Above The Sky

Chapter 307 Fully Automatic Practice And Leaving The Ruins (33)

Pale particle light erupted the moment Ian touched the vortex of light, rushing directly towards his body.

In an instant, it was heartbreaking, as if the muscles of the entire arm were being torn apart and crushed by pain, the young man gasped. It was even more painful when the shells hit, and even stuck in his throat, making him unable to scream.

The pale white particle beam visible to the naked eye was like a living thing, turning into a flowing beam, submerging under the skin of Ian's left arm, like a silver-white etching pattern like a circuit board, or a blood vessel made of metal.

And the live metal covering the left arm as the arm guard seems to be catalyzed by the power of the hearth of the fire, squirming continuously with the pale light beam, and then slowly merges with Ian's left arm, infiltrating the muscles and bones of his left arm. deep.

——This is a transformation...a transformation like taking a half-potion!

Because Ian had already taken the half-potion of Fairy Wings once, he knew very well what this feeling was. It was the process of forcibly shaping a new essentia structure in the already formed essentia structure.

Moreover, this time, the heart of the fire has nothing to do with the previous structure, it just forcibly opened up a field in the body that belongs to 'it'.

Moraine steel is one of the materials for this new-born sublimation organ. This is not a bad thing, or even a great good thing. At least some materials are better than no materials, and Moraine steel can come in handy. It is not a waste.

The problem is - it hurts!

"Ah! Damn it...Even if it really crushes an inch of your hand, it won't hurt so much!"

Thunder-like stimulation came, and Ian's forehead and back were instantly covered with cold sweat of stress. He almost softened his feet and knelt in the mouth of the crystal dragon.

But Ian managed to pull through after all, standing in place sweating profusely.

And his left hand was already wrapped in a silver-white metallic light cocoon, and the young man could sense that a huge object composed of many source material inscription structures had been transferred from the fast bone of the ether crystal dragon to his left hand.

And Ian used the silver chip as a kind of universal port, linking it directly to the coron core...and his own brain.

This is why it is so painful, because in order to completely control the heart of the fire, Ian directly connects it to his own nerve center.

The light cocoon wrapped around Ian's left hand is continuing the cycle of expansion and contraction, and the light is also indistinct, and the outline of the left arm in the cocoon and the lines of light flow spreading on the left arm can be vaguely seen.

And just after a dozen or so breaths, the metal light cocoon suddenly shrank, and all the metal veins and lines were all shrunk into Ian's left hand - and he suddenly felt his left hand sink. There are bursts of wild and incomparable natural psionic fluctuations.

The natural spiritual energy of the surrounding world is continuously pouring into his left arm, which has begun to assimilate with live metal and fire, causing his momentum to soar, soar, soar!

But these energy cannot be fully utilized by him... Only by inputting it into the core of the ancient dragon, and after time conversion, can it be turned into a usable source substance.


Without any hesitation, Ian gave the order decisively, and Gu Long's core obeyed his master's words obediently, and began to accept the natural source of light that was slowly forming in the light cyan pattern on the boy's left arm.

As the raw material for constructing the hearth conduction system of the fire, Morian steel has been integrated into Ian's body, which is the body of the light cyan source channel on the surface of his arm.

Finally, this ancient dragon core finally got the 'self-replenishing energy module' that it has been missing.

A sense of satisfaction was passed to Ian's heart. He knew at this moment that if the previous Gulong core was only 10% complete, then with the completion of the Swamp Crocodile Dragon and the Fire Hearth, its completeness reached 5%. More than ten!

Although there are still many functions that have not been released, at least the energy hearth and refining functions have been opened to Ian!

And at this moment, Ian suddenly had a feeling.

"Can I... break through the second energy level?"

Ian looked startled, but didn't find it strange.

The second energy level, to put it bluntly, is that the sublimation organs in the body form a complete cycle, and with the heart of the fire and the core of the ancient dragon, he obviously meets the conditions long ago, and the energy cycle with his left arm and heart of the fire as the core The system has long been implemented throughout its body.

