Above The Sky

Chapter 233 True Ether Furnace (23, Thanks To The Leader Of Othinus 1 Eyed Girl!)

"It's really a furnace!?" After listening to the captain, he immediately took a breath: "Apocalypse Armed?!"

Even Ian was slightly taken aback.

True Aether Furnace and Apocalypse Armament... He is considered a famous name for a long time, but he has never seen it, and he does not know the data of the other party at all.

Although he has seen descriptions about them in many history books and alchemy books, what has suppressed a war and wiped out the strategic contribution of half a mountain range...but he always felt that these things were far from He is still far away for the time being, and he really wants to see him, at least after he reaches the fifth energy level.

"Could it be that, as this Spirit Artifact Church cultivator said, there are still such good things in the South China Sea Relics Group?"

Ian couldn't help muttering to himself, and his eyes gradually brightened.

-Perhaps, it is possible!

In Ian's opinion, an ordinary alchemy element furnace is comparable to an ordinary energy station. If it is used in propulsion, the energy efficiency is equivalent to a rocket engine, and a piece of steel weighing several tons or ten tons can fly in the sky at supersonic speed. It can make the iron armored ship gallop in the sea faster than the monster.

This is the main fuel for the entire Terra Continent - in this world with little oil and coal, the alchemy furnace system brought about by the crystallization of elements is almost the only source of high-quality energy!

And the ether furnace goes even further.

Its contribution made Ian, who only knew the data, stunned.

If we say that the alchemy furnace is a surging ocean wave, through the crystallization of burning elements, it obtains surging and mighty energy.

Then the heart of the etheric hearth is the endless stream of tidal waves!

This kind of ultra-high-output engine at least at the spaceship level is loaded on a war tool driven by a single soldier, so it can exert a power close to the strategic level. At the third energy level, you can use hypersonic speed. action.

If it weren't for the strong physical fitness and adaptability of the sublime, the average driver would probably die directly during the acceleration process.


If it is said that the heart of the ether furnace is the tide, then the output of the real ether furnace is at least the 'gravitational tide' between the stars.

If, as Ian himself guessed, the so-called Aether Hearth is nothing but a high-power rocket and spaceship engine characteristic of Terra.

Then the real ether furnace should be the kind of earth colonization rocket that needs a long-term endurance and continuous high output 'Yuanhang-class' high-level warship engine!

As the ground-space logistics transit center of the pre-epoch civilization, the Sequoia Base controls the space elevator and orbital accelerator. In the warehouse of this base, there is an inventory of such a voyage engine...

"It's not surprising!"

While Ian was thinking about it, he heard that in the monitoring of the silver chip, the captain was shocked and then made up his mind: "Okay... It turns out that you have such an important task... No wonder the king asked I must cooperate with your actions at critical moments.”

Taking a deep breath, the captain looked at his team not far away, he swept over the good guys with resolute expressions, and said solemnly, "...Well, if this is the case, then I will cooperate with your exploration. ."

"But, monk!"

At this moment, the tone of the leader of the red people is very firm, and he does not accept any negotiation: "If there is an accident, there are people from the empire intervening, and the progress is faster than us... Even if all of us die here, I will The target is completely destroyed!"

"If we can't get it, we must destroy it - we will kill us, and we must not let the Setal Empire have an extra apocalypse!"

At this moment, the look of this special attack team was even more determined and fanatical than before.

The Spiritual Artifact Church did persuade him, but it pushed the soldier's will in a strange direction.

"All right."

With a slight frown, the cultivator leader also noticed that the attitude of the other party was not what he wanted to see.

As one of the Four Orthodox Churches, the Spiritual Artifact Church is not limited to cooperating with one country—cooperating with the Abbasalom bloodline is no different from cooperating with the Setal Empire.

They are just chasing the mysterious 'ascension' of the pre-epoch civilization.

But at this moment, they and the Flying Flames Special Forces are still in a joint relationship. Since the other party has made a compromise, she has to take a step back: "So for higher interests, we must speed up our actions."

The steel-eyed female cultivator bent down slightly and made a gesture of retreat: "The better choice not to let the other party get it is obviously ours, isn't it?"

This is also true.

After the two leaders had determined their course of action and goals, the entire team of Flying Flames moved much faster.

In order to avoid being followed by Harrison Harbor or the Imperials, they even adopted a radical exploration strategy.

Once something is wrong, they will shoot directly and continue to move forward after confirming that there is no danger.

Not to mention, this fast and rude method of action really allowed them to avoid several poisonous snakes and parasitic creatures hidden in puddles, crevices and caves.

And Ian is close behind.

The young man frowned at this moment.

"True etheric furnace... If there is such a near-original thing, it must not be destroyed by this group of flying flames!"

With his mind made up, Ian was full of vigilance: "These Terrans don't care about the unreproducible common heritage of mankind - if there is a complete true aether furnace, it must be able to lead the energy technology of the entire Terra civilization. Rapid development, catching up with the precious treasures of the previous era!"

"That is the hope of mankind's future leading to the sky!"

It's not just a boy's dream...it's also a dream of the teacher and Inaka II.

Until the end, the teacher also wanted to be buried in the South China Sea, just wanted to see his success in the future... see him change the world and lead all beings to successfully go to the stars.

"A boring battle, judging from the most advanced technology of the Terra countries, it is clear that as long as the countries join forces to popularize education, it will not take decades, there will no longer be any resource crisis in this world, and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. Ended up playing boring war games here."

At this moment, the boy has made up his mind.

When the critical period is reached, whether it is attracting local parasites or other magical beasts, he will definitely stop this team of flying flames.

- Destroy what you can't get? You people die first!

"Even if it is really going to be destroyed, let me use the silver chip to record the structure and talk about it later!"

However, the plans never kept up with the changes.

After a period of time, the scouts in front of the Flying Flames Special Forces returned to report their findings.

And Ian heard the information that he was very concerned about.

"...There are traces of human activities in front of me, fighting with monsters... Based on the remaining traces, it is speculated that it should be an old man who was seriously injured and paralyzed, a young man whose body has not fully grown... There are many other messy footsteps... …”

"According to speculation, it should be the people of the Nanling Empire who were accidentally involved in the ruins. Among them, the old and young are sublimated, and the others are ordinary people."

"They're not far ahead, and they'll catch up soon."


Hearing these familiar descriptions, Ian couldn't help but be amazed: "Wait, an old Ascendant and a young Ascendant who can't move, can it be said..."

"They discovered Isengard and Master Gosse?"

------off topic-----

Thank you to the Allied Leader of One-Eyed Ji! 8000 today, too late, more tomorrow!

By the way, ask for a double monthly pass!

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