Above The Sky

The 300 And 60 Chapters Of Their Respective Journeys (W Order To Celebrate And Add More)

"Emotion is business."

Yin En walked slowly to the front of the team, and he looked at the hot roadside deal with interest: "I thought they were going to rob."

"Haha." Brin laughed. He was basically Yin En's dedicated commentator: "How could it be possible? People came around with weapons because they were afraid of being robbed by us."

"Although the mountain people joined the empire and became a member of the citizens, they still remember the war two hundred years ago. Only those they recognized can trade with them, and they are all bartering, just for fear of being deceived by us. already."

"When we were doing business, there were many mountain tribes who were deceived and lost their wealth, so they could only go down the mountain to attack the town, and the matter became a big one. Those chambers of commerce were indeed removed from their names, and the leaders hung street lights, but The mountain people who were originally going to integrate into the imperial system shrank back, and the Marquis of Badun was scolded by His Majesty for this, saying that he knew how to keep birds if he didn’t know how to manage things.”

Speaking of this, Brin sighed a little: "I was born in Port Harrison, I thought we were the edge of the world, and there is no one worse than us exiles... But after coming out and seeing the world Only then did I know that there are people on this earth who suffer more than us."

He patted Yin En's shoulder and whispered: "Without Elder Pude, we are really just a mass of loose sand... Where can there be such a caravan?"


Yin En watched the scene of the transaction. The powerful mountain hunters worked hard to carry their hunted furs, as well as the fur carpets and murals sewed with special craftsmanship, in exchange for those daily consumables that were not very valuable.

The Baishi Chamber of Commerce did not cheat, but it was definitely not sincere. If nothing else, those herbal medicines were all overstocked products, which were obviously used for clearing the inventory.

There is an effect, there is an effect, but it is definitely intentional.

At this moment, Yin En met an old man among the mountain people.

It was an old man holding a bone staff, his body curled up because of his old age, but a pair of green eyes were extremely bright.

He is clearly an Ascendant, and a people of iron. He seemed to sense something, and turned his head suspiciously, looking in Yin En's direction.

Before Yin En could take a serious look, he saw the old man open his eyes slightly, and then bowed to him.

Although confused, Yoon Eun also returned the salute with the same etiquette.

The old man smiles.

The transaction with the mountain people soon ended, and the caravan steward came back with a hint of surprise to report to Yin En: "Master, the elder of the mountain people's Afud department just asked me to pay tribute to you, he said that he took from your body. I feel a trace of ancestors, if the future destiny guides you to go to the depths of the mountains, they are willing to entertain your honorable guest."

"So...then next time we meet, I want to express my gratitude and humiliation and love."

Nodding slightly, Yin En was slightly startled.

Did the old mountaineer just see his identity as a psionicist, or... see the aura of the ancient dragon core on him?

The latter should be unlikely, after all, even Elder Baiwu can't sense it, but if the relationship between the mountain people and the ancient dragon is not a lie, and if the ritual and related skills of sacrificing the ancient dragon are still maintained...

"Perhaps, from them, we can get some information about the ancient dragon?"

Shaking his head slightly, Yin En didn't think about these things.

In any case, when he comes back here next time, he will definitely be at the second energy level, equal to the strongest among the mountain people. At that time, whether it is to ask about the ancient dragon or something else, he will be more confident.

The second energy level is the current priority.

After leaving the Dianshan Gorge, Yin En and the caravan were ready to part.

"Be safe, my lord."

The docile camel beast carried the luggage, slowly left the convoy, and walked towards the insertion on the other side, while the tall former herbalist waved goodbye to Yin En quite comically: "I hope that when you come back again, you will have a second energy. class!"

After he finished speaking, he laughed, and even the others in the chamber of commerce also laughed kindly.

"It's not difficult." Yin En also smiled and waved goodbye to them: "It's too simple, are you looking down on me?"

"Next time, I wish to choose a harder one, so that I can be motivated."

The camel beast left the fork in the road and drifted away from the convoy. Yoon Eun followed the road, always set off from An Ling.

"I didn't expect Yoon Eun to have a good sense of humor."

Looking at the back of the young man leaving, Brin, who was shocked by Yin En's words just now, said: "I thought he would always just smile calmly and say something too rational, but I didn't expect to brag with us. "

"It can't be too superficial." The steward also looked quite emotional, he patted Brin's shoulder: "You've been working hard these days—it's not really hard work, the geniuses in our family are always better than those who are unreasonable. The lord is good to serve... go back to work."

Nodding slightly, the caravan also embarked on their journey.


Terra 773, May 14th.

An earthquake occurred in the internal board of directors of the Boyi workshop of the Setar Empire. The chief minister of the south resigned. The three shareholders were investigated. At that time, he had been stripped of the title of master, and his private alchemy workshop was also closed.

This was a major event enough to cause shocks in the alchemy market in the southern part of the empire, but it was only the aftermath of an earthquake within the Ellen family.

On the 16th, Marquis Wilder ended his negotiation with the Yanjiang mission and returned home as soon as possible. That night, he was found alone at the gate of his mansion.

On the 17th, the board of directors reopened, and the new Southern General Director was nominated. Those who are familiar with the famous people in the alchemy circle of the imperial capital will find that this new director is the master of the Royal Alchemy Association and a tenured professor of the Royal Academy of Alchemy Gosse Bede. A family son and a proud disciple.

On the 19th, the second prince Mikael Setar, who was supposed to be in the fortress complex of Yinsi Mountain in the east, met his concubine but his father's favorite sister, who is now Mrs. Ellen in the Imperial Palace.

What this incident represents is still speculated by the nobles of the imperial capital to this day, but this news was soon overshadowed by the brief exchange of fire between the Royal Court of Heaven and the Republic of Gantrygum on the Frostmoon Plain.

The east of the Karan Mountains will fall into turmoil again, which is the major concern of all nobles.

Therefore, under the deliberate ignorance and scrolling of other news, most people did not notice that there was a familiar name among the deputy directors of Boyi Workshop in the South.

Isengard Ellen became the deputy director of Boyi Workshop South.

On the same day, a small box made of snow crystals set off from the imperial capital and arrived in Nanling Province immediately.

------off topic-----

Ask for a monthly ticket~

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