Above The Sky

Chapter 389 Psionic Rocket Fist (14)

In the dark valley, the opposite side of the island is surrounded by ice crystals and torrential rain, and the other side is backed by the flash field.

Motivated by the source substance, abnormally proliferating vines or roots suddenly stretched out from the ground and wrapped around the boy's legs, waist and abdomen. This is the Nanling carnivorous plant hunting vine'' strong enough to strangle wild boar and deer.

"Huh?" Ian couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Baron Ryan's words made him cautious, but for a while he didn't find any ambush hands around. And there were no traps, mines and explosives?

But before Ian could catch his breath, he realized again that Wu Diao was the words just now or the vine banquet, all of which were the bait of Baron Zhan An. His real killer move was not the hunting and killing that even the young He couldn't touch. rattan!

Sleeping seemed like eternity, until Ian slashed forward to break the frozen silence.

But after all, he is still too young. Skills are only useful when the strength is the same. His voice of admiration is like the ringing of a church bell.

He rammed like a chariot, charging fiercely towards Ian. Then, stab with the awl with all your strength!

This young knight really has his strengths!

And just as he rushed into the hailstorm, a transparent water blade that seemed to be nothing, suddenly cut through the white fog and cold air around him, with a force strong enough to cut through iron and stone, and landed on a track that Baron Lean could have avoided. Mud splashes.

But Ian's swordsmanship is inconceivably exquisite and meticulous. Every time the Xiangguang long sword is used, it can intercept Baron Lean's power point with extreme precision, frustrating the opponent's offensive and making it difficult to continue to use it.

This is not the ice that is really condensed because of the cold, but the result of the natural phenomenon and material changes controlled by the source material. With the phenomenon of ice condensation, a large amount of high-temperature steam is also surrounding Ian. All water system sublimators must be proficient in evaporation. The control method of condensation and fluid is just difficult to control with the essence of the wave chant.

But the baron's response was not slow either. On the side of his body, the long cone in his hand, which had been exhausted, was retracted by his waist, and then he lifted it up and firmly blocked Ian's stabbing sword. Clang! Clang! Clang!

But Ian broke out in a chill that froze the wet, succulent plants, and then jumped out of the area where a dozen or so vine roots were already fluttering about.

Just the violent air pressure brought by his charge is enough to blow ordinary people away. Baron Ryan has seen through Ian's trajectory, and this blow can completely penetrate it! However, he somewhat underestimated Ian's influence on the goblin bloodline. of control.

Om! The cold air spreads, and the rain on the ground has condensed for some time, and a layer of smooth frost has spread to the ground in all directions when the two were fighting close to each other.

In the face of such a powerful attack, Baron Ryan opened his pupils slightly. His pupils actually took on a strange polygonal star shape, and the secluded light could see through everything. Boom! He exerted his strength with one step and splashed a large amount of water season.

What was originally just a shocking roar has been transformed into a sublimation organ that can create a massive mechanical wave, transforming it from a deterrent howl to an invincible destructive force!

But how can Warcraft be compared with human intelligence?

Boom! The waist and legs are together, turning the man into a human cannonball and swooping towards Ian, plus the long armour-piercing cone at the tip that continues to vibrate violently, the baron at this time is simply enough to stab Through the city wall, through the dragon scale of the dragon gun!

It has a rocky horn and a combative habit that is different from the deer-like beasts. The long horn of the golden rock, which is constantly polished and hardened, is capable of piercing all armors with the explosive force of the plan. After it reaches the second energy level, the shock wave bag lurking in its body can make the ten-meter-long giant beast send out a shocking cry, driving away the surrounding carnivores.

A pitch-black shadow cut through the dark rain curtain, carrying an extremely sharp armor-piercing cone, and charged towards the boy! "What the hell?!"

"Good trick one _ one frost trap potion, I originally thought that this thing is only useful if it hits people!" He spoke, urging the shock wave bag in his body to stimulate fluctuations, and shaking the ice crystals that were still condensing on the body.

At Baron Ryan's chest, a shock wave visible to the naked eye began to spread, sweeping across the body, and finally converging on his right hand. At this moment, his knees were bent, and his right hand was clenching the armor-piercing long cone, which was placed on the side of his waist. His whole body was like a spring. Generally, when it shrinks, it is almost full of flaws.

At this moment, all the ice crystals that were originally stagnant began to rotate. They turned into a long ice chain in mid-air, and galloped away with the young sword's edge. The noise was violent, like a miniature hailstorm.

And compared to the brute force that the baron burst out at this moment, Ian, who was still only a fourteen-year-old boy, looked like a cat in front of a giant tiger even though he was also at the second energy level. But the cat also has the benefits of a cat. Steam spurts all over his body, and the whole person dexterously dodges diagonally behind.

But now, he already has the Jade of the Ming Dynasty as a further source organ, and the crystal at the front of the boy's chest is quietly glowing.

Slashing, sweeping, shocking, straight poking, crashing drills, the instinctive attack methods of the beast can never match his skills, and the trajectory of the long cone in Ji's hand is like the raging waves of the forest that hit from all directions. A deadly kill.

