Above The Sky

Chapter 220 Under The Legend (13)

A gust of cold wind blew through the air, carrying the seawater rainwater that fell from the distant top and slapped on the reef. The water flowed down the sloping stone surface layer by layer, like a waterfall into a rushing underground rock river.

He believes in the latter.

"...It's still a little interesting."

But the boy knew very well that he was underground.

We can vaguely see a wet karst cave wall... and at the fork in the distance, we can vaguely see several fork holes, which are unfathomable and lead to nowhere.

He is very confident in his memory, but he doesn't need to use his life as the price of believing - a good memory is not as good as a bad writing, not to mention that the map recorded by a chip is ten thousand times better than a bad writing.

Ian snapped out of his temporary absence, stood up, and looked around in silence.

He remembered very clearly that not long ago, the South China Sea changed, the sea and the earth split into a rift valley, and a huge cavity entrance appeared on the crust, swallowing half of the ocean, its huge pressure and airflow changes, Involve everything around it.

If he wasn't injured, Master Gosse might be able to withstand this airflow change, but that's a possibility. The injured old man had no other choice but to follow the airflow straight into the hollow of the earth's crust.

White water mist fills the cave, and the underground river flows in a rock channel that is more than 20 meters wide. The underground should be dark and dim, but it is glowing because of the ultra-high-intensity psychic field. Faint fluorescence, just a little wave of your hand can bring out the arcs of the stars.

Without the slightest hesitation, fear or even anxiety, the white-haired teenager smiled, and it could even be said that he was happily walking in this completely unknown cave with unknown risks.

In other words, he was actually stunned by the natural changes caused by the labyrinth mutation.

He explores forward, looking forward to unseen scenery, longing for different past experiences, longing for extraordinary unfolding.

To be honest, as the tide was constantly being washed away in the cave, it couldn't make a sand armor apprentice cultivator lose his mind. Ian felt as if he had been swept by a very strong natural psionic field change. , was confused, and 'slept' in the past.

Ian walked without changing his face, he could sense the wind blowing - it was clearly deep in the ground, but perhaps the moist tidal wind from above the sea was still pouring into the ground.

He looked around at the surrounding water and rock walls, imagining the ancient past of this deep cavern, which is at least a thousand meters deep underground.

And the light brought by the lightning made him confirm that he was in a vast group of underwater caves.

The cave leads to a deeper level.

The underground river shimmered with sparkling waves because of this current, and as the boy continued to move forward, the originally wide karst cave channel began to gradually become narrow, with many branches... Soon, as the flow rate of the underground river became more and more Quickly, layers of calcified deposits formed a ladder-like structure, and the fluorescent mineral ladders were particularly eye-catching due to the arc in the air.

——From the perspective of the entire cave structure, it should be a classic water erosion structure, but in some caves, it is similar to the structure of volcanic lava cooling.

Analysis is fruitless when there is not enough evidence, but at this time, Ian will happily start to imagine.


"It's at least a few kilometers deep here?" Recalling this, the teenager raised his head and looked at the rock formation in the cave above his head, estimating where he was now and the time in the past: "As for how long I've been absent... a total of four Twenty-three minutes in an hour."

Through the fluorescent light emitted from the crystals of the brain, the teenager could see the reefs under his feet clearly, and there was a rushing underground river beside him, and the sound of rushing water filled his ears.

In the alchemy potions, some glass containers have been broken, and the liquid medicines have been washed away in the previous washing, but there are some more important ones, which are stored in steel crystals, so they are quite well preserved.

"Well, the brain crystals are still there."

So full of joy.

A bright light blue electric arc lit up above his head, illuminating everything around him, Ian raised his head, the incomparably rich psionic field was like a sighing cliff, and even the friction of small clouds and mists could cause electrical discharge, and then Causes lightning in clouds.

After that, things are simple.

Ian counted the points and felt more at ease: "Yes, the key is here."

The air was filled with water vapor, and a white mist completely shrouded the surroundings, making people feel as if they were in the clouds.

Looking at it carefully and collecting the surrounding information with the silver chip, Ian was not worried, but smiled: "It's not a big problem, I'm already in the ruins."

In addition, the Chongyuan iron sword and the high-pressure water gun are also well packed. One is hung around the waist and is securely locked with the hide of a monster, and the other is in the medicine bag, together with some alchemy potions.

Ian touched his head, and he nodded thoughtfully: "Although it did slow down, it couldn't resist the turbulence - Shark and I, as well as Gosey and Isengard, were separated."

"Looks like an outlier."

"Replenishment of source quality, power of giants, short-term frenzy, improved perception... and a small bottle of regeneration potion given by Master Gesai. The ring of silence is still intact."

If it wasn't for the silver chip, he probably wouldn't even know how long it had been since he entered this place.

He imagined that thousands of years ago, there was a vast underground river running here, and the endless seawater flowed down and converged according to the terrain, and then eroded away the fragile parts of the rock formations, gradually forming the prototype of the cave.

Considering the cause of the big storm, it is possible that the abnormality of the heat dissipation system of the ruins did indeed cause the melting of the surrounding geological structures.

In the violent hurricane, Master Gosey couldn't hold it anymore, and passed out in a coma. At this time, it was Isengard who stood up, tried to take the baton, and continued to maintain the wind that was holding everyone back.

Extremely deep, even underground under the sea.

Crawling on the ground, the white-haired boy moved his eyelashes slightly and opened his eyes. A stream of light as clear as water lit up, followed by a little silver starlight, the two were entangled into a silver-cyan fluorescence, flowing in the pupil.

Even mental analysis.

And the pre-epoch civilization took a fancy to this natural huge underground cave structure, and chose to build their huge underground base here... a magnificent structure that started in the deepest depths of the earth, but eventually leads to the sky!

Ian didn't stay here for too long. He looked around at the various deep caves that were incomparably complicated in all directions, and then ordered the silver chip: "Record the map."

Either this means that the air pressure in the deeper underground space is extremely low and almost a vacuum, or it means that the entire underground pre-epoch civilization relics still have airflow exchange equipment running.

"I was swept into the tide by the turbulent flow, and surging along the tide for a long time... During this process, I was too tired from the previous battle with the Crocodile Dragon, and I lost my mind for a while, and I realized it. After that, wake up here."

The young man touched his side, and the crystals of his well-protected brain were still there, and the khaki light shone through the white robe, just like an old-fashioned oil lamp.

A tower...and an accelerating track to the top of the sky.

The cave that gradually narrowed became dark and dark. Only the crystals on the waist and the pair of eyes of the young man shone with a warm brilliance. He walked in the cave that seemed to lead to the underworld, but he was not afraid at all.

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