Above The Sky

Chapter 256 The Origin Of The Primal Fairy (23)

An overwhelming cold hit, and the ancient dragon's core vibrated, awakening Ian from the shock.

There are many fine holes in the flower, and the psionic energy field that is almost materialized is agitated in it. The ice-blue vines constantly absorb the energy from the corpse of the crystal dragon and the moth, and absorb the energy in the ice abyss. The energy is transmitted back to the corpse, forming an organic whole - many shining points of light fly out of the holes in the fluff, and are then given shape by the frost.

Thinking of this, Ian carefully observed the crystal dragon corpse in front of him, but he was not greedy.

If there is something in the Nanhai Ruins Group that can make the core of the ancient dragon vibrate, then this thing has a high probability of being on the Zhanhai Crystal Dragon!

Following the direction where the light spots flew, the young man saw that, apart from the direction of the position, there were still many battles taking place in the entire ice abyss.

Although Ian is very confident, he is not stupid enough to think that he can be beaten by hundreds of thousands of primitive fairies and still not die.

In such an instant, hundreds of 'primitive fairies' were born.

"...It's really good. If shocking me is your goal, then it is indeed achieved."


Yes, the iceberg here, in Ian's opinion, already meets the standard of the prototype of a small labyrinth - this is a small labyrinth wrapped in the big labyrinth of the South China Sea Ruins, just like a small challenge room in a large copy, with a unique ecosystem. .

This giant frost decoy moth is obviously the mother of the previous decoy moths, and it seems to be cast from metal. Although it is a worm-like body structure, it gives people a solid feeling like a fighter.

The battle between primal goblins and moths is endless, continuous, almost never ending - primal goblins occupy the 'origin', with fluffy flowers, crystal dragons and moth corpses as sources, and moths do not succeed Do more, plunder resources from all over the South China Sea relics group, and besiege the origin in the ice abyss.

[Artificial alien beasts, alien ecological life created by biological alchemy, were originally designed to deal with the possible immigration difficulties of the Frost Planet and the core supporter of the frost ecosystem]

That Zhanhai Crystal Dragon may be the descendant of this Frost Crystal Dragon, because crystal dragons are a race that can easily change their attributes, and this is not a strange thing.


At the top of the iceberg where the corpse of the giant beast was frozen, there was an ice-blue vine derived from the crystalline dragon's eyes and the moth's heart, followed by a white lotus-like flower on the top of the mountain.

As another labyrinth variant of the Crystal Dragon, Frost Crystal Dragon, like its counterparts, has a pair of sharp front claws and hind limbs that degenerate to more like caudal fins. Its body is composed of sharp crystal swords. Covered with shiny hard crystalline scales.

Although the Penghua born by the primordial fairy has absorbed the source material from the corpses of the two creatures, its essence is more similar to the crystal dragon.

Ian cast fairy wings and flew to the high sky of the ice abyss.

Frost and ice wind intertwined, flickering light spots and moths floating in the air collided with each other, frost blades and ice cones cut and pierced each other.

Ian slowly landed back to the ground. According to the view just now, he had roughly seen several entrances and exits in the ice abyss.

"Maybe it will be transformed into a water goblin. Anyway, goblins are much tougher than most people."

The primordial fairy whose head looks like a frost butterfly revolves around the young man's head, as if cheering that he has completed the task.

Primitive Frost Fairy is a joint product of Crystal Dragon and Moth, most of which are Crystal Dragon... But the true descendant of Crystal Dragon should be that Zhanhai Crystal Dragon!

After all, the slight movement of the ancient dragon's core was not aimed at the corpse of the crystal dragon, but something deep in the ruins, far away.

Although I don't know why the other party is so angry, it is enough to prove the relationship between the two.

They can just take this opportunity to find their way out as soon as possible and leave the ice field.

The war between them is the continuation of the battle between Crystal Dragon and Frost Moth!

On the top of this crystal dragon's head, there is a huge raised dragon horn called 'crystal horn', which makes it look like a sharp sword as a whole. The tail is the body of the sword that keeps closing.

【Frost bait moth corpse (ecological experimental species)】

Ian was a little surprised that two giant monsters of the fourth energy level in front of him died here. Obviously, even with conjecture, it can be seen that this is an alien species built in the relevant area after the catastrophe. The ecological park is out of control, and the crystal dragon and the moth start a battle for some reason, and they die together.

But the problem is, in the center of Ian's chest, the slight movement of Gulong's core...

