Above The Sky

Chapter 392 All Kinds Of Martial Arts, This Is The Goblin Orbital Bombing (44)

Multiple voices overlapped, and Ian immediately realized that this was the psychic transmission of the three children after he was confirmed.

The children's voices were filled with genuine doubts: "Isn't it just because of love that the pain? So the more pain, the more love?"

At this moment, Ian almost heard the same tone as the baron before, and the children's harmony said without hesitation: [Just stop us!] [Come kill us!] [Fulfill our wishes Come on!] Ian didn't answer the sentence. After that, he stopped talking.

"Ah ah ah!!!" At this moment, of course, the most painful person is not Ian, nor even Ira and others, but Baron Lean.

"But now you are more dangerous than normal. I'm sorry. [Thank you]

He slammed the armor-piercing long cone in his hand into the ground, and the explosive shock wave began to spread in all directions. Circles of air waves visible to the naked eye lifted the wave, and the stones and debris were knocked away, with enough energy to penetrate High speed of bark trees.

At this moment, he completely ignored Baron Cai'an who had just recovered from the extreme daze below, and locked his eyes on the area where the three psionic children and the resentful spirit were, ready to attack.

[Sorry, big brother, who said we were manipulated]

He started, his eyes were red and he roared at the boy who turned into a silver quack heading towards the sky. A shock wave was released, creating a terrifying wave in the fan-shaped area more than ten meters in front of him. The strong wind blew away all the rain and topsoil.

Hearing Ian's words of determination, the children became happy instead: [Although your kindness and love are hidden under the sword, they still make us yearn for one_-one if this is the way you love, you may be the second Yu Dad, the one who loves us the most] [Big brother, if you really want to be good for us]

And... can't blame them either.

At this moment, the surrounding earth and stones condensed on his body again, the rock horn cannon was reorganized, and as the three psionic children closed their eyes, invisible forces began to gather on the baron.

At the same time, the rock horn cannon incarnated by Baron Ryan also fired in a violent shock!

[Anyway, it's us who want this _- it's strange, people don't want to be themselves, people don't want to live, why is it a bad thing? 】

The faint blue resentment raised his head, looked at the baron, and then looked at the sky.

Yi Yuan said to the children firmly in her mind: "Ira, you have to stand up. Mu Youmoqiu and Linda, you both have to die. After I was still thinking of killing Baron Zhan'an, I thought of a way to do it. You hand over to Huaiguang Church..

He was not too surprised, but immediately retorted: "People who are entangled in emotional chains don't feel that they are restrained, you just feel that you are not controlled - even your psionic power may be deliberately catalyzed by others. Caused."

Wait....The Chosen One.... Speaking of this, Ian suddenly became a little bit stunned, he began to understand why it was Baron Ryan, and why a noble lady and a child of the Chosen One suddenly Encountered such a coincidence of natural disasters......

[This is our wish. Without a strong body, we can only fulfill our wish by using psionic power]

[No, they went to deal with another important matter in Nauman City. Even if you don't come, big brother, we will let father start planning ahead of time] Ian's eyes widened, even if he was blocking Lai Baron Ann's attack, he also suddenly felt a shudder. "Wait!" He said incredulously, "You mean, it's you..."

[It is we who are sorry for Dad, but we will give him a brother back—this is a gift from our brother to him together, I hope he will be happy!]

[It's too difficult, my father almost broke free from the hint that we were weaving together, even so, he is still trying his best to invite you to kill him.... Only when he dies can we survive]

It's this kind of rational madness, this kind of innocence and persistence without hesitation, this kind of extreme desire... that makes psionic energy stronger!

His voice carried a pure and controlling smile; [Big brother, you are very naked, you are the most naked and talented person I have ever seen, you have hidden most of your strength, and you are playing games with porcelain, just Want to test whether there are those people in black around? 】

Although Juwan sensed a first-line choice and the smell of promises, in general, even if the details are different, it is said that Baron Lekong and the children think that they are the main body of evil, and there must be one party who is withdrawing. Lying or ignoring...but it's all about the details. He doesn't care about the little things.

The Jade of Weiming controlled the surrounding rainwater to converge in the direction of the cold fog, forming a funnel-shaped strange water gathering area in the entire mid-air, and at the bottom of this water gathering area, a translucent sharp ice The k-pillars are rapidly getting bigger!

One _ one crazy, the whole family is crazy! This is the conclusion after Ian's astonishment.

In the dark night sky, an icy blue star appeared, shining brightly under the flash of thunder, dazzling! "Mad, mad—_—but good!"

[But we just want to die by ourselves, we hope that dad and brother can live together]

As for Baron Ryan on the other side, he stopped in place and hugged his head in pain, apparently already in chaos. "You want to die—_—and want Baron Lyon to kill you himself?!"

