Above The Sky

Chapter 309 The Remnants Are Dead (23)

"Just one person? Not armed yet!"

This time, not only the team leader was surprised, but even the other two Feiyan soldiers who were still repairing were shocked: "Is there no one else?! He is alone, how dare he come to us?!"

"What do you want to do when someone finds us alone?"

"A closer look at the face is quite beautiful..."

- No, it's not that simple.

His brows were furrowed. The captain knew that things were not that simple... This White People did have a few brushes. Although it was a sneak attack, he did kill the knight who led the tracking team.

Although he is not as cowardly and pessimistic as the nuns of the Spiritual Artifact Church, he is not as crude and blindly optimistic as his subordinates.

Raising his sword, he noticed that the young white people's left arm had strange traces of metal inscriptions... Was it eroded by the ruins? It's not a rare situation, most of the time it's a good thing, and some organs of the ruins will be perceived.

The problem is that the other party's source quality aura is very strange, and he will not be able to grasp exactly which stage of the first energy level the other party is in for a while.

It's not like I can't compare to a veteran of many years.

Thinking so, he decisively ordered: "Destroy him!"

Immediately afterwards, the brigade captain charged forward, and his two remaining entourage also roared and ran forward.

But the nun of the Spiritual Artifact Church and the other surviving monk just stared numbly and pitifully at the three who rushed up.

pat, pat-bang.

Within three seconds of the three of them rushing up, the bodies of the two flaming soldiers flew upside down, and fell silently between the water and the skeletons, accompanied by two slight knocks. middle.

There was an incomparably clear fist mark on their skulls, and a sturdy fist was directly branded on their facial bones and skulls, shattering the bones that should have been hard, and the flesh and blood was a mess.

Bang - and the last figure flew back upside down, he held the wind-moving long sword, but the arm holding the sword had been twisted into a twist.

"Strange, monster?! You can do it with one hand?!"

The captain vomited blood. He was kicked in the chest by the opponent. The man looked at the white-haired boy who was slowly approaching him in horror and incredulity. He was still replaying what he felt before. Incredible scene.

This young man of Bai Zhimin, facing the three of them, tacitly attacked from left and right to the front three, but raised his left hand seemingly at will.

Then, just like this, he swiped forward and delivered three punches in a row.

At the time, except for the captain who had reacted, the other two soldiers from the flames were shattered, and although they blocked the punch, they couldn't catch the other side's ordinary kick.

The left arm with only cyan metal lines is unimaginably sturdy. His wind-moving long sword is already an elite weapon, but it can't even cut through the skin!

At this moment, Ian didn't even hold the Chongyuan Iron Sword in his hand, he came empty-handed in the true sense.

Facing the team leader who had been severely injured, he just raised his hand, turned on the wave of the waves, and activated the fairy wings.


The water flow in the surrounding underwater channel shot out immediately, turned into seven or eight waterlines, and stabbed towards the team leader rapidly.

The captain could have blocked it, but he suppressed the wound in his chest, flexed and stretched his body, and jumped, like a poisonous snake that was ejected through the cracks of all attacks, and the wind-shifting sword in his hand was the poisonous fangs of the poisonous snake. With the sharp blade of the wind that is comparable to the poison, as long as it bites on the boy's body, even the opponent's body can be torn apart as metal.

This is a fatal blow, and the counterattack is also divided into life and death. It is the key to the real killing of the army.

But he didn't have that chance.

Because Ian had already predicted his move, because his speed was too slow.

Because he is too weak.

Therefore, a waterline draws an arc, from top to bottom, pressing towards the neck of the captain.


A head flew like this, and it lost control of its will. The edge of the long sword that was originally unstoppable also lost its sharpness.

Ian walked past the corpse of the captain, smashed the opponent's palm, and crushed the parasite in the opponent's palm by the way.

He picked up the wind-moving sword, weighed it, and then continued to the nun of the Sleepless Eye.

"You are stronger than him, and I have to use a sword to deal with you."

The young man said this, and he looked at the nuns and monks who had not shown a fighting stance so far, and his tone was a little tired: "You can kill yourself, delete the memory about the South Sea Relics Group, and I will return the rest of your database to you. Spirit Artifact Church."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Without any hesitation, the monk on the other side of the nun bowed slightly to Ian, he took off his helmet, literally opened his mechanized brain, showed it to Ian, and said with the vocal organ located in his throat: " Please do it yourself, I have stopped my vital signs..."

In the next instant, the cultivator of the Spiritual Artifact Church died, and only the mechanized brain part of the other party was still flashing several red, red, green and green lights.

"Yes, how about you?"

Ian nodded slightly, he turned to look at the nun: "I have limited time, I can't give you much time to think."

"Thank you very much for giving us the option."

The nun also disarmed herself calmly—a lot of sharp blades and fighting tools were ejected from her prosthetic body, which made Ian look sideways for a while, feeling that the other party was really a war machine.

"I need to destroy this thing. It contains all the battle data. Once it leaves the psionic field of the ruins, it will be automatically sent. I can't leave it to you as a trophy. Please forgive me."

The psychic nun didn't hide it either. She took out the box containing the etherified heavy machine gun from her chest and was about to destroy it, but Ian said to stop: "Wait, I'll check."

The psychic nun stopped, she did not intend to resist.

The captain didn't see it, but she could see clearly with her high-precision observation organ. The opponent and Patrick fought head-on, and even after being bombarded by the alchemy artillery, it was still almost like nothing.

In particular, the source substance reaction in the opponent's body has reached the threshold between the first energy level and the second energy level... As long as the opponent wants to, they can break through the second energy level at any time! As long as he has the potion, he can advance anytime, anywhere, even beyond the initial accumulation period!

At this age, he has this kind of strength...it's just...just like the 'Forever Oath Sentinel' that the church has cultivated since childhood, even stronger!

There is no need to fight such monsters. They are only monks and nuns. Serving the King of the Wild Sea is a little bit against the teachings. It is absolutely impossible to let such potential seeds have a bad feeling against the church because of their own lives and others.

"Well, yes, it's exactly what you said."

With a silver-cyan halo flowing in Ian's eyes, he took back the scan of the psionic energy and the silver chip, and returned the box to the nun with satisfaction.

He was even in a good mood to laugh: "Don't worry, I understand the Spiritual Tool Church's obsession with relics, and I have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Spiritual Tool Church, so you must die, please forgive me."

"It's what we deserve, and you can't be better off thinking that."

The spirit tool nun also laughed and destroyed the box. She also 'opened' her brain like her companions: "If you can, please be sure to destroy all the corpses that we have removed from the database - on the surface, the spirit The Weapon Church has never been to the ruins of the South China Sea, and I believe this is a situation that all parties are willing to accept."

"Well, this is just a friction with the empire. I believe that whether it is the empire or the viscount, all kinds of help provided by the Spiritual Artifact Religion for the exploration of the ruins are very welcome. Some small accidents, everyone can understand. , maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.”

After hearing Ian's calm words, the nun's breath of life was also cut off.

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