Above The Sky

Chapter 371 The Proof Of The Tyrant (13)

During the reign of the late Emperor Inaga II, in order to clear the many beast nests in the eastern part of the empire, it was necessary to mobilize the army, block the area, prevent the beasts from wandering and endanger the surrounding villages, towns and cities, and also required heavy firepower to bombard the nest structure.

And this naturally requires the use of food and grass from the surrounding provinces to accumulate various war materials.

As a result, before the army was launched, twenty-nine large warehouses scattered around the eastern province were burned down by a fire overnight. The firepower was so powerful that even the magma was burned out. Turn the original warehouse site into volcanic scorched earth.

The grain storage warehouses in various places, in addition to the special grain guard army, are also guarded by sublimators. Let alone a fire, even if there is a volcanic eruption, as long as it is not the main magma jet, it can barely be blocked.

But everyone said in unison that the night the granary was burned down, they saw a fiery red Yangyan True Dragon galloping across the sky, spitting fireballs like a meteor.

There is no doubt that it was Gu Long who burned the granary!

As we all know, encountering ancient dragons is equivalent to encountering natural disasters. The granary was burned by natural disasters, and it really has nothing to do with them.

This is the allusion to the world of Terra, the origin of the fire dragon burning warehouse.

In this regard, Inaika II was furious, and personally took action to capture all the guards and sublimators of the twenty-nine warehouses, hang them on the street lamps in the square of the local main city, and leave a legacy that will be handed down to future generations. The tyrant's famous saying 'You trash, kill ten out of ten, I think there are fish that slip through the net! ’.

This is also one of the reasons why Inaika II was later called a tyrant-in order to start a war that would cost the people and the wealth, he did not hesitate to hoard food by spending a lot of people's energy, and after being warned by natural disasters, he did not repent, and he still insisted on starting a war and bringing innocent victims to life. The officers and soldiers of the natural disaster were all executed, and they did not obey the laws of the empire at all.

So scary! Killing ten out of ten is not enough, what a bloodthirsty tyrant!

In this regard, Ian's evaluation is: good kill! Kill more, he loves watching!

When Ian saw this passage from the imperial history book, he showed the look of dirty things... how about a fool? This kind of thing is still recorded in an open and honest way, which in turn proves that Inaga II is a tyrant?

But there is no way. History is almost like this. It cannot be said that it is completely empty. However, some things are described in a different way, which is really a completely different feeling.

The so-called robbery incident this time was an obvious act of burning the warehouse by a fire dragon. Baron Ryan probably joined forces with Marquis Barton or other high-level nobles to eat this batch of materials that should be supplied to the official empire at a reserve price.

As for this group of thieves with great powers, it is no surprise that the final true identity is the special forces of the Flying Flame Land.

pot? The pot is right! Since Flying Flame has been so active recently, it would be a waste not to use it.

Ian guessed that Baron Ryan had recently noticed the more and more frequent activities of the Flying Flame Land, and even just knew the biological warfare information he recently reported to the Viscount, so he was unwilling to be lonely and wanted to make a lot of money.

As for the others, he didn't bother to think about doubts. Anyway, when the time came, he would just take a look at it with the vision of precognition.

If you can see big blobs of blue-purple fog, you'll know your guess is right.

Prophet trial and error, it is so simple and rude.

"It's a bit difficult to buy high-quality products now."

Standing on the street, feeling the light rain falling, Ian touched the anti-virus structure under the helmet and said in deep thought, "However, I remember only seven or eight Ascenders that Ian led me, most of them are full-time professionals like the Wave Chanter, and they should be destroyed. I can't say it - then I'll just go and buy it."

The sublime of Harrison Harbor is in the double digits. If nothing else, there are more than a dozen people in the escort team and the three fleets, although most of them have the highest potential, which is the first energy level and the second energy level. A class of wave chants, but sublimators are sublimators, making them all stand at the top of Harrison Harbor.

"Indeed, but the Baron himself is of the second rank."

Anfa also nodded in agreement: "In the final analysis, Sir, you are a knight after all, and there is still room, but I have to leave this place early. If I get involved, it is really possible to become a spy for a thief."

Ian turned his head to look, and found that the elf maester had indeed bought a new batch of luggage, with a pony behind his back, as if he was about to leave immediately.

Anfa originally came to Laian Land, but in addition to purchasing the materials lost after being raided by the sharp-clawed tiger, there should be some things to do.

But after sensing the abnormal atmosphere, he planned to leave early.

The smart thing about smart people is that they should run away without getting caught.

Although it is said that by pushing the matter on the Flaming Special Forces, Baron Ryan doesn't even need to find a group of people who take the blame, but if there is, it will be more persuasive.

Ian is a knight after all, so it has something to do with it. This pot is hard to throw up, and Anfa, an out-of-towner, is very suitable.

No one said that there can be no elves in the land of flames, right?

"Wise choice."

Ian nodded slightly and said goodbye to him: "Then I hope to see you next time."

"You are also an interesting knight, goodbye." The elf maester also salutes goodbye.

Anfa's departure was an episode, Ian was walking on the street alone, watching the color of the frost butterfly in the helmet.

He was a little surprised to find that the future he conceived of 'speaking out and asking to buy two-year-old Xiahui grass' was actually a bright purple.

Frost Butterfly will benefit from this - from the point of view of "little goblins will benefit from the advancement of big goblins", his advancement is obviously very successful.

This means that his actions will be smooth, and Baron Ryan will not hesitate to sell him the two-year-old sapphire grass, and will not even prevaricate the reason that the sapphire grass has been stolen... He just wants to send him away That way.

Maybe there are other possibilities, but the result is good

"Good thing."

Nodding lightly, Ian didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

He really doesn't mind getting himself dirty, but it's better to have less sewage.

He returned to the accommodation building of the Platinum Iridium Workshop and waited for the steward of Baron Ryan's Manor to inform him.

At noon, the notice arrived, and an old man whose hair was almost falling out, now covered in a wig, brought the baron's greetings.

He said Baron Ryan already knew who Ian was and his purpose, and he would love to meet such a young rookie for lunch.

So Ian set off for the castle.

Under the guidance of the steward, the group walked through the wet street under the gloomy sky, the winding road leading to the edge of the city, the building on the cliff.

The towering and sturdy fortress is made of a part of steel and stone to resist artillery attacks, and the walls and towers covered with moss and creepers give people a simple taste.

Ian saw next to the stable next to the castle, a servant was leading a brown horse into the stable.

It seems that there are other guests in the place before him, and it is quite urgent.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency, the master is in a hurry and cannot receive you for the time being."

Sure enough, after entering the castle, the steward saw several gestures made by other servants, and bowed to Ian with regret and apologetic: "I'm sorry. If you don't mind, please rest in the reception room for a while and taste the city of Le'an. flower tea."

"I do not mind."

Ian also wanted to try what scented tea tastes like. After seeing the splendid sea of ​​flowers outside the city, he was looking forward to it.


There was thunder outside, and it was raining heavily.

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