Above The Sky

Chapter 327 The Doomsday Is Coming (13)

How the Qijiera Karin incident was resolved, only the fifth-level powerhouses who joined forces at that time knew.

But what is known is that the twin popes of the Huaiguang Church, the great priest of the Suming Religion, and the Yanjiang town master 'Juyue' and 'Yuanxing' joined forces; a total of five fifth-level powerhouses were dispatched to go to Destroy the Matrix of Karin's Flower.

In addition, the other fifth-level powerhouses in the countries have also entered a state of preparation.

This is a true battle of the country. After all, even a full-scale war between the two countries will not necessarily involve the fifth energy level, those who sit on the 'top seat'.

Because once they take action, the damage and destruction they cause is far greater than anything that war can take.

They succeeded - the psionic core of Karin's Flower was shattered, and the psionic network was completely purified and erased.

But the real horror is not the flower of Karin, but the legacy of the disaster.

After the disaster, tens of millions of people lost their minds and became vegetative because of the flowers of Karin. They soon died because they lost their ability to maintain their physiological functions. The rotten corpses piled up in cities and even in some remote small towns. The entire city died, completely turning into a place of death that even wild animals dare not approach.

The scary thing is that when these corpses rot, they still emit the scent of Karin's flowers, and even new shoots are drawn from every part of the body to bloom.

That sweet, dizzying, poisonous incense can still drive people crazy, and even become a Karin flower devotee once again.

In this regard, the Suming Church and Huaiguang Church joined forces to clear a quiet basin north of the holy mountain to bury the remains of these victims.

It was called the Sanctuary in later generations, and no non-clerical person was allowed to enter.

It is said that the spiritual essence of Karin's Flower has not completely dissipated, and its fifth-level psychic body has transformed the entire sanctuary into a terrifying super-giant labyrinth, so priests need to pay attention to the suppression all the time. .

After this disaster, a prosperous alliance that was enough to compete with the Setal Empire at the time quickly declined, and the momentum that was gradually tending towards unity was completely broken.

Not to mention, the loss of all newborns in the past few years and the greatly reduced willingness of the people to have children is enough to make this power that used to stand at the top of Terra become unknown for a hundred years, and it was not until three hundred years later that it gradually recovered. .

After three hundred years of weakness, the existence of the countries in Yanjiang has become extremely low.

After careful research by later researchers, they were able to determine that the flower of Karin that appeared in the Yanjiang countries is not a complete body, and its true complete form may cover the entire continent, and even the entire planet.

At that time, almost all plants and non-intelligent creatures on the entire continent will become the offspring of the flower of Karin, and all intelligent life will become the subordinate of the flower of Karin.

The lives affected by the flower of Karin will even grow special 'extended nerves', which are used to link with the mother of the flower of Karin all the time and enter the psychic network of the mother.

At that time, the flower of Karin, or, in other words, the mother tree of Karin, will become the well-deserved ruler of Planet Terra, a super-giant psionic plant that can be called a 'god', a terrifying 'sacred wood'.

And this is a standard biochemical crisis recognized by all Terra as the 'first-level apocalypse crisis'.

A force capable of completely destroying all civilizations, all ecology, all intelligent life, and even all life's free will in Terra.

Even now, all the biological alchemists in Terra who knew about Karin's flower couldn't understand how the pre-epoch civilization came up with such a dangerous plant.

The most important thing is that such a high-risk psionic plant has such a simple insurance measure that it can be destroyed by a sublimator who has just entered the third energy level!

Doesn't this mean that under the background of Tara today, any powerhouse of the third energy level will accidentally create a crisis of destroying the world?

And the Huaiguang Church is always alarming, saying something like 'There are hundreds of things like Karin's flower on the Terra continent, it's just because of various accidents and luck that they didn't wake up at the same time'' Huaiguang Church is to solve these disasters And students' such words.

From this point of view alone, the Huaiguang Church is very much like the classic doomsday church.

It seems that, as long as their instructions are not followed, the end will soon come.

Not that nobody believed them.

It's just this time, it's just a heart-eater, how can it be so dangerous?

And this time, the Huaiguang Church showed evidence.

With the unfolding of the light curtain, the clear situation originating from the Nanling front line appeared in front of the high-level officials of the various countries.

Amid the churning clouds of snow, a bird's-eye view is sweeping across the utterly occupied Port Harrison, covered in translucent crystalline slime.

This scene is not only not disgusting, but has a strange and holy beauty - all the houses, streets and landscapes, as if invaded by freezing rain, condensed into layers of translucent crystalline layers, the brilliance of lightning penetrated the darkness, It also completely illuminates this crystallized city.

Light is flowing in the city and seems to be transformed into a kind of energy.

In this crystallized city, there are pure white cocoons that seem to be filled with water and are slowly creeping.

Just around these cocoons, there is a circle of cyan-colored psionic energy halo flowing like a star ring.

Not all cocoons hatch. Sometimes, the bulging cocoon will suddenly deflate, the psionic pattern will dissipate, and all the nutrients in it will be taken away, passing along the crystal creep below the cocoon to other beings in the distance—— The thin white thread also slowly degrades, leaving only a few teeth and bone debris in the cocoon, quietly embedded in the creep, as the last remains.

Even these remains are broken down by the Creep and turned into elements needed by other creatures.

But if the cocoon hatches...


One hand penetrates the cocoon layer that is extremely tough and difficult to break free from the second energy level.

It was a slender, white hand with slender fingers, but with dangerously sharp protrusions at the top, more like a blade than a claws, giving people an inhuman feeling.

The other hand tore open the cocoon shell, revealing a pure white figure inside the cocoon.

Inside the cocoon was a young boy with white hair. His long wet hair was attached to his neck and shoulders. His entire torso looked a little delicate, like a piece of china that would shatter when touched, but someone with a discerning eye could see that the other party was. The surface layer of the body is not like human skin, but more like some kind of hard to imagine carapace.

It is a structure that is close to the dragon scale of a real dragon.

The white-haired boy who still closed his eyes shook his head. He had a pair of elf-like fine pointed ears, but now they were completely boned. A round of dark crystals was embedded in the earlobe, and deep purple shimmered in the inner core. Psionic halo.

And behind him is a pair of wings that have not yet been fully unfolded. It is temporarily impossible to see what kind of creature it is, but it is very similar to the crystal dragon of the wind type, with a white base, but the edge is flashing with blue-gold flames.

【Um? 】

Seemingly aware of something, the white-haired boy turned his head, his tightly closed eyes slightly opened, revealing a pair of eyes that could not be described as bewitching, but inhuman—the triple iris split like petals, and the three pupils All flickered with a slight blue-purple halo.

Buzzing - The viewing lens was instantly destroyed in a violent psionic blast.

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