Above The Sky

Chapter 284 Living Metal Morien Steel (13)

[Brain-devouring worm nest female worm (benign aberration)]

Among the dwarves, there is also the inheritance of the "steel master", which was borrowed by the third-level stone lord of Fudo Fortress, so highly purified Morion steel is also required as an irreplaceable auxiliary material for magic medicine.

"This female worm is somewhat similar to the sea monster on the side of Whalesong Cliff, and the surface carapace also has some characteristics of a crystal dragon."

Master Gosser also adjusted his position, followed by a stunned moment.

[After the atavistic distortion, the phagocytosis and assimilation will be achieved by forcibly connecting the neural network, and the female worm will perform adaptive distortion and metamorphosis according to the location of the nest]

No, it's distortion.

The psionic network was broken, and the brain-devouring worm fell silent.

In the frantic laughter, the weak slug's form began to change rapidly.

"Teacher, have you noticed?"

While everyone was holding their breaths to hide in the passage above the rift, Ian continued to observe carefully, and in his eyes, a silver-blue streamer flashed.

"Evolution is too slow, and genetic modification is too difficult. If so, then distort!"

[Second energy level larvae cornerstone edible]

He also noticed the wriggling metal jelly, and noticed the dark purple with a cyan halo, and couldn't help but move in his heart: "Why is there Morien steel here? It seems that the layer of crystal coating on the mother's body should be The role of living steel."

Until a few decades ago, for unknown reasons, the swarms that reorganized the psionic network were revived again, and the worm nest was rebuilt, resulting in abnormal heat dissipation of the ruins, and a big storm appeared a few decades later.

"This is Moraine Steel! It is a necessary material for high-level aetherial weapons, Moraine Living Steel!"

As soon as his mind moved, Ian used the source seed to control the blood in his body. He felt a burst of exhaustion in his mind, as if he had just fought a battle with someone: "Huh... It seems that I have to be more careful in the future. Although the vision horizon is powerful, But the consumption after the advanced stage should not be underestimated.”

In the precognition horizon, the female insect carapace like a blue crystal prism glows with dark purple and light blue mist—this is a unique feature of the second energy level and above.

Coupled with the high physical fitness bonus of the sand armor apprentice, this is the confidence that he dares to challenge Patrick.

no, no...

[Contains Origin Quality: 3209.5531 Elite Units]

Because Ian was resting his eyes just now, he didn't follow up to observe immediately, and although he didn't have a telescope, his psionic energy and silver chips were stronger than a telescope.

In an instant, it consumes one-tenth of his physical strength, and the consumption of any exercise is far less than that, so Ian's body is overloaded in an instant.

This is already the upper limit of the first energy level.

But just now, when he used the vision horizon to observe the female brain-devouring worm, he consumed more than 200 basic units of physical strength in an instant.

[The alien symbiotic life that has undergone multiple artificial transformations has now changed beyond recognition and has not returned to its original form. Its original body is a brain stem slug that can symbiotically coexist with sub-intelligent organisms, making it intelligent, and after evolution, it can enable the symbiotic to connect to the brain slug psychic network]

Thinking of this, Ian nodded slightly.

If it weren't for the fear of being exposed, Ian almost gasped.

After an instant, the old man's tone suddenly became excited: "Light of Huaiguang, this is, is this live metal?!"

The largest producer of live steel in the world of Terra is the Falling Star City on the northeast coast of the mainland and the sky-seeking domain of dwarves. As natural psychic creatures, fairies have a natural sensitivity to live steel, while dwarves are pure history. Leftovers, their ancestral sanctuary is the largest living steel vein in the world of Terra.

There are crystal dragons and frost moths in this ruin, but there is still a parasite with the potential of the fourth energy level?

Otherwise, the smell of Ian's blood spreads, and it may attract the attention of the surrounding brain-devouring worms.

He vaguely saw some visions of the past...

"No matter what kind of natural disasters and doomsday you will meet next... A life that can reach the future, you will live forever!"

The monsters of the fourth energy level, all of which are giant beasts with names and nests, are the existence that an empire needs to have a headache.

Today, it should be the easiest day for him to get this rare material!

Isengard was also using the telescope, and the teenager turned the lens to focus, so that he could see more details: "Look, where the blue crystal carapace and the nest are in contact, there is something squirming there... I don't know. What is that kind of thing that seems to be metal and seems to be crystal colloid."

The power of the female worm is even more terrifying than he imagined. Logically speaking, shouldn't this kind of parasite have no strength without a parasite? Why is the female insect body so strong?

——Is there actually a Morien Steel in this place... I thought I would go to other places to find it or buy it with a lot of money, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to buy it this time.

And all of this was shattered by five wills that came together.

Morion steel, also known as living steel, is a translucent metal crystal with a very hard texture, but it has amazing plasticity under the action of psionic energy.

And the other party is actually only a larva, which shows that the complete body of the female worm has the potential of the fourth energy level!

"When I watched Andor before, I consumed only a few units of basic source quality at most... It seems that the observation target also has psionic power, and the strength is far superior to me. If I advance to the second energy level, the basic source If the quality is transformed into an elite source quality, the consumption is estimated to be much less."

Awakening from the hallucination, Ian heard Isengard's lowered voice concern: "You're bleeding... stop it!"

"Use the fastest aberration, the death of tens of millions of children to select the characteristics of benign aberrations, and then aggregate them back to the psionic energy network... In this way, one day, the final metamorphosis can be achieved and transformed into the ultimate life!"

Shaking his head, the young man came to his senses. He noticed that his eyes and nose began to bleed again. Fortunately, Yi Sen noticed this from the beginning, and used his wind element to suppress the surrounding air flow.

Soon, Master Gosser came to a conclusion, and he was extremely shocked: "Although it has not reached the peak of the second energy level... but it is enough to show that it has the potential of the fourth energy level!"

It is said that among the fairies, there are a group of fairies who are extremely rich and skilled in craftsmanship, and will use pure Morion steel as their bodies. They call themselves 'steel fairies' or 'silver fairies', which are extremely special among fairies. A series of high-level inheritance.

After such a turmoil, the three of them calmed down, and could seriously observe this strange, apparently very difficult to mess with.


Of course, far from all his cards. If the ancient dragon core is used and the silver chip is coordinated, Ian can increase his essentia limit to close to 3000 basic essentia units, and continuously recover at a high speed.

A state-of-the-art bright laboratory, with a row of genetic samples of powerful creatures.

[Current form: Thunder, Fire]

If it is said that a normal first-level high-level sublimator has more than 1,500 basic units of source material storage in his body, then Ian has about 2,000 or so, which is the source material storage of the first energy level peak level.

This is the observation result of Master Gosse. The old man frowned slightly and observed with a small telescope: "What is behind this worm nest? It can provide such a huge amount of energy to the female worm... Look at the fluorescent flesh under its carapace, it is Rapid growth... wait, is this a larva?!"

And that's where it all started.

A mad man, a harmless soft-bodied slug.

"Ian? Are you okay?!"

Because of its simplicity, it can carry almost all mutations - harmless soft-bodied slugs, which have turned into ferocious parasitic predators in one mutation after another.

Concentrating his energy and suppressing the minor injury, Ian continued to observe the female brain-devouring worm in front of him, his eyes curious: "Benevolent aberration... It seems to be similar to the previous aberration, but all of them have benign aberration characteristics?"

"This life must have the ability to adapt to all harsh and extreme environments... Whether it is seabed or lava, whether it is high altitude or polar region, whether it is the center of thunder or the void above the sky - it must have this An ability!"



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