Above The Sky

Chapter 262 Pre Epoch Learning Machines (210)

The main hall of the sacrificial place is very huge. It is like a palace where giants live. The atmosphere of the whole building is like a mountain, and it has a very suitable light. For a time, it even makes people feel that they are in the sunlight on the surface.

All around the hall are intricate and exquisite murals with bright and beautiful colors, which have been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years without fading. On top of the dome, the fluorites that shine like stars release a dazzling but not scorching light. Together with the smooth mirror-like top surface of other parts of the dome, it is enough to illuminate the entire wide area even when there are not many light sources. 's hall.

But what surprised Ian most were the huge metal instruments in the center of the hall.

And the man in front of the metal instrument.


Within the shrouded range of the silence ring, Isengard said to himself in a very complicated manner: "He really came in... chased me."

At this moment, the blond boy who should have been shocked and terrified seemed extraordinarily calm. Ian noticed that the other party clenched his fists, but slowly loosened them. He reached for the alchemy test tube around his waist, obviously relieved and ready to fight. Prepare.

He no longer trembled because of Patrick's identity, but dared to fight against the opponent.

But Ian reminded: "Your uncle's eyes are not normal... What is he looking at?"

Having said that, Ian began to read the information from the silver chip.

【The ninth generation of reverie type sleep learning machine】

[Incompetent level, operational, excellent, inedible]

[Developed by Zhanguang Zhimeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. and put into practical intelligent learning machine in 3518, it can be linked through the fast bone, people can learn various professional knowledge and art appreciation subconsciously, and improve the professional skill level of users With artistic aesthetics, it is not recommended for minors to use because of greater nerve stimulation.]

[Although the effect is powerful, it was criticized by consumers when it was launched-because it can only learn in a deep sleep state, and it affects the quality of sleep, so the learning efficiency is not as high as imagined. If users want to quickly master a knowledge, More willing to use electronic brain with auxiliary intelligence for quick call]

[Status: Energy not connected]


"Learning machines?"

Ian was a little surprised by the true identity of this machine, but he was a little stunned, and said with emotion: "It seems that this is one of the 'methods of inheriting knowledge' chosen by the indigenous people back then."

"However, because this machine is consumed as long as it is used, and it is very troublesome to maintain, it is basically never turned on except for recovering some knowledge missed by other means in critical cases where it has to be used, but is stored in this important" A place of worship."

Although it is rare and difficult to reproduce in today's Terra Continent, all learning machines need to learn mastering to operate. In today's era where mastering is not possible, the effect of learning machines is indeed greatly reduced.

But even learning a machine didn't stun Patrick for such a long time.

With such doubts, Ian held his breath and turned on the monitoring function of the silver chip to strengthen his visual and auditory perception.

So he heard it.

I heard Patrick muttering to himself.

"It turns out...that's it...I finally understand why it's Avlina, why it's Ethan...This old dog Axel, his bastard, has such a purpose?!"

"But why? Why our family? Is it just the love of that stupid woman, Afrina, for her eldest brother?"

The blond man's voice was full of surprise and anger, he seemed to finally solve a puzzle that had puzzled him for a long time, and the answer to the puzzle made him tremble, whether it was fear or anger that he couldn't control: "Impossible, that one There is absolutely no way the old dog will make a rash decision just for this crap, he must have a deeper reason... a deeper reason..."

He was silent for a while.

Then, in the next instant, he made a move that shocked both Ian and Isengard.


In just an instant, the arc visible to the naked eye condensed in Patrick's hand. This time, it could be clearly seen that the black blood between the man's five fingers was rapidly spinning, rubbing like a generator, thus forming a lightning bolt in his palm.

In the next moment, the thunder light exploded, piercing the atmosphere of the sacrificial ground, and the sharp and sharp thunder was already surging forward like the waves of the raging sea - and then bombarded the learning machine!

Boom - boom!

The blue-blue current dashed rapidly on the learning machine, causing the mirror-like metal casing to release an astonishing flash of incandescent light, and this current seemed to ignite some key components inside the instrument, which in turn induced an earth-shattering explosion.

There was a bang, and a huge shock wave was thrown in all directions, carrying the fragments of the learning machine, knocking the other objects in the hall and the murals with a crackling sound.

In the blink of an eye, the metal machine that was smooth as a mirror and two stories high was completely destroyed by Patrick's blow.


And at this moment, as the electric current swept across the entire hall, the blond man turned around in surprise: "Who is it?"

His biomagnetic field actually swept two people he hadn't discovered before!

Immediately afterwards, Patrick saw Ian, who had given up hiding, but resolutely raised his sword and strode forward.

Isengard followed behind the boy with a complicated expression. He stared at his uncle's face, and stared at the other's shocked but somewhat surprised face.

"What are you doing?"

On the other side, the tone of the white-haired boy was extremely cold, but no one could ignore the fury that was like magma under the ice abyss: "Destroy the intact pre-epoch machine - probably the only one - Patrick, you Does this idiot really know what he did?"

But Patrick didn't care about Ian's questioning. He took a deep look at Isengard behind the white-haired boy and murmured, "You're okay...that's okay."

"If you really die in the middle, then I will definitely regret it."

Then, when Isengard seemed about to say something, he turned his head to look at Ian.

"Ian. You are doing really well. I can see that your strength is definitely not only the first energy level peak."

"What other cards do you have, dare to take action against me, the second level? I believe that your winning rate will never be small, and I will not despise you, just like I will not despise Ayers."

At this moment, Patrick looked at Ian with admiration: "But don't worry, the little genius that Ayers dug up... Of course I know what I'm doing."

"If you're not in a hurry to fight, I can explain it to you later."

At this moment, Patrick's conversation is calm and orderly. How can he look like the ignorant, rough-tempered and jealous 'paradigm aristocrat' he used to be in Port Harrison?

He is like a well-known professor in a certain academy, his demeanor is very calm, and he is very graceful: "It's just now..."

He turned his head again and looked at the blond boy who opened his mouth but didn't know what to say: "I have a piece of advice for my nephew."

- Weird.

Clinging on the hilt, Ian also sensed something was wrong and frowned.

He thought that the next thing was a decisive battle with Patrick, so he had signaled Isengard to get ready, and then went to 'counterback' the other party's aether armed sub-strain... But he didn't expect that in this group of underground ruins where no one else was seen, The blond nobleman who intended to kill his nephew lost his original aggressiveness.

no, no...

Ian quickly thought of a possibility, but this possibility made him stunned, and even a little unbelievable.

But next, he turned his head and looked at Patrick of Isengard, but said the sentence that proved his guess.

Patrick said in a gentle, sincere and sincere tone: "Ethan."

The man and the young man looked at each other, and the older one said to the younger one sincerely, "Listen to Uncle's advice."

"'Death' here, in Port Harrison, in the South China Sea."

"This may be you... or it may be our Ellen family, the last chance."

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