Above The Sky

Chapter 218 Unexpectedly, I Also Brought People! (34)

Now is not the time to be shocked.

After muttering for a while alone, Viscount Grant shook his head and concentrated again.

After all, without the big shaman and the crocodile dragon, as well as the two giant eels and the lurking Patrick... that friend was only repelled by himself, but as the southern director of the Platinum Workshop, he can take more A potion that can return to its peak at any time.

The next battle is the real difficulty.

Thinking of this, the Viscount raised his head and looked at Leiyun in the distance, with a worried expression: "And that crystal dragon..."

"Let that monster reach the second energy level, but it's not easy to destroy it..."

If the information provided by Ian is true, and the Ellen family came here to catch the Zhanhai Crystal Dragon, then when the other party reaches the second energy level, the mission can basically be declared a failure - to capture a second energy level dragon alive A kind of magical beast, at least a third-level powerhouse must come over.

The problem is that the powerhouses of the third energy level "Heart Light Rank" can become small country lords in places that are not big forces like the Setar Empire!

If nothing else, if there is a third-level ceremonial master, a big beast, in a place like Nanling, then few legions don't even think about destroying them. Generally speaking, it will be a matter of reassurance.

For example, the foggy sea-dwelling king of Wushagang, after recruiting security, the territory is divided into autonomous regions, hereditary governors, and marquis treatment starts.

"A big man of this level, really come to me... Don't give credit, I have nothing to do."

Shaking his head, the Viscount decided not to think about it for the time being, anyway, the future will be discussed in the future.

However, just when he planned to activate his ability, control the water mist, and lift everyone into the air instead of the already exhausted Master Gosser.

Suddenly, a series of dazzling arc sparks lit up in the distance.

Along with it, there is also a powerful voltage that makes everyone present feel horrified, and the whole body crackles!

In mid-air, Ian opened his eyes wide, and he let out a breath: "Thunderhunting jellyfish!"

"Also, there are so many!?"

At this moment, on the sea in the northeast direction from the perspective of everyone, there are scattered lights, floating between the now gloomy sky and the sea, just like a living starry sky - more than a thousand thunder-hunting jellyfish turned into A magnificent picture of the starry sky, shining in the dark world.

One after another, the rising and fading electric arcs are linked between the group of thunder-hunting jellyfish, building the originally discrete community into a larger whole. float away.

More than that--

In addition to everyone's astonishment, Viscount Grant also noticed that the 'key' placed on his heart and chest became hot at this moment.

buzzing, buzzing...

Thunder flashed and the wind howled, Viscount Grant stretched out his hand in the cockpit and took out the light blue 'key'.

It's glowing.

The 'Key' is a light blue metal card with a frosted feel, sturdy and cool.

This card is from the great storm fourteen years ago, and a surviving member of the escort claimed to have found this card from a cave lair in the deep sea, an ancient indigenous altar of evil.

He said that the underwater cave was unbelievably huge, and the ancient one seemed to have never been visited by humans... But in the depths of the cave, there are gorgeous altars and murals that are unimaginable by the natives of the South China Sea, where blasphemous and terrifying paintings are depicted. Evil sacrificial, bloody ritual of throwing people into fiery lava pits.

And at the end of all the murals, in the center of all the altars, in the hands of a human statue wearing a strange costume, there is such a mysterious card that glows faintly.

At that time, this card exuded a faint blue light like water... but it was far less than what it is now.

If we say that the light at that time was the dim moon in the night, the light now is the dazzling sun in the day.

at the same time.


From the corpse of the Crocodile Dragon, three streams of light suddenly appeared.

The three-color streamer of gold, green and white dragged a long trajectory and flew towards the sea.

Everyone saw this scene.

As Viscount Grant opened the ether-armed cockpit almost ecstatically, holding the 'water key' in his hand to meet the three 'keys' that seemed to be greeted to him, the visible fluorescence began to revolve around him. .

"This is...all the keys?!"

At this moment, the Viscount really didn't know whether he should say shock or surprise, he only felt a sense of surprise: "So, these keys have long known about the occurrence of the mutation... Yes, the mutation is because of the changes in the ruins. produced!"

"These keys can sense the changes in the ruins of the former era and change!"

In the great storm fourteen years ago, he still hadn't obtained the key, and in the great storm six years ago, he attacked the natives again - no wonder the natives could predict the coming of the great storm, and everything was the revelation of the key!

At this moment, he is not afraid of these keys being seen by everyone present - Ian doesn't have to say much, he can't hide it, but Master Gosse and Isengard are too far away.

The Ellen family are nobles on the other side of the empire, so they can cooperate instead.

What? The Ellen family is the real marquis on the northern frontier of the empire, and the emperor's confidant. The current marquise is also the emperor's niece? Are they strong enough to go over him alone to explore the ancient ruins?

The family also enjoys a high reputation in alchemy biology and monster biology, and has several well-known industry leaders?

right! It's amazing!

But no matter how powerful the opponent is, it is impossible to reach out to the southern border to pretend to be prestige.

If so, it's not Ian or even Viscount Grant who should be worried, but His Majesty Emperor Axel.

And just when the Viscount was overjoyed because he had collected all four keys.

Suddenly, thunder exploded—and a distorted blue-white thunder light burst out from the rain cloud, blasting toward the unsuspecting brown-haired aristocrat who seemed to have gotten carried away with joy!

Patrick has indeed been lurking around all the time, and now he sees the opportunity to launch a raid!

However, something unexpected happened.

The Ether Armament, which had stopped moving because Viscount Grant had left the cockpit, suddenly raised its hand.

A thin layer of water mist light wall was erected, which dissolved and absorbed all the incoming electric charges and thunder light, and transpired into large swaths of electrified steam.


Viscount Grant and the Ether Armament turned their heads together, looking in the direction of the lightning strike.

The man sighed, "You're right here - Patrick."

Saying so, he left the aether arm and floated in mid-air.

In theory, the iron giant, which should have completely stopped running without a driver, is still running, floating in mid-air.

The Viscount raised his hand and pointed to the cloud layer, so the cloudy water and mist in the sky retreated because of this, and dissipated under the power of the lizard whale that manipulated the mist and tides - Patrick, who was covered in dark flesh armor, appeared in the center of the original cloud and mist.

Although no one can see the expression, everyone knows that he must be in a very bad mood at the moment.

"...So what if I found out."

The dull voice came, and Patrick said solemnly: "In the final analysis, you are only one person, and I have two monsters to help."


The Viscount did not deny this, he said with a smile, and ice blue crystals appeared on his body.

The torrential rain began to revolve around him, and even vaguely formed a huge waterspout: "But, haven't you found it yet? Or are you unwilling to admit it?"

"I'm not alone."

Following the words of Viscount Grant, the ethereal armament on the side pulled out the crystal sword from his waist—the process was so smooth, it was as if he had driven this armament many times.

"From the beginning, the driver was me."

At this moment, Ian can be said to be very familiar with the old voice coming out of the Ether Armament: "Don't underestimate the maintenance man, I have repaired this thing for decades, and I can still control it to some extent."

That is the voice of Elder Pude!

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