Above The Sky

Chapter 414: The Awakening Of Dragon Blood (33)

"It's a ghost!"

Ian concluded: "Compare the prophecies I got from Linda, without my participation, it would be the Gnostic House that would get the 'needs' in the end."

"And the Lingzhiyuan is also obtained by joining forces with another force that I don't know at present. This force must not be the side of Canaan Moore and the Marquis of Barton, because the former will never share with the Lingzhiyuan, and the latter is really with the Dragon Cult. hooked people."

"The question is, is it the black shadow who is tracking me who is teaming up with the Lingzhi Institute? Apart from the ancient dragon's breath on my body, the only thing I'm worthy of being tracked down is the Leanling... Oh, and Feifei. Fireland, I almost forgot, but they can't either."

"Since it's not the Dragon Cult, Flying Flame Land and Canaan Moore, or any local organization, then there are only imperial organizations from outside Nanling... In other words, like the Lingzhi Institute, organizations from the imperial capital. ."

"In the prophecy, the forces from the imperial capital joined forces to obtain the 'important things' in the hands of the Dragon Cult!"

Although there is not much information on the front, there is a lot of side information in the hands of the young man, which allows Ian to analyze the current situation.

Obviously, the Canaan Moor Branch of the Dragon Cult and the Nanling Branch had a joint operation, which was tacitly approved by the Marquis of Barton.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the fact that this group of members of the Dragon Worship Cult came by a merchant ship in an open and honest manner. After being discovered, they were almost caught several times, and finally they ran away while the dragon shadow passed by.

It was Marquis Barton who deliberately let them go.

On the Canaan Moore side, whether it was the candle holder who followed, or the oak master who asked Shio's mother to act, it was obviously for the 'important things' in their mouths.

This "necessary thing" is what Linda calls "both precious and ordinary".

They have undercover in the Dragon Worship Cult, so they can know the news.

And this important thing, even Ian's vision of vision can't find it, and it's no wonder that the little girl is also a user of the power of the prophet, and it's hard to describe.

As for the Lingzhiyuan and another mysterious force in the imperial capital, it was the information obtained from the 'inner ghost' from the Marquis of Badun, who knew the existence of the 'important thing', and successfully obtained it in Linda's prophecy.

But now, the Lingzhi Academy has failed.

Because it represents the branch of Canaan Moor's Dragon Worshiping Sect, Anfa, who carries important things, has merged with the Nanling Dragon Worshiping Sect represented by Heo under the influence of Ian.

Their task, and even the purpose of Marquis Patton, have been achieved.

Now that things have come to this point, the most important thing for Marquis Barton and the Dragon Cult has changed.

That is, find out the inner ghosts in both camps!

Of course, Ian doesn't feel like an insider.

He really wanted to join the Dragon Cult, but he just chose the fastest and most efficient method.

Others call it scheming, and the teen sees it as efficient.

Thinking of this, Ian smiled instead: "Interesting."

"I have already recorded the source quality characteristics of the black shadow that I fought against, as long as I meet him again, I will know who he is - and the other party is very likely to be the mysterious force that cooperated with the Gnostic Institute. a member."

"Similarly, he may also be the inner ghost on Marquis Barton's side."

After thinking about it in his heart, the boy slowly got up.

"Hey, the guide knight woke up, faster than I expected!"

Outside, Shio's pointed ears moved - this was also one of his flaws, where did the mountain people have pointed ears - he heard the voice of the sacrificial room on the other side, and then smiled 'as expected': "I Let's just say, he's very strong - although he looks as slender as a goblin, his bones must be soaked with dragon blood!"

The elf bachelor closed his eyes and shook his head: "Quiet, Shio. The guide knight is a psionicist. His spirit and soul are stronger than ours, and it should be faster than you expected."

Looking at this scene, Elder Manya also sighed: "Remember, what should be said and what should not be said, let's not say that we are the Dragon Cult, you are all members of my Afud team, wait until later to guide After he discovers his dragon's blood, he will slowly reveal it..."

After speaking, they approached the sacrificial room.

But before An Fa, who was the leader, reached out his hand, a series of soft footsteps staggered, and he opened the door one step ahead of him.

"Hello, everyone who worships the Dragon Cult."

A weak young man said with a smile: "Although there was a misunderstanding at first, it seems that I was wrong, and I have to apologize to everyone."

"It was someone else who really attacked me."

This sentence instantly shocked everyone present, and it could be said that the door was opened by lightning.

"Actually, I have long seen that Mr. Shiou is related to the Dragon Cult. He has too many flaws, and he also has a familiar atmosphere to me... So I accidentally misunderstood the identity and purpose of the other party."

The voice continued, and in these soft words, a figure slowly walked out of the quiet room, revealing under the moonlight.

Anfa retracted his hand in surprise and took a step back.

He had met Ian several times before, and the other party was wearing a helmet, but when he met in the woods later, Ian was already injured and unconscious, and the whole person was quite embarrassed, and there was nothing to see in the chaos.

But now, when he saw Ian's face seriously, a thought could not help but arise in his heart.

——Actually let me meet someone who is prettier than an elves...

The boy who opened the door was wearing the leather shirt inside the knight's armor, half of which had been chopped up by the blade of the shadow and the healing that followed, revealing his fair skin. He has a handsome appearance and a long body. His scattered white hair is tucked behind him, and his eyes like sapphire gems flash with a halo of spiritual energy, and he looks around everyone present with a smile.

Just because of the injury, the boy frowned slightly and seemed to be still a little uncomfortable.

What is harmless? Even the well-informed elder Manya was suspicious for the first time, wondering whether the other party's injury had really improved a little, and whether he needed to rest for a while.

"I'll just say he looks good."

The only thing as usual was Shio, who had seen Ian at dinner before, and he whispered to Anfa quite proudly: "To be honest, when I saw him for the first time, I thought he was also kneaded by a dragon. The human form... I forgot how to say hello for a split second."

"Next time, I will also refer to his appearance!" Dragonborn was quite interested.

"Please stop, dear friend, the similarity of your appearance with me will reveal the relationship between us, don't drag others in." And Anfa whispered: "Look at your craftsmanship, I made it with my own hands. than anyone else."

Shiou is obviously a little aggrieved: "I used to be a girl or a child's human figure... Recently, I have become an adult, and my mother suddenly wanted a son again, so she made me change into an adult male, I can't pinch it. It's normal... your human gender is really troublesome."

This conversation silenced both Man Ya and Ian for a while, and finally the old man from the mountain broke the silence.

"Sit down and rest, my dear."

The old man stretched out his hand and signaled that Ian didn't have to stand to talk and sit back on the edge of the bed, while Ian also returned to the hospital bed in the sacrificial room and sat down obediently.

Elder Manya was also sitting beside him, and he introduced himself to Ian with a smile: "My name is Manya Afud, the elder of the mountain sacrifice of the Afude department, you can call me Manya or an elder."

"I met you at the Dianshan Gorge a few days ago and invited you. If you have the opportunity to come to our tribe, we will treat you as a distinguished guest."

"And now I know the reason." The corners of Ian's mouth twitched, looking at his knees, and said softly, "Dragon blood in my body."

"Yes, dragon blood in your body."

The elder clenched the bone staff in his hand, and his voice became solemn: "Ian, I have learned your name from some sources - you are a genius in Port Harrison, a rare young knight and alchemist in our South Ridge. You are indeed Extraordinarily intelligent, this is your talent, the power of your mind."

"But your speciality in the way of ascension is probably due to... the awakening of dragon blood."

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