Above The Sky

Chapter 266 You Thought It Was Electricity That Beats Water, But It's Actually Electricity That

Although the restraint between the sublimators is not like a pet development game in Ian's previous life, electricity overcomes water, and the ground overcomes electricity... But Patrick does have a special experience in dealing with water sublimators, and he has always been calm. complacent reasons.

But Ian's sword swung out the strong earth element essence, and he couldn't get rid of him immediately - all tactical preparations had to be overturned, and all preparation measures were completely invalidated in an instant.

For a while, he only had time to raise his sword.

But how could such a simple defense be able to stop Ian, who was ready for a long time? Although the Chongyuan Iron Sword was heavy, it was as light as a tree branch in the hands of the young man. It streaked an ever-changing trajectory in mid-air. If it were an ordinary person, Ian could not even see that Ian mobilized his arms, waist, hips, and thighs at the same time. ground action.

In just an instant, the rapier wrapped around the thunder light was swayed away, and the sharp sword without a front was about to hit Patrick's shoulder, breaking his tendons.

But the blond nobleman did not dodge and even stepped forward with his right foot to meet the sword head-on. Although the power that did not fully explode still smashed Patrick's right shoulder, it did not hurt the opponent as Ian imagined. spine.

At the same time, the dark but blue-white lightning blood clings to the epee, and hurriedly rolls towards Ian's arm.

Although he made a misjudgment in the early stage, Patrick could see that the sword in Ian's hand was the only weapon that could threaten him. Without it, relying only on sublimation skills and fists, the first energy level would never be fatal to him.

But Ian had long anticipated this situation. He didn't let go of his sword. Instead, he chanted a tune in his mouth, and the black liquid in the water gun immediately rose up, colliding with Patrick's black blood.

Although Isengard's blood could not hinder the blood directly controlled by Patrick, it was enough to stop the opponent's offensive.

Ian retracted his sword, took a small step back, and then called out to the surrounding gravel to cover himself with a fine and firm layer of gravel.

But at the same time, Patrick's injuries quickly healed themselves - bone smashing is not a problem for the eclipsed dragon bloodline, just stick to the place a little, they only need blood to maintain all the fighting power.

And this time, Patrick took the lead in attacking, his figure flashed, and the lightning-like stab was unpretentious, directly to Ian's heart.

But the young man seemed to be unpredictable, and he raised his sword in advance to hold up this stab, which shocked the nobles who thought Ian would see blood at least - but his offensive did not end, with his ability to react much better than Ian. With the speed, he even directly stabbed five more swords, attacking the throat, left shoulder, kidney, lower abdomen and thigh respectively.

This is the most typical dueling sword, and it is a common competitive technique among nobles, but Patrick is obviously very proficient in this way, and has turned it into a miracle. Hair trend.

Even if Viscount Grant saw this sword, he would be speechless. If it wasn't for the suppression of the aether armed, he would have to pay a certain price to win if he really fought physically.

But Ian's swordsmanship can't be described as miraculous, it's more like some kind of miracle——

In a short period of time, the offense and defense had been staggered for several rounds. Patrick stabbed straight in the throat and Ian blocked with a vertical sword. It was directly slashed with a sword by the step of retreating, and almost smashed the Mithril rapier at the wrong angle on the spot.

If Patrick didn't feel that something was wrong, the fifth thorn left seven points of power, and when he saw it was wrong, he retracted the sword in time, his mithril dueling sword would have been directly bent or even broken by the epee!


And when the offense and defense were all over, the crisp sound of the intersection of the two swords could be heard echoing in the sacrificial ground.

The scattered thunder light and the slowly dissipating Earth Origin Essence hedge, although the former is better, but the latter is obviously not hurt.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Looking forward in disbelief, Patrick stepped back half a step and took the defensive - he didn't actually suffer, even the strength of the five swords just now knocked Ian back three steps, and it seemed that his pace was unstable.

But he is not a fool, he will be deceived by this simple tactic... Ian may have been beaten back by him, but the overall sword momentum is smooth and flawless, like a big iron ball, he has already used it. The skill of the Lightning Fast Sword is still unable to attack.

What shocked Patrick even more was the realm of Ian's swordsmanship... The swordsmanship that he has been immersed in for more than ten years is not a young man who may not be as old as his swordsmanship practice for a long time? With such a high talent, you can still be a fart appraiser. Go directly to a knight order, and within five years, you can directly be selected as a reserve officer in the patrol knight order!

——As long as he can't see the flaws in Ian, no matter how much he tries to attack, it will not help.

This is the answer Patrick got.

But the flaw does not exist for the prophet.

At this moment, the halo in Ian's eyes is flowing, and on his head, there is a small goblin butterfly crawling to watch the fun.

It was with this little goblin that he performed temporary divination, made tactical decisions, and paired it with his sword skills that were already close to master-level. If nothing else, Ian felt that there was no problem in blocking Patrick's offensive.

It's just embarrassing questions.

——Let's not move the strong city system... If it is a match of the same level, Ian's normal attack lethality with dual-core bonus and dual inheritance is probably comparable to other people's use of sublimation skills.

But in this kind of leapfrog challenge, even with the acceleration of Fairy Wings and Wave Chanter, Ian felt that he couldn't catch up with Patrick's speed.

In fact, he couldn't inflict fatal damage on the opponent at all. At most, like at the beginning, he caught Patrick by surprise and consumed a little of the opponent's stamina.

But he wasn't worried.

Because it is he who is on the side of time.


Taking a deep breath, Ian felt the abundant source essence flowing from the core of the ancient dragon in his body. The light golden halo started from the heart and spread to the lungs, internal organs, arms and lower body. The tough texture began to appear on the surface of his skin. It made the boy's body look like some kind of jade, and like some kind of metal.

—— Today's Ian, even if he takes Patrick's previous five swords head-on, may not be hit hard.

This is the strongest power to protect the true form.

Although this state of sand armor consumes a lot of money, the youth has been accumulating it for four years.

In front of him, at least an opponent of Patrick's level is not worthy of a war of attrition with him.

And Patrick also completely raised his spirits, thinking about the next course of action.

The two sides confronted each other, adjusted their status, and prepared to start the next confrontation.

However, this battle, which was difficult to achieve, ended up being an accident.


The man-made river surrounding the entire sacrificial place suddenly churned, and in the depths of the river in the distance, from far to near, there was an extremely turbulent roar.

And, a rather familiar scream.


Hearing this voice, both Ian and Patrick opened their eyes wide, and the two even looked at each other subconsciously, looking at each other in unparalleled shock.

It didn't take long for this silent consternation to be broken.

Because a pirate with long dark green hair was yelling and lying on the body of a fat ironclad shark, and the shark was galloping fast in the artificial river like lightning, moving fast!

"Accelerate! Damn, is it the limit?!"

And behind it, the huge water-attribute source is a surprise for the two of them!

"Tenglan giant eel?!"

"Aboriginal totem master?!"

Ian and Patrick exclaimed together, and the huge giant eel, like a super high-speed train at this moment, silently controlled the water flow, along the river that could hold it, all the way forward...

It's unreasonable to create!

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