Above The Sky

Chapter 294 I Am My Driver! (14)

boom! boom! boom!

Ian continuously destroyed the rock blocks and crystal plates under his feet, narrowing the distance between himself and the blue mist source in a straight line.

The internal structure of the worm's nest is very complex, the passage is twisted and circled, and there are psionic obstacles. The crystal iron composite material used as the wall is extremely strong, enough to withstand the bombardment of artillery fire.

But all this is meaningless to Ian, who inherits the sand armor apprentice and holds the vision of precognition.

Just relying on his own sense of the earth element source quality, he can know which crystal iron plate is more fragile, and the vision of prediction allows him to strike every sword at the most vulnerable point of the target.

In less than five seconds, he opened the channel to the source of the blue mist.

Whoops, a figure landed on the ground with crystal chips and stone dust.

With a sword in one hand, Ian scans the environment in front of him.

This place is already the center of the worm nest, the most core place.

It was a chamber encased in crystals and metal, and a dense blue-green mist lingered among the translucent clusters, hovering in the middle of the deep worm nest.

You can hear the 'guji' sound of blood and flesh, the rustling sound of subtle things moving, and the long wind sound as if something is breathing.

For the first time, even Ian couldn't see everything in front of him with his eyes. He could only hear these sounds and smell a strange smell that he didn't know whether it was fishy or sandalwood.

But nervously, the hallucinations got worse when they entered the place.

"The psychic power has tripled? It's stronger than expected..."

A hand was placed on his forehead, and amid the waves of psionic energy that seemed to materialize, Ian frowned and heard what he saw.

Then, he showed a stunned expression.

In the youth's blue eyes, a bright golden brilliance was reflected.

Immediately after...

He heard the cry of a baby, and the clamor of celebration and joy from the crowd.

He saw a hand touching him gently, with love and compassion.

[Child... It's a pity that you were born in such a world, in this cage-like world]

The woman's voice was weak and gentle, with a strong love: [But I am glad that you were born in such a magnificent world]

This is a stronger psionic influence than before. It feels like a wet, icy tentacle has penetrated into the brain, forcibly inserted into Ian's thinking, to 'burn' other people's memories and thoughts directly into the teenager. in the brain.

"The psionic energy is really strong... If it weren't for my psychic energy, which was strong enough, and the silver chip to assist in the control, it would probably be able to directly cross my brain and remotely control my body through nerves."

Breathing out slowly, Ian clenched his sword tightly at this moment.

In the vision of vision, he was already surrounded by clumps of substantive dark blue mist, wrapping around his hands, feet and neck.

Human vision cannot see this strange scene, but the psionicist can see the appearance of the two sides fighting in the invisible world.

The will of the worm's nest... Ian called the 'will and life' that was dormant in the center of the worm's nest, protected by the female worm.

Its psionic power is very terrifying, and it can be said to be a 'soul eater' on the psychic level.

Just now, he sensed more than seventeen attacks on his soul, spirit, and nerve microcurrents, each of which was enough to instantly brainwash an ordinary person or an ordinary monster into 'self'.

Yes, myself.

The psionic energy of the will of the hive has many functions such as 'electromagnetic', 'spiritual subordination', 'memory writing', 'soul transcription', 'physical control' and 'self-replication'. Psionic.

For ordinary people, it can directly tamper with neural electrical signals to control the body, and reproduce self-will on others through memory writing and soul transcription.

For the Ascended, it can also slowly transform through psionics after defeating it.

As long as there is enough 'body', the will of the hive can continuously create its own clone... If it is given a civilization of ordinary people, Ian absolutely believes that it can create a gestalt will, a bee group civilization.

"What I'm talking about, how come the female worm, the leader of the worm nest, doesn't have her own unique psychic power, as if she can only use the power of the worm nest psychic energy network to control the parasitic creatures... Emotions are just an ordinary boss, The hidden enemy is still inside the hive!"

Ian's psionic energy is attacking and defending with the opponent's psychic energy. This goes deep into the spiritual realm. The psionic energy of the will of the worm's nest has been greatly strengthened in his own lair. The line of defense to capture this highest-level body.

Yes, the hive is very greedy... It has been spying on the body of the etheric crystal dragon, which is the perfect body it dreams of, strong and tough, full of potential, and can perfectly carry its will.

However, the opponent's strength and agility make it difficult to capture, so they can take advantage of the opponent's advance to capture dragon eggs and cultivate them from scratch.

The plan had been successful, but it took notice of Ian...an equally strong and tenacious human being with a gift for psychic powers.

its former kin.

Such an extraordinary condition, stemming from an inner thirst, instantly made Hive Will to make Ian a part of itself, at all costs.

But Ian is not so easily brainwashed.

He stepped forward, the ground at the core of the worm nest was wet and slippery, full of mucus and various unknown flesh and blood tissues, coupled with the fluorescence released by the crystal clusters, it made people feel like they were in another world or the stomach of a beast .

However, the wind brought by the boy's actions thinned the thick fog lingering in front of him, vaguely revealing the "will of the worm's nest".

In the process, the attack of the will of the hive was useless, and even confused it - even if its psionic power could not be completely parasitized, it could at least try to write some false memories, causing people to fall into hallucinations, but why this The first time I met this white people, it didn't work at all?

The answer is actually quite simple.

That is, Ian himself parasitized himself long before the will of the insect nest parasitized the teenager.

If the relationship between a person and his body is that of a mecha and driving ai, then the mind control system psionicist is like an airborne pilot.

The psionicist can suppress the AI ​​with his own authority, and then go to drive the body by himself.

To put it bluntly, no matter how miraculous the psychic power of the will of the worm's nest is, it is nothing more than suppressing the AI ​​of a body and replacing it with itself, and then re-writing the control program and instinctive response for the body during the control process. Slowly transform a body into your own.

But Ian directly gave up the backward flesh-and-blood nervous system that had not yet sublimated into a phase neural network, and instead used the silver chip to control all his actions-he even let the silver chip back up his memory, checking whether there was a difference every second.

And the three sublimation source material structures in the three sublimation organ chips in the body are all in full operation, forming two triangular source material structures. increase!

Ian is no longer an ai controlled by his own body instinct.

He also became a driver.

In this way, the will of the worm, who is also the pilot, can't rewrite Ian's will, and it can't do anything except create a little illusion.

But even so, it was scary enough.

The wind blew away the thick fog, causing the sandalwood mist hovering in the center of the nest to disperse, making everything clear in the radiant light.

What appeared in front of Ian was a cocoon.

A giant cocoon.

The sound of Xixixuoso sounded in this cocoon, which was a large white cocoon suspended in the center of the worm nest, five meters high, and something was taking shape inside.

It can be vaguely seen that an amorphous shadow is wriggling and entangled inside the translucent cocoon, and countless granulation buds are growing on it, repeating the cycle of entanglement, fusion and re-emergence.

That's a brain.

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