_Yi Lean Baron deliberately used language to interfere with his attention, otherwise, with the perception of the goblin, he would have been able to detect that something was wrong when the vines started to squirm!

But even so, in the real collision of weapons, he never suffered any loss.

"On the surface, it's loud, calling for a hail storm, but in fact, the swordsmanship is so meticulous and vicious, it's almost on the verge of becoming its own!"

Indeed, the armor-piercing long cone in Baron Lean's hand has been transformed into a miraculous, and the martial skill that simulates the charge of the white deer from Iwagi was used by him one by one, turning it into an phantom that ordinary people cannot see, and each phantom is different from different angles. method offensive.

That was the psychic left arm that Baron Ryan used to use rain and mud to condense for him before Baron Ryan! He rushed! The boy exclaimed: "Rocket Flying Fist?!" The correct answer is Psychic Flying Fist!

Or straight stab, or slashed, or even a counter-attack that doesn't look like a sword at all, he can always make the Xiang blade close to the baron's neck, wrist and waist and other vital points, forcing the opponent to retreat and defend.

Even the highly literate Ian couldn't help but be shocked. He looked at the weird thing flying towards him in horror. It looked like a hand... No, it was a hand!

One_—is the stamina! And it's a very high level! Not only that.

But on the contrary, the structure formed by the ice condensation behind him is constantly bulging, finally forming a shadow like a flying wing skeleton, and the real cold air mixed with the source substance spurts out from it, causing the surrounding raindrops to condense, Turned into the bright Liang Bingjing under the light of Lu Ting.


As a pure goblin' bloodline, with the same second energy level, Ian's strength is inferior to that of Baron Ryan, not to mention that the other party is an adult sublime who has been practicing for a long time?

But soon, by virtue of the goblin's sense of no dead ends, he knew that the real mutation came from the ground! Huhuhu!

But when Ian saw this, his eyes were startled. Not only did he not take advantage of the momentum to approach, but instead, he stepped forward without hesitation and retreated sharply to the rear! But the attack had already come.

Bang bang bang, while running, Baron Lean's body swelled and hardened, a layer of carapace like u-medium blue rock appeared at the key parts of his body, and the right arm that held the long cone was even more indestructible. Covered by the blue rock armor.

Seeing that Baron Ryan and his long cone were about to collide with the boy, and when he pierced his chest, Ian suddenly changed his pace, and the whole person slid sideways as if he had no inertia in the silk room, it was like an ice layer. walking with him.

But it was just dodging—the young man did not escape, but grasped the best counter-attack distance. At the moment when the long cone was exhausted, the cold light and long sword flashed in his hand. armpit waist side.

Boom! With this stab, a piercing sonic boom was emitted from the tip of the army—the prototype of the bloodline Iwagi Bailu was extremely long, using its only sharp big horns and developed muscles to launch a shocking shock. For the charge of this kind of forest lord, let alone a sharp-clawed tiger, even a Yalong can only flee in embarrassment! The power of this thorn, the armored alloy armor will be completely penetrated!

Leaning backwards and pulling away, the man couldn't help but admire.

Baron Lean gathered the shock waves from his body on the long armor-piercing cone in his hand, and then his feet shook violently. Immediately, the surrounding earth within a dozen meters shook violently, and a layer of misty water appeared! Iwagi White Deer can grow to the first The powerful monsters of the third energy level even have the fourth energy level, the ''Ritual Lord'' related advancement of the mountain people.

Baron Ryan raised his head, and his polygonal star-shaped blue pupils' eyes locked on Ian, who was already submerged in the darkness; "Do you really think that I chose to hold a ceremony here on a whim?"

And he will immediately take this opportunity to launch an attack.

The armor-piercing long cone has indeed hit the armor of the alchemist's armor, but after smashing the layer of ice covered on the surface, Ian's figure slid rapidly towards the distant ice layer with the power of Baron Ryan. !

When Ian quickly retreated, he crushed a bottle of alchemy potion and landed on the ground. The potion turned into a dozen chills that lingered in place, and then followed the air generated by Baron Ryan's charge. .

There are no people in black in ambush... He has always been on guard for this.

The two sides were already close, and the moment the fierce close combat started, there were three distinct collisions and buzzing sounds.

Ian raised his sword, and the hazy white zero overflowed from the gap of the alchemist Nuojia, but Yu was not the cold air of ordinary people's homesickness, but the high-heat Mianqi.

Baron Cai'an stepped out abruptly, and the whole person did not evade, and rushed straight into the middle of the hailstorm caused by Ian!

Such a young second-level, so excellent, to tell the Daqi tenth-level sword skills, the opponent is a real genius, no wonder he dares to act alone and find his own traces.

The man was unaware of this, and continued to speed up and run wildly, his eyes locked tightly on Ian, who once again raised his sword and stance, and drew his own weapon. A handful of three-finger thick, one-meter-two-long prismatic armor-piercing long cones!

Kacha, Kacha, the crystal clear and translucent ice flowers began to condense at the joints of the Baron's hands and feet, extending and becoming heavier and heavier.

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