The three most powerful abilities of Iwaki White Deer are the blood of Maolin, which can control plants and greatly strengthen its vitality, and the bone of rock gold, which makes its skeletal muscles strong and can burst with great power. And shock bags that can create explosive shocks out of thin air.

The terrifying energy accumulated in the shock wave bag suddenly collapsed under the super-level performance of the man, then converged, pressurized, and then expanded and exploded! The source substance that seemed to condense like an explosion spewed out and followed a straight trajectory toward the fall. The icicle crashed! The icy blue icicle fell, and the rock-gold shell lifted. Then, hit together!

And Ian only sighed deeply.

Baron Ryan stared at what Ian was doing in midair, completely ignorant of where this young man came from so many sources, at least he couldn't take it out. One_one should be the power of the potion. Thinking of this, half of his face was twisted and furious, but half of his face showed a smile of admiration: "Come on!"

[Big brother, you are a prophet, so you should know that being able to see some things in the future is enough to change your current self. The same is true of psionic energy, possessing itself, it will transform a person's thinking - even a possibility is enough to make human beings step into the abyss]

Then, he got up, turned into a blue light shadow, broke away from the body that was about to be fully formed, and plunged into his father's body.

But as a stream of air flowed out of the man, and a solid horn began to condense on his forehead, the surrounding vines and shrubs seemed to be catalyzed and began to grow rapidly. .

"And it is with those people that Baron Lyon is cooperating, experimenting with you and his ''Chosen Family''..."

"Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's you who influenced the Baron to do such a crazy thing? But I'm going to do the same thing."

[Look at those uncles and aunties who plant the sea of ​​flowers. They don’t want to be themselves, and occasionally they don’t want to live. Although they also feel that they are very happy in Laian, we also occasionally feel that living with Dad Very happy] [This is not contradictory]

Ian bowed his head in horror. In the open space of the valley, in the three cultivation jars, the three psionic children were all smiling and staring at him, their eyes flashing with dazzling psionic brilliance.

The goblin's dung and Hanhui's skeleton quickly sprayed a high concentration of cold air, but the Yuanyuan was not enough. The young man opened the medicine belt around his mouth and shattered two bottles of light blue reagents. Immediately, in the high sky, there were dozens or hundreds of expanding frost mists, and these frost mists spread in all directions, freezing almost all the rain in the air.

But before that, the Hanhui skeleton behind him began to spew out the qi at a faster rate, pulling the boy's figure even higher. until hundreds of meters above the sky.

He didn't know the communication between his child and the gift, but he felt that there was a missing piece in his heart, a very big piece. He didn't know what that piece was, but he just wanted to shout, Wanting to roar, it was as if he was in the middle of the heavy rain, but his mouth was still dry, and something was churning in his heart like a volcano. But he couldn't release it.

More than that!

He's more than incredible, Ian is smart, but he never thinks about the possibility; "You still love Baron Raian, but isn't that just torturing him with the greatest pain?"

The psionic arm came back again, and the invisible power made him even more excited, and even his body was hidden in the ten stones and vineberries that were constantly gathering! Himself! And right now. Above the sky, Ian's charge is finished. Then, the stars fell!

Then, in the midst of the heavy rain, in the endless wind, he raised the cold light sword in his hand.

How about a stupid man who truly loves three weird, mutilated and dangerous children, and kills his three children with his own hands after he has already lost them once?]

[Haha, we sensed your mood swings, you understood so quickly? Sure enough, with your father's ability, you will only be toyed with by you] The children laughed cheerfully: [But you are too kind, Also has too much kindness for us children who seem young]

If there were no surprises from the very beginning... but psionic communication interrupted his thoughts.

Their voices were translated into hollow and distant harmony. Just like the words that Baron Nazongkong made before: [It's us - firstly, we made such a choice. Why do you feel that

"Ian, what are you doing, why do you keep flying in the sky and kill me!"

The voices of Ira, Weiqiu, Linda and others were calm with smiles. Their maturity was far beyond that of ordinary children, especially Ira. After reading a lot of ordinary people's memories and lives, his wisdom and Sharpness is far beyond Ian's imagination. Even, even the level of danger.

[Why do you think that Dad suddenly started planning early today, just to beware of you alone, not to go against the expectations of those mysterious people, ... and the reason why Dad must kill us early and speed up the birth of my brother? 】

Even the one in the center, the resentful spirit that Ian was slightly afraid of, was revived because of the excited emotions of his father and sister.

Baron Lean majored in Rock Gold Bone and Shockwave Bag, while Maolin's Blood was involved in a higher level of evolution, and he had not yet fully mastered the penetration.

One _—all kinds of martial arts, this is the goblin orbital bombardment!

Ira's voice dominates: [Perhaps the birth of our psychic power was guided by people. But everything that follows is our own choice—those strange men in black, why do you think we didn't notice?]

[Sorry, we really don't understand what love and pain are, these two things seem to be the same]

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