Above The Sky

Chapter 287 Ether Crystal Dragon (13)

Obviously, the layer of crystal carapace of the brain-devouring mother worm is inextricably linked with the crystal dragon family—perhaps the frost moth in the ruins of the ice abyss is also somewhat related to the brain-devouring worm?

At the same time, the radiation fluorescence around the mother insect became more and more shining, and even condensed a layer of 'flame' that was visible to the naked eye and burned, covering it up. A huge figure roaring like a powered engine!

When Master Gosey saw the whole picture of the crystal dragon when he was retreating, he immediately exclaimed in a daze: "Except for the crystal shell, there is no crystal dragon characteristic that we have ever seen... What kind of alien species is this?!"

"What kind of monster is this, it clearly has such a huge source quality, but it is not the second energy level?!"

The brain-devouring mother worm also noticed this. It stood still, but its body began to deform rapidly.

The area where Yin En and others were before was also affected. The area where they were before collapsed and fell into the river of parasites, splashing large waves of water.

"But it only has the first energy level, why does it have the characteristics of the third energy level?!"

The giant golden centipede and a large number of parasitic beasts were entangled by the people in the flying flames. Even if the crystal dragon failed to advance, it still has the first energy level peak and should be able to entangle the female insect for a while.

With the green flame action visible to the naked eye, the female worm is like a walking flame, but there is a dragon roar from the other side!

A low and strong electromagnetic buzzing sounded, and even the three lurking people sensed that an indescribable electromagnetic wave was spreading from afar. Immediately, they felt the hairs on their bodies stand, panicked, and their brains and nerves were slightly tingling.

However, the brain-devouring mother worm, which was also flashing with dazzling radiation, stretched out its five tentacles and firmly wrapped around the crystal dragon.

"This isn't Zhanhai Crystal Dragon, it's a brand new variant, back up!"

It is a crystalline dragon with a whole body of fluorescent blue, but it is completely different from ordinary crystalline dragons. It does not have the forelimbs and sharp horns like ordinary crystalline dragons. 'Crystal eyes', pale particles visible to the naked eye are scattered in these crystal children, which are extremely high-purity source light particles.

Feeling the terrifying power of the distant giant beasts roaring and fighting, he couldn't help taking a deep breath: "What is it?"

And this protracted war is also an opportunity for Yin En and others.

"This is a physical and mental shock that can directly interfere with the micro-current in the brain!" Yin En suddenly said: "This is the truth of Longwei? No, this should be the effect of the self-body psionic energy field that powerful monsters have!"

All in all, the battle between dragons and insects has lasted for many years, and it is still going on today.

Saying so, the three of them continued to lurk on the other side of the rift and waited quietly.

On the other side, Yin En's eyes flashed with silver light, and in his chest, Gu Long's core vibrated violently like a real heart.

- This is the Crystal Dragon.

The monster protruded multiple tentacles from the sturdy carapace, and the original blue crystal shell also changed color, turning into a radiant fluorescent green - if it was a snail-like defensive form before, it is now a starfish-like fighting form.

This is a wise move, because in the next moment, a violent and fierce aura that seems to be able to burn the mountains and boil the sea and turn the surrounding world into a hell of fire is like a volcanic eruption. Coming straight ahead with an overwhelming sense of oppression!

The violent explosion sounded from the other side, and a river was blown away from it. All kinds of rotting parasitic beast corpses and insect swarm secretions were ignited and turned into a thick filthy mist, but it was also that it absorbed a lot of energy, so The rift did not collapse.

The whole body of this crystalline dragon is actually transparent, and the fluorescent blue light is the source light of the light and dark in its body. In the first half of the dragon's body, there is an extremely bright structure like a vortex of light, and Surrounding this swirling crystal structure, the layers of scalloped wing fins and chest shell will protect it tightly, giving it an ominous fluorescence.

The impact of the mother insect and the crystal dragon was so mighty and mighty, it immediately wiped out all the high-temperature miasma and flames that had been dispersed before, and revealed the true shape of the warring parties.

Even the totem master is able to control the surrounding psionic field because of the unique technology of the indigenous people. It is impossible for ordinary monsters, even high-level monsters, to advance too much, let alone two. energy level!

In the civil war of the people of Sequoia Base, the confrontation between the five elders and the first elder was definitely not only a brutal fight in the brain-devouring insect psionic energy network, but there should also be a battle for the control of important facilities inside the ruins and various man-made source organisms. .

"This breath, is it really not successful in the advanced stage?!"

"At that time, whether we took advantage of the situation to sneak attack on the female worm, or destroyed the worm's nest, it was a good opportunity."

For a time, all the parasitic beasts around the entire worm nest screamed in pain. They were originally just dragging the body of the giant eel and the dragon egg, and their strength was not strong. unbearable.

Master Gesai's expression changed, the aura of this crystalline dragon was obviously powerful, and there was some kind of powerful electromagnetic wave in this dragon's roar: "There is actually a dragon's might, but isn't this the power that only the third energy level can have? ?"


This dragon roar is melodious and sonorous, like a violently vibrating piece of iron. There is a long aftertaste after the crisp sound. The buzzing vibration makes many parasitic beasts around them fall into pain, and even collapse on the ground. land.

A furious dragon roar came, the earth shook, and the crystal cliff on the edge of a rift burst directly, and fell on the banks of the Parasite River, splashing blue mist all over the sky.

After all, Master Gosse is well-informed. When he noticed that the situation was wrong, he immediately asked the position to retreat - Yin En and Isengard were not mentally retarded, so they immediately retreated.

Sure enough, after a period of time, when even the battle sounds from the Flying Flame Land gradually became slower, an extremely violent energy shock suddenly came from the river not far away.

The two sides fought violently, causing the earth to shake, the entire rift valley shook violently and collapsed, and the radiant flame and the flame of the source material burned, and the area was completely enveloped by strong light and smoke in an instant.


Of course, this is not Longwei. After a moment of daze and headache, Yin En immediately recalled the shock of the super-large-scale psionic field he encountered when he entered the ruins group - at that time, he was just like now. , even in a coma for a while.

However, the whole body of the brain-devouring mother insects flashed green light, and these parasitic beasts lit up a layer of shields to protect them from the heat, and directly controlled their spirits, accelerating the dragging of the dragon eggs towards the insect nest.

There is no doubt that the Crystal Dragon has already noticed that its egg has been stolen before, and it should be tracking it, and I am afraid it will come here soon.

boom! ! !

"Ether Crystal Dragon?!"

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