Above The Sky

Chapter 355 The Wider World (33)

It took a long time for Ian to leave.

Therefore, the next day, when Ian brought Ellen to the Elder Hall and showed his Knight Medal to Elder Pude, the old man even sneered, saying that he had already learned about it from the Viscount last night.

"I'm not worried about you at all." The elder said: "What I'm worried about is how much trouble you will cause."

Prophets seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and Prophets can avoid most wrong choices—but it also means that Prophets can easily cause some big troubles that ordinary people would never even think of.

If nothing else, Ian's every move in the labyrinth is amazing enough. Just what he can say will frighten the old man half to death, if you count what he can't say...

He doesn't have such a good heart.

In this regard, Ian just gave Elder Pude a hug: "Take care of yourself, elder, listen to the doctor's orders, you have to live to see the rise of the family."

"Elan, you too, I'm not at home, just listen to Elder Pude. If you have anything, you can ask Brother Scott and Qingchao for help."

"Mmmm." Holding Ian's hand, Alan opened his eyes wide and stared at his brother's face.

He was not worried about Ian's long trip, but showed a big smile: "I know, my brother's mood."

"I can know, so... I am also very happy!"

Ellen stayed, and the young man who had been kicked out of the Elder Hall by the old man returned home alone.

Ian knew that Elder Poudh just didn't want to cry in front of him.

He picked up the luggage that had been prepared for a long time, and then prepared to go to the White Room Chamber of Commerce.

A caravan of white people is waiting for Ian's trip, and their destination is Nauman City. Ian can take a short walk along the way, and then go to Ryan's Land.

There is also an acquaintance in the caravan, the herbalist Brin - this man who fought against the natives with Ian in the past is now in his early days, and his fussy love of money is quite suitable for the caravan's work.

Many people, including Sai Nan, said goodbye to Ian, looking extremely regretful.

If nothing else, without Ian identifying some rare-looking catches and herbs for them, their income would certainly have declined.

But traveling is the custom of Terra Continent. After traveling, the stronger Ian can naturally lead the family to go further.

They look forward to that future.

Both Viscount Grant and Treasurer Lamar came to say goodbye to Ian, and they brought Ian's 'armor' and 'saber'.

These two items are relatively large, so they were one step later than the medal, and were only delivered by the caravan from Nauman City this morning.

The armor is a set of ordinary alchemist armor, which is composed of a smooth chest shell at the chest and the surrounding fine metal armor.

Although the defense can't be compared with serious armor, there are hooks for waist straps on the waist side, and the helmet has a simple breathing mask structure, which can be adapted to most common anti-virus modifications. Generally speaking, it is unremarkable.

As for the sword, Ian was a little surprised. It was a half-handed sword made of cold light metal.

"If you can become a patrol knight, it will be beneficial, but if you can't, you don't need to force it."

The Viscount handed Ian a bag of silver coins, which was quite heavy, about eighty talers, a huge sum of money.

The nobleman instructed: "Although I can't go back to Port Harrison, I also have a residence in Nauman City. There is a key in the bag, don't lose it."

"If you don't want to travel, you can hide your identity and go back to Nauman City. Mr. Yinfang also knows this residence. He is happy to meet you and entrust you with some work."

Ian put on his armor, and the Viscount personally put on a long sword and helmet for him. Under the full-coverage helmet, only a pair of light blue eyes could be seen.

If necessary, even this gap can be blocked by a waterproof membrane to prevent the alchemist from being affected by his own medicine.

Ian can feel that Frost Butterfly thinks this helmet is pretty good, and the thudding is very happy, the air-conditioning she releases will not escape, and thanks to this little goblin, his helmet will not be too stuffy.

"It's like a lot."

After taking a look at the young knight in front of him, the Viscount nodded with satisfaction: "We know your level, but no one outside Harrison Port knows it - it's a good thing to cover your too young face."

The prototype of the Knight Medal is a marine compass, representing that Ian became a knight because of "merit at sea". It can't be wrong.

There is also an award document with the inscriptions of Viscount Grant and the Governor of Nanling in the medal box. Most of the time, you don't need to take it out. As long as Ian can prove that he is a sublime and has a medal, most cities and levels will be released. , only the more strict places need to look at the certificate to recognize the person.

Everything is ready.

After that, it's departure.

Today is a rare good weather. The clouds are sparse and the sun is clear. The temperature in early summer is mixed with the sea breeze from south to north, which makes the flag of the caravan roll slightly.

Because of the news of the labyrinth, and the large amount of coastal Warcraft materials and herbs produced by the labyrinth mutation, there were many caravans entering and leaving Harrison Harbor.

The giant horned camel beast that pulls the cart moves slowly, and its thick and thick hoofs can easily traverse the wetlands and swamps of Nanling. The slippery fur can resist the bites of many kinds of mosquitoes, but it needs to be regularly dealt with the fungi that grow on it. and moss.

Wild giant horned camels do not have this trouble. They can even grow a thick layer of lichen armor, and if they touch it, they will release a lot of paralyzing fungi and miasma. Even sharp-clawed tigers will be worried when they see them. It is precisely because there are no natural enemies and they are not very afraid of people that they have become the most common camel beasts in Nanling.

Ian owns a car, pulled by a docile female camel beast - he has this qualification, after all, this caravan is affiliated with his sublime status.

He helps the family, and the family will help him. Ian is very clear that most of his alchemy materials are purchased by his own chamber of commerce from distant cities for him.

The teenager wore armor, which he would not take off before entering the city. Terra Continent is different from Earth. People here can even sleep in heavy armor, and the danger that may appear anytime, anywhere makes everyone keep fighting.

After making sure that his luggage and equipment were all ready, he turned his head and looked at the people behind him who were seeing him off.

The Viscount has returned to the mansion, and Bishop Baiwu seems to be blessing from afar. Sai Nan is standing in the white people's team. He has prepared a good seasoned dried fish for Ian. Just cut a little bit with a knife and put it into the soup. It is quite delicious.

Scott didn't come. He still has a patrol mission today, but Qingchao stood beside the white people's team and stared silently.

Elder Pude was holding Ailan, and his younger brother was waving to him.

Ian smiled and waved goodbye to them.

A light wind blew past the clouds, and a wisp of shadow swept across the harbor. The Baisen Mountains not far away stand between the sky and cloud shadows.

A flock of birds vacated from the mountains and flew towards the coast, bringing up the noise.

The caravan moved in the opposite direction of the birds, toward the forest, north of the blue sea, beyond the clouds and mountains.

Jingle, Jingle.

The melodious bell rang, and the camel beast stepped forward.

"Goodbye." Ian whispered to himself.

Young people set off to a wider world.

Don't look back.

------off topic-----

Recently, I have a little cold, and my condition is not very good. Although I have been strong for a few days, I still feel a little uncomfortable. I have to adjust it!

There will be about two shifts tomorrow, find a chance to take a day off without delaying the plot

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