Above The Sky

Chapter 359 I Will Feed! (23)

The user is tracked in turn by psionics.

Ian feels that most observation system psionicists can do it. He was able to capture the trajectory of the second energy level of Wiggs in the past. Now that the psionic power has improved a lot, it is easier to capture a first energy psionicist. Freehand.

He looked up, and a few squirrels had been snooping on the camp before, but left after he had dispelled the reef-devouring sea otter colony.

But it doesn't matter, he has already locked the direction.

"Don't you need us to go together?"

Brin stepped forward with a big bow on his back and asked, although he had full confidence in Ian, he still felt that it was better to be safe: "I know that you can kill the natives by yourself at the age of eight. Now killing a few Flaming Soldiers is estimated and drinking. Soup is the same, but be careful."

"The target is too big and easy to be discovered, and I need to start as soon as possible without leaving time for the other side to react."

Ian kept his words concise, and then stuffed Brin with two alchemy bombs: "If there is a monster attack after I leave, using this to blow it up is quite powerful, and it can also remind me that the caravan is attacked."

"Yes, any precautions?"

Brin took Ian's homemade bomb in surprise and joy. He obviously knew the value of this thing, but he was also very aware of its danger, and asked with some anxiety: "It won't explode suddenly, will it?"

"Trust my quality."

Ian patted Brin on the shoulder: "But remember to throw it away, or you get the idea."

Knowing everything, the herb collector swallowed and nodded.

Without hesitation, Ian turned his head and urged the fairy wings to leave.

The alchemist's armor is not heavy, and it does not affect his rapid movement in the jungle, not to mention the protection of the armor, he can accelerate without any scruples.

Silver-white shadows flickered in the dark jungle, passing through the treetops with a rush of wind. Even the monsters looking for their prey at night could only hear a gust of wind and the scattered water left by Ian. fog.

With the fairy wings blessed by the first energy level peak source material, Ian can wear the armor and can have an average speed of 60 meters per second. In addition, the ether crystal provides a steady stream of battery life, and he can even sleep at this speed. Running nonstop for days.

If he didn't want to hide his strength from Harrison Harbor, lest his identity as a Hilliard disciple would be exposed in the end, where would he need to follow a caravan, he would go to Ryan after running for a long time without rushing.

What's more, you can't see the scenery that way.

Such a speed is already faster than many flying birds, even if the group of people monitoring themselves noticed that something was wrong and started to leave, it was impossible for him to run away before he arrived.

Not long after, more than ten minutes later, Ian arrived at the area where the traces of psionic energy converged.

He had already seen the hill under the cover of the jungle, and the hidden hole in the hill.

And beside this hill, there are many 'unexpected joys'.

The Flying Flames Special Operations Unit is a new unit that was established in recent years. It originated from the well-known Shadow Leaf Demon extermination battle. The aliens hidden in the jungle easily harvested many Abbasalom animals. The soldiers of the country were killed, and the following means of epidemic poison, miasma, and poisonous insects caused heavy losses to the major legions.

Adhering to the ideology of the enemy's advantages, I study, and the enemy's disadvantages, I reject, a unit that is proficient in stealth and sabotage behind the enemy, and is good at using biological warfare and ambush assassination to harass the enemy.

Since the passage of the Western Plains was opened six years ago, Flying Flameland has been trying to penetrate the Western Plains and Nanling, and the progress has been very successful.

The entire western plain was easily passed by these elites as if it did not exist, making the southwest of the empire all over the eyeliner of the flying flames - this phenomenon has been noticed by the high-level military of the empire, and the elites have been constantly mobilized to attack, but it is difficult to eradicate.

The communication base located in the northeast of Port Harrison has been established for four years, and it is well hidden. There is a team of 12 people and one sublime, who are responsible for collecting trade information from the villages and towns south of Sanhe City and the Chamber of Commerce.

Port Harrison is in charge of the 1st Special Forces Group and is not their domain.

However, the special forces team was completely wiped out in the South China Sea Labyrinth.

The headquarters of Fei Yandi was furious and demanded a strict investigation of the situation around Nanling, and even sent a psionicist and a sublime here to take over local affairs and launch an investigation into the South China Sea Great Labyrinth.

In the past two weeks, they did find a lot of information, but unfortunately it was useless.

The protagonist of the labyrinth exploration, the exploration team of the Ellen family is either dead, or has left Nanling and returned to the imperial capital, and the few survivors are also staying in the city, not a big man.

