Above The Sky

Chapter 399 The Dust Settles (33)

For the inhabitants of Lyonland, a night has never been so long.

Under the display of the nuns of the Huaiguang Church and the chief steward Moda, all the conspiracies and darkness that Baron Lean hid in his ancient castle were revealed. The incident and disappearance are now explained.

But compared to hatred, anger and fear, they are more at a loss, knowing the truth does not make them feel happy. Instead, he felt hesitant. 1_1 The baron made a big mistake and has now escaped, so who will be the next master of the Lionland? 1_1 Will he still maintain the subsidy and allow them to continue living like this?

A mountaineer with a descendant of the empire ended up in this land

Does this mean that the loyalty of the mountain people will also be cracked? The uncertain future worries everyone. Until the two holy knights riding horses galloped all the way and arrived at the sea of ​​​​flowers.

The light of the dawn and the radiance grass shines on their pure white armor, reflecting a beautiful golden red, and the sun is like a gem, inlaid behind them.

Receiving a signal from their companions for help, the two sanctuary enforcers ''Redemption'' and 'Brilliant Sword' came overnight, braved the rain and thunder, and finally arrived at dawn. Not too early, not too late. They were greeted by Sister Yingguang, who was also Huaiguang, and the guide knight from Port Harrison who assisted her.

The arrival of the sanctuary executors calmed the panic in the city. The two second-level powerhouses properly took out all the bones under the sea of ​​flowers, purifying the blessings, and then carefully searched for every trace of Cai'an Castle. clues, and ultimately the guidance of the wizard knight

Next, prepare to go to the surroundings of Lone Flame Peak to search for the possible whereabouts of the Baron.

The two church enforcers thanked and left. Now that the general destination has been determined, it is very simple for them to search, and they will come to the third dammed lake in a short time.

They frowned when they arrived at the battle scene, which was covered in heavy rain and mud washing, and had long been a mess.

"Didn't Yingguang say that she was searching for cult traces? It doesn't look like a cult sacrifice, but a bit like a creature or a psychic experiment."

The one who spoke was a tall knight with dark hair and dark brown eyes. She had a loud voice and a strong body, and even the armor of the chapel executor, which could accommodate a two-meter tall man, seemed a bit narrow.

From the high horns on her helmet, you can tell that this is a Minoan Asian.

Minoans (Horns) are extremely tall, both male and female,

They can withstand the recoil of the burst guns controlled by ordinary people, and their melee capabilities are even more impressive. The weapons they use are giant weapons for ordinary people.

But also because of this, the Minoan life is quite inconvenient, and it is always regarded as a weapon of war. Only a very small number of Minoans have the opportunity to get a good education and become scholars and alchemists. And the clergy is even rarer.

This is true even if it is only a Templar who is recognized by Huaiguang, not a formal priest who has been able to go to the Holy Mountain. "The two are not in conflict, but I think these are two different events."

The person who answered was a knight of the White People who was equally tall, but still inferior to his companions. He had a soft face, white hair, and even more polite manners: "Look, Redemption, there is a corpse there."

"Look at that armor, the creation imitating the carapace of dragon ants, may it remind you of something?" "Ha, Goshio Institute, it's a good death."

With a glance, the redemption executor sneered immediately, she patted the horse under her, motioned it to move forward, and observed carefully: "Yu...the skull was shattered, and the brain and blood were washed away. ..."

Raising his head, the executor of the redemption light looked at the cultivation warehouse not far away, golden light shot out from the gap of the helmet, scanning the already turbid culture solution: "Xiahui grass extract, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hearing the voice of his comrade, the executor known as the Bright Sword also rode his horse forward, he observed carefully, and then nodded: "According to the information provided to us by Yingguang, the guide knight and the manager of Moda, the body tissue fluid in these cultivation tanks is should be his

Some adopted children. "

"As for the middle one, it should be the body of his deceased son, which he intended to refine.

That being the case, a lot of things have been deduced.

"It seems to be another conspiracy of the Gnostic Institute - Baron Ryan and them joined forces to carry out these plans. In the end, the two sides conflicted, fought each other, and perished together.

Huijian said this in a calm tone, and nodded slightly as he swept over Baron Ryan's body: "Look, this trace of toxin is obviously unique to the Lingzhi Institute, and it can't be more obvious."

"No, it's not obvious." Dawning clicked, causing the surrounding air to vibrate significantly, and the horse neighed lightly: "They won't admit it—never."

"The armor and poison of the dragon ants don't prove anything. Deep pit adventurers like this kind of equipment. One of my dwarf junior brothers has a set at home. It's almost exactly the same...except for the size."

"We don't need them to admit, even if we don't

for solid and reliable evidence. "And Huijian replied indifferently: "It is they need to explain to the imperial capital, we only need to condemn. "

"Then that's it." He decided: "Condemn the empire's ineffective control of the nobles, condemn the malicious biological experiments of the Gnostic Institute, and according to the five major agreements" They must properly deal with the loss of all victims - alas, if they still If you have relatives. "

When he said this, Rongguang was still carefully observing the traces on the ground.

She even turned over from the horse, not shy about the dirt on the ground, crawled on the ground, and carefully searched for every trace of soil and rocks in the flow of rain. "Have you found anything? Are there any clues to Blaze?"

Huijian was not surprised, but he also turned over and dismounted, knelt on one knee on the ground, and searched for traces on the ground with his companions: "I don't have ''Blood-seeking Secret Eyes'', so I can't see those tiny traces.

"I did find some clues, but not in flames,

That's obviously a distraction bait... Well, Baron Ryan isn't that strong, far from it. Hey, maybe he broke out because of his anger?" The tall Knight of Redemption stood up, she was a head taller than the shining sword who stood up together.

The Minoan executor laughed and said, "But I don't want to know the truth—I won't continue to investigate." "Why?" the white-haired knight asked suspiciously—that's what he asked , but with a smile on his lips. Apparently it's official business.

"Because I know the truth, when someone asks me, I have to say it, or refuse to answer. The former is stupid, the latter offends people, and it's okay to say that I don't know, and they don't expect to be able to get it from Let's get the answer here, who called me a Minoan?"

The tall cow girl waved her hand, as if she was driving some flies away: "I really don't know what to do with you serious priests. If you don't lie for a day, it's scary to think about it."

"Haha, there's nothing we can do about it, but we have the right not to say it. It's much better than many people." The Bright Sword executor smiled gently: "This is actually why every time our church executors The dispatch is the reason why the two team up." "Also, there must be a non-staff who is not a priest."

"Huh." Hearing this, the Redeemer Executor was stunned: "Isn't that because the founder of our Huaiguang and the past dynasties are twins?"

"...This kind of statement is very romantic, and we all like it." Huijian paused, and said politely: "But it's just an excuse. You should read more of our scriptures and redeem the light, so that you can't pass the end of the year. examination."

"It's a trivial matter without delaying work and drinking." Niu Nu laughed.

Use photographic crystals to record and record everything in front of you, and keep them as evidence. The two temple executors, Dawning and Shining Sword, will appear.

All evidence in the field has been sorted and catalogued. The dust settles and the matter is over.

But at the end of the day, the two executors waited for the city guards led by Ryan to bring the trailer and other tools to bring back the corpse and the cultivation warehouse at the scene. Huijian turned his head slightly and looked at Baron Ryan's body. A white psionic halo lit up in his eyes.

Ian. …] He whispered to himself: [I am witnessing the process. …]

Ryan's lead.

Ian is saying goodbye with his camel and his luggage.

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