Above The Sky

Chapter 346 Shark Electromagnetic Cannon (13)

"What are they going to do?"

After all, Yin En didn't think the 19th Legion came to the labyrinth for a walk.

Rather, it is truly incredible that the Nineteenth Legion did not intend to make a fortune in the maze.

The labyrinth represents danger, opportunity, magical beasts, wealth, ancient heritage, precious materials and 'sustainable productivity' on the Terra continent.

To own a labyrinth is to have a huge treasure trove that is almost inexhaustible.

If nothing else, as long as you can use the ecology in the labyrinth to breed certain rare monsters, in this world that requires monsters as various sublimation materials, it is equivalent to renewable gold.

even more precious.

As long as you are strong enough to develop the maze instead of being bombarded by the maze, then wealth is indeed at your fingertips.

And the level of the big labyrinth, in addition to representing a huge amount of wealth and resources, can basically be equated with a 'big family' and a 'big power'.

If one family and one faction can control the entire maze, then their surnames and names will be spread throughout the continent.

Their ascendants will emerge in an endless stream, the high-level combat power will not be cut off, and there is enough wealth and resources to enable all members of the family to read and write, learn knowledge and technology, and master the highest productivity.

Yin En is very clear that Viscount Grant has such an idea, so he has always planned to hide things about the South China Sea labyrinth and the ruins, and wants to develop it on his own.

But obviously, this idea is no longer realistic.

If nothing else, the South China Sea Fleet, which was supposed to fight against other countries' fleets, now wants a piece of the pie.

In theory, the South China Sea Fleet expelling the fleets of other countries is a matter of their own, but if everything is done in accordance with the principles and rules, there will not be so many things in this world.

Now that the maze has not been fully opened, it is impossible for the Viscount to allow them to enter. Since this is the case, it is normal for the South China Sea Fleet to come to the maze and try to make a fortune.

Maybe Viscount Grant acquiesced or maybe - there must be some political struggles behind this that he doesn't know about, incomparably complicated tricks and tricks.

But here comes the problem.

No matter what the struggle, Yoon Eun didn't plan to let them succeed.

"Want to explore the labyrinth?"

Squinting slightly, Yin En stared at the dome of the Crystal Cave. He muttered to himself, "It's time to let everyone know the dangers of the labyrinth, and then explore here carefully."

"What I need is for adventurers to remove the traps in the labyrinth step by step and destroy the dangerous beasts. It is not for your group to develop violently."

Yin En raised his voice: "Shark, let's go!"

"Ooh! (Crash!)"

at the same time.

South China Sea Fleet.

"Sir, according to Master Gosey, there are still quite a few dangerous monsters in the labyrinth. If we approach this rashly, it is very likely that the monsters will attack..."

The South Sea Fleet officer Baron Gwen was listening to his subordinate's report, and when he heard this, he patted his hand lightly, signaling the other party to stop.

The experienced old naval aristocrat raised his head impatiently, then stared at his deputy and said, "So we won't go?"

"Of course not..." The adjutant froze for a moment.

"Since it's not, then you should be prepared to deal with the attack of the monsters, instead of telling me here that 'the front is very dangerous.'"

The adjutant was helpless: "Sir, if there is a second-level sea monster attacking the fleet, if the fleet does not deploy a defensive position and release the naval armor to block it, then we will most likely be unable to stop it."

And Baron Gwen rejoiced: "With such a big fanfare, do you want to be discovered by Little Grant? This is the tacit understanding of the nobles. Let's come to the labyrinth to find some fortune. He has the first batch of labyrinth explorers to give back information."

"But this is not allowed by the empire. We are patrolling the sea now, 'accidentally entering the labyrinth', 'accidentally attacked by monsters', 'forced to defend ourselves' - and little Grant knows nothing about it, understand?"

The adjutant choked, of course he understands - how many times have they exploited this kind of loophole?

But the problem is, they used to take advantage of small labyrinths and small places, where is the big labyrinth in the South China Sea so dangerous?

According to Master Gosser, there are crystal dragons, worm nests, and even other possible 'second-level monsters' in this labyrinth... Although there is no third-level energy level for the time being, with the power of the big labyrinth, It is estimated that it will be born within a few years.

The South China Sea Fleet is just a big name. To put it bluntly, it is part of the 19th Army Corps.

The second-level powerhouse is only Baron Gwen.

When encountering the second-level demon beast, the fleet will definitely suffer losses. It is unlikely that the unlucky Lord will be the baron, but only the little soldiers who take the blame.

"It's not my intention behind this."

But Baron Gwen is obviously not really mindless. He has other tasks. After beating his adjutant, he threw out some news to reassure the other party: "Lord Marquis just gave the order last night, we have to evaluate the South China Sea. The dangers of the big labyrinth."

"If we could, we would build a squadron station in Port Harrison."

"After all, the two second-level giant eels on O'Dell Reef have now disappeared temporarily, and the threat of affecting fleet cruises no longer exists. In order to better protect the imperial merchant shipping routes and prevent the next time similar to Flying Flames With the incident of the Canaan Moorish fleet approaching the territorial waters, the construction of the squadron base is necessary."


The adjutant was surprised. Building a squadron station at Port Harrison? Isn't this a direct struggle for power with Viscount Grant? But the meaning of the Marquis of Barton is essentially the meaning of the imperial capital, which is the temptation above. It is no wonder that the other party cannot find the real purpose.

I really want to let the other party find out that the other party will not dare to confront them on the bright side, but what if Viscount Grant is shameless and disguises himself as a magical beast with an etheric weapon and sinks several main battleships of their Second Fleet?

At that time, they can only rely on Viscount Grant to defend the South China Sea, and there is no way to investigate him.

The confrontation between the local and the central government is like this. On the bright side, "yes, yes," actually refuses to implement it.

"In the end." Baron Gwen looked at the dark night sky: "How could it be possible for the Grant family to monopolize the South China Sea Great Labyrinth? Marquis, the legion must have a share of the pie... The more we do, the more we can share later. "

"But sir." But the adjutant was still a little depressed: "Is it possible that the disappearance of the giant eel is because there are more powerful second-level monsters in the labyrinth? Not to mention the wealth of the labyrinth, sir, the order is not absolute. , we don't have to work so hard..."

For these military leaders, unless they are called by the top to force them to perform a certain task, otherwise, most of them can touch it, and preserving their own strength is the most important thing.

"Haha." Baron Gwen laughed: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"If it really did, we should have been attacked when we were cruising a few days ago, how could it be..."

"Report! High-energy reaction ahead!"

At this moment, a rather untimely sharp alarm sounded: "The surrounding waters have detected the traces of the second-level demon beasts!"

The slap in the face came so quickly that no one could react.

And after the reaction, the South China Sea Fleet commander's face became very exciting.

If the adjutant had to describe the change in Baron Gwen's expression, he would definitely say 'like a squid in human form'.

In almost a breath, the old aristocrat's face changed several colors, and finally turned black as ink.

Without speaking, he immediately got up and looked around the surrounding waters.

Immediately afterwards, he froze in place.

Because, just off the coast, a huge oval-shaped blue luminous body is galloping towards the South China Sea Fleet at an unbelievable rapidity with indistinct arcs!

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