But the problem is... this second energy level has no pedigree, just that Ian's strength has exceeded the limit of the sand armor apprentice, so it is natural to want to advance to the second energy level.

In this regard, Ian is naturally suppressed.

Not to mention that the potion of the second energy level is not yet available, the breakthrough now is just wasting his potential on the original sublimation organs that have not been studied. Even if there is one, he still intends to come up with a fourth first energy level. What about sublimation structures?

After this trip to the ruins of the South China Sea, he has already planned to put the source organ of the fourth sand armor apprentice on the 'digestive system'.

The transfer of the heart of the fire has come to an end.

The eyes of the ether crystal dragon were almost completely dimmed, and it opened its mouth slightly after it uttered the last dragon roar.

Ian stepped out of its mouth and looked at the beast.

"Don't worry, I will do my best. I generally don't promise other lives, but if I do, I will do my best."

Ian stretched out his hand and caressed the other's eyes that were not closed for a long time, and the Ether Crystal Dragon also followed the caress and gradually stopped breathing.

it died.

Ian was silent for a while, staring at the giant beast in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh: "The continuation of life... The worm nest relies on parasitic and psychic networks, while ordinary life can only rely on descendants."

"In the final analysis, everyone wants to exist, or to continue in this world."

Shaking his head slightly, he turned around, turned his back on the corpse of the ether crystal dragon, and walked towards the shore with three dragon eggs.

Ian was greeted by everyone, and although he didn't look like anything at first glance, everyone was still very nervous.

After all, being swallowed by a crystal dragon is very curious and terrifying no matter how you think about it.

"Ian, your left hand..."

Isengard was the first to notice what was wrong with Ian's left arm. He frowned slightly and asked with concern, "Is this the aftermath of the transfer of the authority of the maze master?"

At this moment, it can be seen that Ian's left arm has a peculiar metallic texture, just like the carapace of a crystal dragon, and the light cyan fine metal lines are derived from the back of the hand all the way up to the elbow, with several main thick lines. Until the arms and shoulders, into the heart.

Of course, most of these are covered by clothing, and only the arm can be seen by outsiders.

"Ah? Hmm. Yes, it's the sequelae of the transfer of authority from the master of the labyrinth."

Since Isengard made his own guess, how could Ian not follow the other party's words?

He admitted it calmly, then raised his head, looked at everyone seriously, and said slowly: "I already know many paths in the labyrinth, and I know the way to the outside from here... But there is one condition before the death of the crystal dragon, that is to help It continues its bloodline."

"This is our purpose. Ian, you are the biggest contributor to the exploration of the ruins. I will not make you embarrassed, and I am happy to let you fulfill the oath."

Squeezing his beard, Master Gosey looked at the lines on Ian's arms with some curiosity. He had not seen the human master of the maze, but he had seen similar lines on some beasts - this is not unusual, unusual It's Ian himself.

Looking back, the old man looked at the three dragon eggs brought by Ian, and after scrutinizing them carefully, he nodded and said, "Only one of the three dragon eggs is relatively healthy and can hatch normally, while the other two are estimated to require human assistance to complete. incubation."

"Harrison Harbor does not have the conditions to assist the hatching of these two dragon eggs, so let's bring them back to the imperial capital, where there are professional labyrinth scholars who will do their best to hatch them, and then raise them in the national labyrinth... At least, better than in Life in the wild is better."

Master Gosse did not say what to do with the other healthy dragon egg, nor did Ian, nor did Isengard say a word.

As for Andor, he didn't even get close, but chatted with a shark - who the hell knows how to chat with a shark.

Everyone knows very well that some things do not need to be said so clearly.

And Bishop Bai Wu simply didn't join the topic. He just drew two concentric circles on his chest with his hands facing the direction of the corpse of the ether crystal dragon, and said the prayer silently in his mouth.

After reaching a consensus, Ian has no plans to continue resting... At this moment, he is no longer tired, and the power from the fire is continuously flowing into the core of the ancient dragon, making him seem to be practicing all the time and refining the essence.

This feeling of fully automatic cultivation is really the first time.

"Come on, let's get out of this ruin."

Having said that, the guide once again walked at the front of the line.

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