Above The Sky

Chapter 224 Traces Of Life (14)

Six years ago, the natives relied on the spread of the plague source in the northern colony of Southridge, causing a widespread plague called 'Flash mosquito' in Moldor Colony, Odor Colony and Midra Autonomous Region.

Although this plague, from the very beginning, the bishop of Huaiguang Church, 'White Mist', cut off the source of infection and cured all the infected people.

However, in the early stage of infection, the strange symptoms and extremely high contagiousness did slow down the second-level ascetic monk, preventing him from rushing back to Port Harrison as soon as possible to assist the Viscount in the fight against the Totem Lord.

Based on subsequent analysis and traceability, doctors found that Trichomonas is a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquito larvae.

The infectors poured a large number of infected water into wells and shared water tanks, causing the infection of many colonists.

Although the use of water as a medium is common to many parasites, Ian can't help but think a little.

——After all, the South China Sea Relics Group is the sacred place of the indigenous people.

That being the case, wouldn't it be natural for the parasites in the Holy Land to be kept by the natives and cultivated as some kind of plague poison?

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but radiate a little more: "The Flash Mosquito disease was nothing more than that - the reason why the agents of the Flying Flames who have appeared frequently in recent times, the purpose of cooperating with the natives... Really just wants to use Are the natives holding back Port Harrison or Southridge Province?"

According to his idea, strengthening the gu poison of the indigenous people and fighting biological warfare in Nanling is the most suitable method for the strategic goal of the Flying Flame Land.

After all, they are dry and hot there, so they naturally block most viruses and parasites, and they don't have to worry about backlash against the mainland.

And the empire is bad, even if it can be cured, it will cause extreme instability in the local area.

Writing these down and putting them in the notepad of the silver chip, Ian felt a little uneasy in his heart: "Although I don't know whether this parasite is naturally like this, or whether it was distorted by nuclear radiation or the psychic field to evolve into what it is today, But this strange creature is enough to illustrate the danger of the ruins."

"If this parasite is made into a biological weapon..."

——The native shaman did die, and the crocodile dragon also went with it.

But the natives accepted the aid of the firearms from Flying Flame Land, and there must be agent support behind them... Whether the other party has been weakened is really unknown.

If this kind of parasite is found in the flames and made into a weapon, it is definitely not just a Nanling that is dangerous.

There are quite a lot of things to worry about. Ian shook his head slightly: "Hopefully, that Bishop Baiwu from Huaiguang Church really eradicated flash mosquito disease."

"Otherwise, things will be much more difficult to do."

Stepping over the corpses of the lizards, Ian moved on.

Across the solid stone bridge, in front of you is the dark and unfathomable entryway of the Sequoia base.

This passage is quite wide, with a width of more than ten meters from left to right and a height of about 20 meters. Obviously, it is not a portal only for humans to pass through.

The ground and the walls on both sides are paved with large chunks of solid white rock, topped with a semi-circular dome structure, supported by some kind of alloy skeleton, which is still very strong despite the millennia.

However, because of the cave waterfall in front and the blue river next to it, it is also very humid here. The ground of the passage is full of slowly surging water, and there is also a strange smell of decay and rust in the air, which should be some kind of iron corrosion fungus metabolite. the taste of.

It smells bad, but it's not miasma, so it doesn't affect breathing.

Walking through the passage, Ian came to a rather bright hall.

It can be seen that this hall was originally a natural cave. Most of the decorative reliefs on both sides of the wall were slightly carved and transformed from the original calcified rock walls of the cave. Many strange-style star pictures and some flying giant ships were inscribed on it... …

If the natives of Terra World came here, it is estimated that it would be roughly classified as 'ancient fantasy murals of pre-epoch civilization', but Ian knew that these relief murals were just some strangely shaped spaceships. A view of flying to the stars.

With a slight sigh, Ian can now be 100% sure that the Sequoia Base should be the central base responsible for controlling the space elevator and orbital accelerator here. And the nuclear fusion energy supply group responsible for powering these two giant structures should also be controlled here.

Of course, it must have other functions, otherwise, it would not be a general 'base', but a title of 'Space Engineering Control Center'.

"No wonder Mr. Hilliard has been looking for the door to enter this place... The great storm in the South China Sea is essentially a natural disaster of the ruins caused by the heat dissipation problem. If no adjustment is made here, no one can solve the nuclear fusion power generation from the outside without damage. Station cooling problem.”

Ian nodded slightly, looking inside.

The interior of the hall is not empty, there are many messy bones and light sources.

The skeletons include humans and beasts and beasts, all of which have decayed into skeletons, their clothes turned to ashes, and only some stone and iron utensils at the bottom of the skeletons are still intact.

It is worth noting that these bones, and even the bones of beasts, are very unusual. They are either twisted and curled into a ball, or the bones are scattered on the ground, as if they were torn apart alive by some huge force.

There are even skeletons that seem to be sitting peacefully on one side, but they hold their heads in their arms, and the posture of their arms looks very forceful, as if they want to completely crush their fallen heads. It is clear that they all experienced extreme pain before their death.

Ian frowned and glanced at the skeleton. He was keenly aware that there were many bone spurs on the skeleton that should not exist.

The light source is some luminous algae on both sides of the stone wall, emitting cold light without temperature, and it still has a strong brightness after thousands of years.

Or, from the very beginning of the design, these algae lights have already taken into account the millennium?

And it seems to be a bit similar to fluorescent algae, just a little bit primitive...

In addition, there are many erected iron coffins in the hall with transparent glass partitions, and it can be seen that the iron coffins are filled with some kind of pitch-black liquid.

It's just that these liquids are too turbid, even with Ian's eyesight, he can't see what's inside for a while.

In the vision of precognition, there are no other creatures in the hall, which is why Ian can relax and observe carefully.

And he also noticed that there are creatures living here.

Part of the hall is skeleton, part is those strange iron coffins, but the other part, located in the corner of the hall, is some bonfires that have not been extinguished, and there are some scattered and chewed animal bones next to it. Judging from the skull that hasn't been gnawed clean, it should be some kind of giant rat.

In the inner shelter of the wind, you can also see a few grass beds stacked with dry moss, with some dark traces beside them.

Seems to be blood.

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