't feel it.

All in all, Nauman City is probably these eight major parts. Most of the residents gather around the alchemy workshop and business district, and the Psyker Tower is located in the remote northwest, where there are military camps and outposts.

"Come on." The marquis snorted: "You old wooden stake, I did not expel you from the country, it is already a great respect for the allied envoy."

The two of them ate in silence and ate a lot, and they were very happy.

It sounds messy, but the chef's skillful craftsmanship stewed all the ingredients just right, soft but not loose, each ingredient was clear, and it tasted all kinds of flavors.

Barton Henriel, the holder of the true form 'White Flame Archon'. A true form that combines the advantages of various magical beasts such as 'True Flame Eagle' and 'Blue Wind Griffin'. The only aftereffect is that he is really as sharp and sensitive as an eagle and owl, and he is the one who can never let go of his vigilance. The advantages and disadvantages of the true form.

In the center of the upper city, there is a tower of psionicists and four large-scale alchemy workshop areas. Two commercial and trade areas are at the periphery, one of which is the platinum workshop. They all have towering spire buildings. It is said that It is the power used to better guide the natural psionic field.

Marquis Barton's actions were vigorous and resolute, as did the maids in his mansion. In less than three minutes, the dining table in the original hall was covered with various dishes. Obviously, he had already estimated the time of Ian's arrival. The food just came out hot.

Ian was not polite. He had just advanced to sublime his organs and was in need of nutritional supplements when someone invited a guest to a World of Warcraft feast.

It's like stepping into another world.

"Yes." Marquis Barton nodded again. He used a knife as a fork, ate a piece of meat, and then smiled: "You must have tasted other magical beasts, but you don't know what it tastes like."

He was a little surprised.

In addition, there are rabbits, tiger meat and so on.

"Oh?" The general raised his voice: "I was recently assassinated by the blazing flames, and there was another disturbance from the Dragon Cult. Canaan Moor sent messengers to ask for the extradition of the prisoners back, but they escaped from prison again - not to mention the Lingzhiyuan. And other messy forces are also spying, is this also orderly?"

Of course, the most awe-inspiring thing is the meat of these beasts, most of which are the meat of monsters.

And the Marquis clapped his hands with satisfaction: "That's it. You can't tell—that's the most important thing."

"A kind of use of the third-level mind-light body, you have a chance, maybe even earlier than me."

This question is actually a bit dangerous, because what can be tasted can prove that he has eaten some magical beasts... Random answers are likely to expose some questions that should not be exposed.

--lie. At least the first sentence is a lie.

The young alchemist bowed slightly, and the general waved his hand casually: "Don't be too polite, what about inside the manor?"

This dish is to use a large iron pot to classify all kinds of cut animal meat, put them in the pot in a certain order, and finally stew them into a large pot.

He turned his head, his dark brown hair and slightly curly beard flickered in the darkness with an abnormal halo of source quality, and those golden-green eyes were even brighter, making people mistaken for the sun for a moment. 's brilliance.

The upper city in the center is surrounded by the Naumanwei River. The city walls and towers are still in operation. There are alchemy artillery and powerful crossbows inside. fortress.

Nauman City is based on the bastion area, which is the upper city area, and gradually expands outward, a city shaped like an unfolded petal.

A calm and steady voice came from the terrace on the second floor of the mansion, and a tall man in armor and a long sword stood there.

The Marquis's private dinner was rough and not like a nobleman. All of them were all kinds of big fish and meat, and a collection of serious dishes. The only one that was more refined should be a 'beast pot' or 'Beasts stewed in iron pot'.

"Don't test me, Ian, you've hit the mark, with pretty good grades."

"After all, ordinary people can't notice the wood spirit species of Master Oak... You moved your shoulders a few times just now, no need to hint, I can see it."

Marquis Barton was even more satisfied. He touched his chin: "But you counted one more... Oh, you counted me? Did you notice my gaze?"

"After all, there was just a banquet with the messengers of Canaan Moore here at noon, and the prisoners of the Dragon Cult escaped from prison. Usually it is one-third, or even less."

The general's eyes reflected the psionic brilliance in Ian's eyes, and he laughed: "How many have you seen?"


Ian didn't answer, and the general laughed and called the maid upstairs: "Let's start dinner."

The core of the upper city is the lord castle of the Marquis of Badun. It is quite tall and strong, but it is not the Governor's Palace. The Governor's Palace is located on the capital avenue in the north. It is a three-story manor building with a front yard. The shape is quite simple. And the original clock tower and attic have been transformed into manned towers.

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