Above The Sky

Chapter 380 Huaiguang Priest? Huaiguang Investigator! (13)

To be honest, it's hard for Ian to explain that he didn't come to dig up the corpse - he didn't even know there was a corpse here, he just came to find clues about Baron Ryan's early harvesting of the sorghum.

Although the Xiahui grass has accumulated nutrients in the second year, the medicinal effect will be maximized when it is harvested in late autumn. Now it is only the beginning of summer. There is definitely a reason for Baron Ryan to harvest it ahead of time.

Now it seems that these corpses may also be one of the reasons.

Somehow, they gave birth to the growth of the hazelnut, allowing him to harvest enough psionic plants earlier.

Unlike Ian, Sister Yingguang's investigation was in another direction. She was not a psionicist and could not see the clues that were obvious to Ian, but she also found some very crucial evidence. Therefore, exchanging information is an option that is beneficial to both parties. "Okay." Receiving the shovel, the nun carefully hung it behind her waist and readily agreed to the request. The two exchanged information.

Yingguang is the official priest of the Huaiguang Church. She is here for the unusual disappearances that have occurred around the Onyx Plain in the past three years. This is not something to be surprised about. After all, it is normal to go out and disappear accidentally, and it is a strange thing to be able to find the bones. In the Terra ecosystem, there are quite a few creatures that can digest their bones cleanly. Therefore, in this land, disappearance is not simply disappearance, but also the potential meaning of no bones.

Huaiguang Church usually does not pay attention to these small things. After all, if even the attack of monsters was under their control, would the local nobles and the security brigade still exist? Not to mention, how could such a thing be managed, even the founding of the Huaiguang Church could not be managed.

Having said that, the situation has become more and more frequent recently. Since a year ago, there has even been a strange phenomenon that an entire small business group has disappeared completely before passing through the Dianshan Gorge, and that business group happened to be one of them. Organized by devout Huaiguang believers.

There are so many complaints and requests from believers that they have to take action to see what is going on. Fast forward through.

After several months of follow-up investigation, Yingguang, who was appointed to investigate the matter, locked the source of the disappearance in the territory of Laian.

And she also found that a refugee gathering place in the Western Plains that originally existed in the Le'an Territory has completely disappeared, and there is not a single person in the empty camp. It has been decayed and dilapidated for at least more than a year. This is not normal.

Because of the confrontation with the Flying Flame Land, a large number of fortresses and military fortresses were built in the Western Plains, and there were all kinds of harsh laws, and a steady stream of refugees poured into Nanling.

Even if these homeless refugees are soon killed by the harsh conditions of the South Ridge, new refugees, or ordinary people eager to find a new home, come in every season.

Bi Zhang, tyranny is fiercer than a tiger.

Sister Yingguang believes that this incident may be related to another incident related to the Nanling cult, so she came here to negotiate with Baron Lean, who has a mountain background, and wanted to see from the other party's speech and behavior. A clue.

As a result, Baron Ryan did not reveal the slightest flaw, and she could not grasp the evidence, so she could only go back to the church in the city.

After negotiating with local personnel, through the method of treatment and diagnosis, I finally got a clue from a flower sea planter. I know that in the late autumn of last year, the Viscount organized the planting area after harvesting the Xiahui grass. Once, let the sea of ​​​​flowers become more lush. So she came to dig. A very formal investigation process.

Ian nodded slightly, Sister Yingguang was obviously from a professional background, and there were clues every step of the way.

And he also informed Sister Yingguang of what he had seen and heard in the castle, the news of Baroness Ryan and her child, and the news about the self-robbery of the Xiahui grass guard. Of course, remove the prophet-related information.

...... The news received in the city proves that the baron does have a child, but it is only because of his poor health that he does not leave the castle. ' With her red eyes widened in surprise, the female cultivator fell into contemplation.

She thought about the information in Ian's intelligence, then nodded slightly: "I'm sorry, I was still farming in the countryside around the Holy Mountain six years ago, so I don't know the news about you southerners."

"But if Baron Nan's child died six years ago, and you sensed that there were four children in the castle, but only saw three..., can I test whether or not the baron used his own method. The cognition of everyone in the Ryan Domain?

Farming? A real village girl, no wonder you are so good at using farm tools...I thought you were from an archaeological team.

Amazed in his heart, Ian raised his head. He looked at the falling torrential rain and cloudy clouds, and then looked at the pitch-black Ian Castle on the cliff in the distance. He said slowly: "This is private news from the aristocratic circle, and it is also spread within Nanling. Even if you are a southerner, it is unlikely that you will know."

"As for the method..." After pondering for a while, Ian continued: "It is indeed very possible, after all, he is a lord, and there is always a way. Ordinary people don't care too much, or they don't dare to care about these gossips. .

"As long as the busy farming season comes, any reverie will vanish." Most importantly, there are three psionic children by the Baron's side.

Who knows if they have that kind of psionic power to rewrite memories? It's better to say they definitely have, the old butler's words without hesitation, even Ian can't see that he is lying. It is obviously a lie from the heart. .

Even the old housekeeper who lives with them can be deceived, let alone ordinary people? "Then let's summarize the current situation."

Sister Yingguang is very capable, she took out a small board from the Bao wife behind her, and then started taking notes with a waterproof pen. This move made Ian look sideways, thinking, "Could it be that the executor of the Huaiguang Church is a part-time investigator?''.

She concluded: "There are three children in the baron's family who are physically and mentally handicapped, and a parent who is supposed to die but can sense it in his psionic energy." "There are frequent cases of disappearances around Leanland, victims of victims. Part of the corpse of the victim appeared below the sea of ​​flowers in Laian. Most of the residents in Laian City had a memory loss of the Baron's family. Recently, there have also been cases of missing children in surrounding towns.

"The baron himself has the blood of the mountain people, and his wife is also a noble branch of the mountain people. They may indeed have mastered the sublimation skills related to the original ancestor worship of the mountain people, and even the pagan worship.''" In his hands There are weird things about the treasures inherited from the mountain people's spiritual energy... Wait, does he want to revive his child? Summing up here, Yingguang's expression is startled: "But this will only create a kind of vicious monster. ...an inextinguishable spirit..."

"This is troublesome..." She frowned slightly, and she gritted her teeth subconsciously: "The situation is serious, I think you should apply for church assistance first." This is a normal speculation, just like Viscount Rong Lante, Just the objects are different.

"I also think we should report it to the Huaiguang Church first, but to be honest, it may be too late.

But Ian opened his mouth and said with some regret: "The Baron's plan has lasted for several years, but in the last three months, you found out that a lot of Xiahui grass was harvested in advance some time ago, that is, psychic tonic extraction The raw material plan for the liquid is at the last minute."

He narrowed his eyes, the water-colored halo flowed, and stared at the castle in the distance: "Although my psychic can't see that far, but my essentia perception tells me that there is no one in the baron's castle." "He has departed."

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