Above The Sky

Chapter 226 Mature Body (34)

This strange figure moves silently, and the wind element makes it so that as long as it does not move at a certain speed, it will not cause much airflow fluctuations.

It grabs it with one claws. Although it looks soft, it is powerful enough to smash the scales and bones of ordinary creatures. It is a real killer.

But this time, the Silent Claw, which had hunted down many prey, could only catch a layer of incomparably strong Origin Quality phantom.

Ian opened his eyes, and the silver-blue streamer swept across the frightened and angry body in front of him in an instant.


The source material suddenly circulated throughout the body, activating one organ after another, and the long sword in his hand even lit up with a faint golden light.

The iron sword of Chongyuan slashed out with all its strength, like a black gust of wind, instantly slashing the body of the figure.

But at the moment when the long sword slashed the figure, Ian suddenly felt that his hand was empty. His sword didn't cut the real thing, but was cut in a mess - the figure retreated lightly, like a feather. Under the force, when he slashed, he had already retreated.

——It’s still power, and it’s still a very high level!

Ian didn't even think about it. The surrounding water vapor was extremely dense. He switched the water element directly according to the situation. A water blade appeared out of thin air on the blade that had already been cut through the air. chase.


This time, there was no way to stop the energy - the figure was immediately slashed, and he let out an incomparably terrifying howl, and a large mass of shattered hair and bone fragments exploded in his chest.

but no blood.

The figure's figure is extremely dexterous. Taking advantage of the power of Ian's water blade, it floated towards the back, followed by a somersault and came to the top of the rock pillar, hiding in the shadows.

But in Ian's eyes, all the shadows were as bright as day, and the high-hanging hostile red light directly pointed out the opponent's location like a shooting game.

So he let out a breath and leaned over to grab the ground.


The slender fingers of the young man seemed fair and slender, but when they touched the white rocky ground, they seemed to be made of white jade and diamonds, and it was like grabbing a pudding and grabbing a big rock.


The silver light flow in his eyes flickered, Ian accumulated strength, and the circulation of the source material accelerated the blood, and locked the figure hidden in the shadows, thinking that he was safe, and suddenly threw the rock out.


It was thrown with full force, and the stone with the active substance even appeared a layer of light gold, revealing a little metallic texture.

The fast-speeding stone flew past, bringing a gust of wind, and mercilessly hit the figure's head.

The figure suddenly screamed again, the sound was like some kind of abnormally sharp ape cry, blood splashed out - but it was not dead, this blow smashed the figure swaying, unable to stay in the air, so instead Aroused its ferocity, swooped down through the high terrain, and wanted to fight Ian for life and death.

But Ian didn't feel any sense of danger at all, let alone with his experience, he could guess that the opponent was feinting a shot, intending to trick Ian into defending and then running away.

So he pulled out the water cannon.



The jet of water swept through the air, and the hit was indeed completely extinguished. It continued to rush forward, but turned and gliding back, trying to escape into the cave. The scarlet water line penetrating from the body made it last. A trace of escape power stripped.


The figure fell to the ground from mid-air, and after a painful roll, noticed Ian's approach, and immediately knelt on the ground and howled, as if begging for mercy - but Ian didn't care at all, he raised his sword and slashed it with all his strength.


Sure enough, this figure is an intelligent creature, and the begging for mercy just now was also a disguise. When Ian slashed, it had raised its hand and roared out, wanting to perish with Ian.

The figure's arm is full of jagged calcareous structures, and is also wrapped in thick iron hair. In theory, even a hard-resistant alchemy firearm's attack may not be able to completely break the defense.

But this is the iron sword of the deep abyss wielded by Ian.

With the sound of bones breaking, the silhouette's arm was broken every inch, and the arms that were thrown out were twisted and broken inward, and even the spine made a subtle sound of breaking.

Its entire body was smashed by Ian's epee without an inch.

And the figure also rolled completely on the ground, without any strength.

This time it's not a disguise - Ian stepped forward, slashed his chest with a sword, and nailed the 'main body' that really exudes blue mist in the precognitive horizon.

A giant tapeworm that was entangled between the chest and the spine, was still wriggling, trying to escape.

"Interesting, is this a mature parasite?"

Using a long sword to nail the reddish-brown parasite that runs through the entire figure's body, I don't know how long. Ian leaned down with interest and carefully observed what was in front of him.

In the scan of the silver chip, this huge reddish-brown tapeworm is indeed the mature body of the light blue parasite seen before - their descriptions are exactly the same, except for the size and source content. It is a 'juvenile body' and the other is a 'complete body'.

Although it sounds like some kind of evolution of Digimon, it's actually different.

Ian believes that this parasite will change itself according to the host... The parasite in the green armored lizard has not yet had time to undergo a deeper fusion evolution with the host, or 'metamorphosis', so it still retains the original light blue color appearance.

And this fully mature adult parasite has considerable intelligence. It should have become almost a real intelligent creature after replacing the brain of the original host.

The young man stared at the corpse of the figure he had knocked down in front of him. He took out the brain crystal of the Crocodile Dragon from his waist, and used the crystal's earth-source fluorescence to illuminate the details of the opponent's body.

Parsing begins.

The figure who intended to attack Ian was a 'distorted man' covered with dark brown hypertrophic hair and deformed legs and feet.

It fits very well with the book descriptions of low-quality aliens that distort but don't get enough power, and look very ugly and dry.

The figure's legs are anti-joints similar to birds, and there is a thin film between the arms and legs, which is almost like a flying squirrel bat. Coupled with the figure's power to manipulate the wind element, it can glide silently between the stone pillars. , and skillfully dodged Ian's first slash.

Under the distorted human hair, there are layers of raised sclerotic skin growths, the surface layer has been calcified, giving birth to tooth-like structures, and some parts are similar to large nails, through the translucent stratum corneum , you can even see the maroon muscles on the inside of the deformed body.

These are all appearances. The real point is the parasite.

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