Above The Sky

Chapter 249 Ruins Ice Abyss (23)

The process of walking on the ice abyss is actually quite difficult, even for the sublime. Although it is not difficult to walk, it is enough to be called hard work.

Going down from the hill to the gentle ice field, the wind and snow were still raging, but it was a little gentler than the heights. Compared with the surrounding ice cliffs, countless ravines and deep valleys, the ice sheet is composed of pure ice shells, and the terrain is low and flat. Because of the low temperature of minus tens of degrees, ordinary ice is as hard as steel.

But the strange thing is that on such a flat and solid ice sheet, there are one or two from time to time, or even many huge ice holes, leading to the deep and dark underground. It's dizzying.

No one can figure out how these holes were formed and why they were so smooth and flat.

If I fell into it, Ian would be fine with fairy wings, but Isengard and Master Gosse would definitely be doomed - Ian couldn't have climbed out of such a smooth and solid ice cave on his own.

But in the process of crossing this dangerous ice field, Isengard reported to Ian an unexpected piece of information that he did not find.

"You mean, under these glaciers, what huge steel structure is releasing heat... Those caves on the ice sheet are the melting of the heat released by the steel structure?"

It's not that Ian doesn't believe Ethan.

The other party has come all the way, and the growth along the way is also visible to the naked eye. This young master of the Ellen family is now strong enough and has enough will to push his strength to fight, becoming Ian's comrade-in-arms in battle, not a burden to be protected.

However, after he seriously used the perception range of the elongated vision horizon and added the silver chip perception, he was surprised to find that at least 1,200 meters below the glacier... There really is Esengard The huge structure that the mouth speaks of!

"I'm not lying! It's that the steel structure is very strange, each one is square like a big coffin, releasing boiling heat, it looks quite scary..."

At the beginning, Isengard was still a little proud, but his tone became lower and lower, and he seemed a little uneasy: "This place is really weird, Ian, Mr. Gosey does not have the instinctive source of body protection now, and always relies on medicine to support it. There's no way... let's get out of here quickly, shall we?"

Isengard relied on his own blood to sense heat instinctively, and sensed the slight temperature changes below the glacier. Although Ian could also sense it, only the numbers on the silver chip did not fluctuate much, which was within the normal error range.

The scope of the vision horizon is not large, and he needs to use the method of convergence to actively perceive it to barely sense the huge steel structure at the bottom of the glacier.

"It's just a heat-dissipating conductor, it's nothing strange, it just proves my guess once again."

Thinking in his heart, Ian stared at the ice layer under his feet - it seems that the ruins of the ice abyss here should have been a huge natural underground cavity in the past, which was transformed into a huge cooling reservoir by the civilization of the previous era.

But suddenly one day, the cooling water that should have been transported from the fusion power station stopped coming in, only the ordinary flowing water from the sea water poured back and forth again and again and condensed into ice here, forming an ice abyss... until now.

But even so, some of the heat dissipation structures are still in operation, and the steel conducts heat, causing hot air to flow out from the bottom of the ice layer and into the ice abyss, forming ice, snow and wind, and causing the ice abyss to dissolve and solidify, causing the Deep ice cave.

After thinking about this, Ian couldn't help nodding - Isengard's suggestion is right, whether it is for Master Gosse or his own safety, leaving this place is the best policy, if everything is as he thought, then the strange cliff in the ice abyss Perhaps the reason for the formation of the jagged ice wall is that the ice sheets here will collapse and break again and again, melting and condensing intermittently.

There may be eternal ice, but what if you find it? They didn't intend to settle here.

And just when Ian praised Isengard a few words, and told the other party that if there is any abnormal situation like the present, he must tell him as soon as possible.

Suddenly, both of them heard a loud explosion from the depths of the distant ice field.

"...The sound of alchemy artillery?"

Both of them were a little startled, looked at each other, and then made up their minds together, and walked quickly in the direction of the explosion without saying a word.

There are also differences in the sounds of the alchemy cannons, and they can all hear that there are two kinds of sounds of this series of cannons.

One is the latest alchemical artillery of the Central Empire...and the other.

It is the Canaan Moorish cannon used by the pirates!

However, Ian and Yisen, who had not waited to rush past, wanted to understand why the artillery of the Empire and Canaan Moore would be fired together, as if they were working together to fight the enemy.

Ian was the first to see that on the snowy hill not far away, there were two rushing black spots escaping all the way.

"You take care of Master Gesai, I'll go check the situation."

Ian handed the Master Gossey on his back to Isengard, and the other party readily agreed: "Be careful."

And when Ian accelerated, urging the fairy wings to volley across the long distance and landed directly in front of the two black spots, the two fleeing people had no intention of attacking at all, they just rolled and looked in front of them in horror. The 'monster' that came suddenly.

However, after they saw Ian's face and determined that it was not an illusion, they immediately stepped forward and shouted with joy.

"Guide!" "Guide, are you still alive?"

The only ones who would call Ian a guide were the merchants in Port Harrison and the cities of Nanling, and only the people in the exploration team.

"Lanfan? And you... Aren't you Yisen's bodyguard?"

Ian Dingqing took a look and was surprised to realize that the other party was actually an acquaintance - one of the other party was the skinny shell-picking team leader on the exploration ship, and the first explorer to discover the shimmering crystal shell, while the other was simply Yi Yi One of Sengard's two Ascended Guards.

Both of them had blood stains on their bodies, and there were many wounds on their bodies, but fortunately they were not infected by the brain-devouring worms. Such small wounds are trivial to the sublime.

"What's the matter, isn't there a fight over there?"

Ian didn't put down his weapon, still clenched the iron sword of Chongyuan in his hand. He frowned and asked the two of them. Although the two of them did not know about Ian's record in beheading the great shaman with his armor after leaving the exploration ship with Isengard , but knew that the young man in front of him was not weak.

Especially the latter, Isengard's guards know very well that Ian is a 'genius' who can kill all the natives with an ordinary fine iron long sword in a whole team of firearms.

Therefore, in order to avoid the foolishness of the temporary companions of this operation, he took the lead in speaking and gave a general description of the current situation.

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