If Ian hadn't taken the initiative to go out and travel, this group of soldiers in the land of flames would have thought about how to be punished.

——An alchemist who survived under the protection of the Ellen family, how difficult is it to deal with?

The psionic ability is powerful, and the appraisal level is also high, but what kind of combat power can he have at a young age?

That was their first thought, but not now.

"I'm afraid this stronghold has already been discovered."

"The psionicist noticed my existence, and his observation system psionic energy can directly lock my psionic energy track! He is much more powerful than the information we got. To be cautious, we must retreat before the sun rises."

After the psionicist 'overlook' ended the psionic state, the other two sublimators were slightly surprised by what he said hastily, but neither questioned the other party's order.

Obeying the commander's orders is a duty, not to mention that their special forces are ready to change their bases at any time.

Even if it feels like a little fuss, they are doing this kind of work with care.

"Which direction to withdraw?"

Overlooking the guard, a burly and tall soldier asked the person beside him: "It will take some time for the troops from Port Harrison to come and clear it. We can choose our destination before leaving."

"Cross the Ewok River and go to the Baisen Mountains."

The original local person in charge, a dark-faced Iron Man said: "Although Port Harrison has defeated the redwood forest natives, the eyeliner has not yet fully occupied the other side of the Ewok River, and we have also built a stronghold there."

"Let's go then." Overlook was succinct.

Their purpose is to try to capture Ian related to the Labyrinth of the South China Sea and collect information on the South Ridge, not to fight the imperial government head-on.

If the plan fails, give up.

"I went to set up some 'blood stalks' traps around, and by the way, spread a circle of confusing fungus sacs around."

The dark man said calmly: "There are a lot of monsters nearby. If they are all crazy, it will be enough for the guards to suffer a little."

Although the local natives have been defeated, many of the inheritance of Gu insects and miasma poisons have been collected by flying flames. The many wild beasts that have appeared in Nanling recently are their masterpieces. With the recovery of various biological weapons materials, they also plan to Developed 'Root Fungus' that can destroy farmland and sublimate crops.

But the latter is more difficult, because the plants in Nanling are extremely tough, and they will also transmit vaccine-like biomass through some means to cooperate with each other, and it is slightly difficult to target plants.

However, it is not without results. For areas outside the redwood forest, they plan to select several important grain-producing areas and important economic crop sites for placement, and test the flora data while reducing production.

The natives dare not use it because the natives also live in Nanling, and they are not natives, so they are naturally very unscrupulous.

As for the blood lingering bug, which has proven successful, biological tests on kidnapped Nanling people have shown that the parasite, which can be transmitted by mosquitoes, can make mosquitoes active and itchy. It can erode blood vessels and nerves, bruise and necrosis of parasitic sites, create huge sores, and hatch more larvae in the sores.

As long as the stroke, it will leave almost permanent sequelae.

These biological weapons are still in the testing stage, and Flying Flames regards Nanling as a huge testing ground, with inexhaustible raw materials, venues and test items.

As for why they can act so recklessly, it is naturally because there are people within the empire who are supporting them.

For the dark man, both the natives and the imperial people of Nanling are like pigs and sheep. They are only consumables for him to develop related technologies, and it is also his future advancement.

The brigade captain in charge of Port Harrison died unexpectedly, and it was his turn to take over.

"Let's go." This idea is also very suitable for overlooking, the psionicist nodded, then turned sideways to his guard and said: "Bring the document, and say that the target is that the psionicist is very vigilant, our strength is not enough, we can't Capture the target and let the team next to Nauman take over."

"Yes." The burly soldier said.


Although the order is forbidden, the two subordinates are very reliable, but after the two left, overlooking the heart was vaguely uneasy: "What method did that young man use to deter the group of reef-devouring sea otters?"

"It looks like strength suppression, but how is it possible? It should be the means of an alchemist... Someone?!"

Suddenly, the psionicist turned his head and looked at the entrance of the cave.

Strange noises came from outside.

This sound is very strange. It is not the howl of a beast, nor is it the crisp humming of the sword tearing the air. Instead, it is like the sound of some kind of liquid being strongly squeezed and ejected rapidly.

Nourishes - collapses -!

Accompanied by this strange sound of breaking the air, accompanied by the sound of something flying rapidly, the rolling sound of hitting the rock...

A violent grenade explosion erupted at the mouth of the hill!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Almost instantly, the collapse induced by the alchemy bomb buried the entire entrance of the cave!

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