Above The Sky

Chapter 296 The Stars Of The Past (34)


"This is... a memory?!"

Ian realized that there was still a crack in his mental state just now, and he didn't maintain a harmonious state of mind, but he didn't think it was anything. If a person really doesn't have any emotions, then he is really alive. No taste.

The psionic attack of the will of the nest is indeed very accurate, which is the opponent's power.

But it can't really let the young man fall. He kept his heart and began to reject these fragments of memory originating from other souls.

It's just that the process takes time.

The shadows are still spinning.

The party was over, a dim light shone in the narrow underground living quarters, and at some point the boy became an adult, and he came to an ecosphere full of frost, with a dim artificial light source hanging above his head.

Even the moon in the video is brighter than this light source. He stepped on the snow, and the frosty ground that had been compacted reflected the light in the sky, and the floating snow dust also reflected the light, as if being blown away by the wind. Blowing from the sky, the stars revolving around him.

But this is not a real star after all, he has never seen a real star, he has never even seen a real snow, he has never seen a real grass and greenery, he has never seen a real tide slamming on the rocks and heard the noise of the roaring leaves in the sea, He knew everything, but he had never seen anything.

Ian understands a little at this moment. The memories in front of him should be the memory fragments of the Sequoia elder. These are the fragments of his childhood memories, and even mixed with other people's memories - the worm nest is not Sequoia Great Elder, not to mention how many Sequoias the Great Elder has devoured after he created the Brain Devouring Worm, the five elders who smashed his will make it impossible for him to still be him.

In this case, what exactly does the will of the worm nest want to do?

The shadows are still changing.

The young man turned into a mature leader in an instant. He and several subordinates watched the factory assembly line deep in the ground in front of him. In the sound of the steel, he stared at the tools and goods needed by the tribe. Shaped under the assembly of automatic ai.

The Sequoia people have never been worried about living materials. They live in this cave and prison and feel at ease, just like living in a paradise.

The outside world is too dangerous, the aftermath of the catastrophe has not dissipated, and the scenery in those documentaries has long been destroyed. The Sequoias guard the last glory of the Terra Federation. Their biggest task is to preserve themselves, maintain knowledge, and Born when necessary, bringing the spark of civilization and the legacy of the past to the world of Terra once again.

They won't go out, can't go out, don't want to go out. Compared with the tsunami that is still churning, the mountains that continue to sink, the repeated blizzards, rainstorms and the outside world, the Sequoia Base has conditions that are far superior to all shelters. Only here can they maintain close to the previous era. abundant supplies.

If you go out, it is no different from suffering.

The man's hair on the temples has turned gray, and his golden blonde hair is gradually fading, only those sky blue eyes are still crystal clear, he stares at the assembly line in front of him, recalling the content of the previous meeting, he opened the gate of the ruins for the fifteenth time. The proposal to observe the outside world was rejected again. No one could imagine how much damage would be caused to Sequoia Base by opening the entrance and exit if the outside world was still ravaging natural disasters.

They want to maintain the security of the entire ecosystem.


The man asked: [How long will it take us to return to the earth? ]

[Elder, like you, we also want to go back to the earth and watch the blue sky and clear sea with our own eyes. We also want to hear the chirping of birds and breathe the freshness of the jungle]

In the conference room, those with vague faces said vague words: [Perhaps a hundred years later, maybe two hundred years later, that is the scenery that our children and grandchildren can see]

[Now, all we can do is wait]

[Waiting for the future to come]


Ian could sense a burning rage from his heart, from his soul, that started to vibrate with his will as if he had generated it himself.

Because the cause of this anger is so resonant, and if Ian were in the same situation as the master of this anger, he would certainly be angry too.

— nonsense.

Anger is like a dark fire, burning the soul of a man. By measuring the stability of the earth's crust and the ups and downs of the sea, he knows that the outside wind and waves have stabilized, and at most there is a little residual psychic radiation, and these psychic radiations have been optimized for the bloodline. The Sequoias are nothing.

When they go out now, at most they endure hardships in the early stage. It is definitely not as terrifying as those people say, as if it will cause the complete destruction of Sequoia Base.

Speaking of safety, it is simply greed for the stability inside the base! If they leave here, the elders will undoubtedly be reorganized. Those rotten old people want to hold the power and pass on their knowledge and authority to their descendants. They will not support exploration, open up new fields, and make new talents one after another. Come out and fight them for power... these rotten fellows!

The man hated himself deeply. He built the Sequoia Base so well that it became an underground paradise where everyone lived and worked in peace, so he didn't want to change.

——If I had known that the automatic production line would not be repaired, everyone would be rendered useless by these technologies.

With such regrets, he couldn't do anything, because he was only the Great Elder, and he did not have the right to assign the four major tribes to do anything beyond the Council of Elders. He could only advocate and become a leader with the support of most people.

For example, repairing an automatic production line is a good thing for everyone.

With the fire of anger, the man returned home, which was a double room like any other tribe.

The elders have no privileges in terms of resources. They all eat the same food and live in the same house. The interior of the Sequoia people is more equal and reasonable than everyone imagined, but the elders have the ability to learn more knowledge and control Opportunities for more instrumentation machines.

In the hut, there was an old woman, wearing a somewhat worn cotton jacket, and she was roasting in front of a small stove. The environment of the underground cave was really humid and cold, and the old man was not in good health, so she could only roast more.

The old woman closed her eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep. In front of her was an old thermos water cup. Next to the water cup was a small screen, which played a scene that had been played many times.

It was the majestic city and perfect ecology of the pre-epoch period. Those beautiful scenery, magnificent mountains, and jewel-like lakes all showed that the pre-epoch civilization at that time had achieved the perfect fusion of civilization and nature.

Their progress is the progress of all things in the world.

The screen was still playing music, and the man stepped forward gently, not wanting to disturb his mother's rest, but soon, he realized that something was wrong.

No breathing sounds.


He hurriedly stepped forward, knelt in front of his mother, and held the other's hand, but the old woman didn't respond, but there was a regretful smile on her face.

She has gone in a dream.

The man wanted to clench his fist, but he was reluctant to let go of his mother's hand and dared not use force.

He just looked up at his mother's sleeping face, with complicated emotions that were difficult to describe in any words.

On the screen on the side, documentaries about the civilization of the former era and the world of Terra are still playing.

There, the birds and flowers are fragrant; there, the wind is long.

There, the blue sea is full of waves; there, the mountains are surrounded.

There, there is a way forward.

There, the stars shine.

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