The matter of the psionic energy field, to put it bluntly, is a peculiar energy circulation structure. Most of them are caused by the natural psionic energy of the planet, but the death of a powerful enough creature can also create a long-lasting or even sustainable life with the peculiar natural conditions. It is said to be a permanent psionic field change.

He looked into the distance, and then he saw it.

"That Zhanhai Crystal Dragon! That dragon roar!"

A war that continues to this day!

The corpse of the crystal dragon is just a medium. It used to have that thing on its body, but now it has disappeared... The frost moth is probably also fighting for that thing, so it fought with this frosty crystal dragon, and it was almost dead.

And the descendants of the Frost Moth...Isn't it obvious at a glance?

Thinking of the moth brigade that controlled the apes and beasts to move forward, Ian raised his head and looked in the direction he came from. Reach your true advancement?"

During the scan of the silver chip, Ian has been carefully observing the two mountain-like beasts and zerg.

[Contains Origin Quality: 5092.4495 Core Units]

These moths, which were originally designed as biological weapons, even raised a group of apes and beasts as 'supply' units to fight against the primitive goblins with their origins.

【Frost Crystal Dragon Corpse (Ecological Experimental Species)】

in this case……

[Fourth Energy Level, Frozen, Core, Edible]

Even if you can run away, why bother.

After taking a few deep breaths, the calmed Ian smiled and nodded at the Frost Fairy floating in front of him, raised his head when the opponent was flying, and continued to look at the iceberg in front of him.

Ian raised his head, he looked at the angry dragon roar that he vaguely heard when he had just reached the ice abyss!

Perhaps in ancient times, the origin of those true fairies was also the same. They were given entities by special psionic plants bred in special psionic fields, and then gradually evolved into today's higher intelligent creatures.

【Unfinished body】

[Artificial alien monsters, through the recovery of ancient predator flying insects that were frozen in the glaciers in ancient times, and then through modern biological alchemy, with alien symbiotic worms transformed into giant Titan monsters, the original intention is to adapt to the universe The biological carrier aircraft matrix in space, and the biological warfare weapon of the frost ecosystem]

"I have the core of the ancient dragon and the blood of the goblin. No wonder these primitive goblins sensed the breath of my battle and found me."

This is a death battle that has not wavered in the slightest, even if it has been hundreds of thousands of years after death!

Rather than making such a choice that is more than worth the loss, he wanted to try it out and see if he could find a chance to raise these goblins... Just a little distressed, he must have to restart the cooling cycle system, what should these goblins do at that time? manage?

Needless to say, moths are naturally descendants of frost moths.

The Frost Moth is even more peculiar - it looks like an enlarged version of the previous group of Frost Moths at first glance, but its wings are not like Frost Moths, they are covered with fine fluff ... On the contrary, its wings are like pieces of extremely sharp blades, even if it is frozen, it still flashes this sharp cold light in the glimmer of the ice abyss.

Frost moth naturally needless to say, the corpse of Frost Frost Crystal Dragon has become the home of primitive goblins. Let's not talk about he can't use this kind of frost dragon material at all. If he really wants to get it, it is estimated that he must be close to these little ones. Fairy fight.

Although the relic ice abyss is not natural, but originated from the cooling system of the relics of the pre-epoch civilization, a creation that is close to an interstellar civilization can already outperform nature. This place constitutes a peculiar field that continuously absorbs the surrounding natural spiritual energy. In this field, the corpse is immortal even though it is dead, and it can even generate all kinds of strange ecological circles, forming the prototype of the labyrinth.

At this moment, Ian has fully understood.


Ian stared at the fairy light spots gushing out of the flowers, watching them whirling and soaring in the cold wind, condensing the frost containing a lot of natural psychic energy and source quality as his body, and then moving in a certain direction fly away.

[Fourth Energy Level, Frozen, Core, Edible]

As for the safety of everyone in the position, he is no longer worried - the primal goblins can find him, proving that the brigade of primal goblins has arrived in that area, and the real enemies of moths are these primal goblins, and when they fight, there are no humans at all whats the matter.

[Contains source quality: 5149.3452 core units]

Therefore, the Crystal Dragon also has the title of "Crystal Sword Dragon", but it was gradually weakened because of the discovery of the earth-type crystal dragon like a club and the fire-type crystal dragon like a whip.

And their birth makes the wind and snow even more surging.

The fluffy flowers blooming on the icy blue vines, and the primitive frost fairies born in the remains of fluffy flowers are the origin of the goblin race.

"Could it be that... the real purpose of those moths?"

Their shapes are very aggressive, like some kind of man-made weapons of war, and in fact they are. They all entrust many functions of the civilization of the previous era, and battles are among them.

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