Above The Sky

Chapter 214 All Kinds Of Martial Arts, This Is A Supercavitating Torpedo Sword! (44)

Kacha Kacha... When the time came, the hearth behind the armor suddenly made a disturbing shattering sound, and the internal energy index on the console inside the armor also began to soar rapidly!

More than 200% is basically equivalent to losing one armor after the battle.


The Fairy Wings were fully activated, accompanied by the Wave Chanter's simultaneous operation, so that behind the boy, it was like three more fully-operating rocket nozzles——

With the output and acceleration of Ian's double source material, the speed of this long sword has reached subsonic speed - shock waves visible to the naked eye, and the rest of the waves swept through the deep sea rock formations, directly swinging a deep gap.

puff! Before the crocodile dragon's mud shield was formed, the long sword took the first step, directly smashing the opponent's source material, and directly inserting it on the humanoid imprint on the top of the crocodile dragon's head!

There was no reaction at all, why after the armor exploded, there were still people who could attack him? The great shaman didn't even have time to annoy whether he might not be able to catch the prisoner, and a sharp sense of danger was directed towards its head. go!

That's where the aboriginal great shaman and the Crocodile Dragon merged... and also on the Crocodile Dragon, except for the flank gunshot wound, the only area without the protection of tough cortical muscles and bones!

Pulling out the data cable plugged into his back, even with a little spark, Ian kicked the driver's seat without any hesitation and took off the armor.

It is said that the sea descendants who settled in the waters around Jingsong Cliff would use a huge weapon in the sea to fight with unimaginable sea monsters. That kind of swordsmanship is difficult to use on all beings on land. It cannot carry the skills that require leaping and slashing in the three-dimensional ocean, but this does not affect the swordsmen of Whalesong Cliffs are the best swordsmen on the Terra continent, and the weapons they use are also the best weapons.

But with the roar of the crocodile dragon, with this tens of meters long behemoth as the core, a circle of dust waves exploded at the bottom of the entire seabed, the earth's rock crust broke, the gravel collapsed, and the long dust mist almost completely shrouded the behemoth. .

——All kinds of martial arts, this is the sword of super cavitation torpedo!

But what if it shattered? As long as he doesn't get hit, and he doesn't get a sneak attack, the opponent's first energy level will never have a second chance to threaten him!

Rumble rumble! It was like a thunder blasting on the bottom of the sea. It was a huge shock that the sea water was expelled and quickly slapped together. Ian turned into a streamer in the sea and hit the wound where the Chongyuan Iron Sword had been inserted before.


His goal is only one.

It's just that Ian had already foreseen this situation.

The source material shield and flesh and blood, which had been defeated once, were naturally impossible to block the second armor-piercing attack.


Today, the sword in the boy's hand is not inferior to any sea-born long sword.

That is to make the will of the shaman and the totem master perfectly fuse, the artificial 'fontanelle'!

A place where the indigenous shaman and the crocodile dragon merge!

But what Ian does next is the real tactical core.

The power of this blow is like a meteor smashed on the head!


The power of the fairy wings, which has just been generated for a few days, is naturally not as powerful as the power of the armored thrusters, but the things it wants to push are not as monstrous as armored.

Because, what this means is actually 'self-destruction on the spot'!

As for the four hundred...

The iron sword of Chongyuan sank into the flesh and blood, and the violent impact slammed into the crocodile dragon's brain - at this moment, the originally calm crocodile dragon suddenly let out an indescribable roar, it was a real concussion, no 'The brain is shaking' by any hyperbole!

Ian's supercavitation torpedo sword is already extremely amazing, not to mention an ordinary sublimator, even a submarine or an iron ship will be split into two pieces under this sword.

And the skills he uses are not inferior to the sword skills in the sea developed by any sea-born from hundreds of years of fighting.

That is, the crocodile dragon's second weakness except for the waist wound...

Ian's sword is indeed more powerful and heavier than the cannonball of the alchemy artillery - a single blow from the Chongyuan Iron Sword is enough to shatter its shield.

——He used himself as a small rocket launcher and launched it directly!

But that's all, it can't kill this giant beast... far from it. How terrifying the vitality of the second-level magical beast is, even the human knight Weggs was 'exhausted' after being severely injured.

He didn't watch the dazzling fireworks produced by the collision between the armor and the crocodile dragon stone claws, and the overclocking explosion of the alchemy hearth. The moment the young man left, he pushed the power of the fairy wings to the limit, and took out the iron armor shark brought him. Alchemy Long Sword.

——With the huge response of the crocodile dragon, he can use the power of his sand armor apprentice without covering up his strength!

And the huge waves of sediment that were gathering towards the top of the crocodile dragon's head also suddenly stopped, and then all dissipated.

The young man let go, let go of the long sword, and the power of the wave chant shook the waves, like a secondary rocket, causing a huge force like a river rushing and a deep spring bursting out from the back end of the long sword. Out, the speed of this long sword doubled in an instant!

Ordinary alchemy furnaces support 120% to 150% overclocking to adapt to short-term super-level combat under extreme conditions, but even so, it will cause irreversible damage to the heart of the furnace.

At this moment, a wave of orange-red blood suddenly erupted on the seabed like an angry spring.

He put his hands on his head, curled up, and rolled himself into a ball... Then, accelerate, dash forward!

Boom! The self-exploding armor exploded the stone claws pressed by the crocodile dragon, causing it to let out a piercing howl of pain—the corrosive high-temperature alchemy solution in the alchemy furnace could not stop even the second-level monsters, and with this Meanwhile, Ian sped up again.

The source essence of the sand armor apprentice was injected into it, and the inscriptions on the bladeless long sword lighted up one after another... 'Smite', 'Blunt Strike', 'Sturdy' and 'Smashing Armor'... Several inscriptions flashed in sequence. , making the originally dark Chongyuan Iron Sword light up with a light golden halo.

But it was too late. At this moment, Ian had already accelerated himself to the limit. His blow directly set off a straight cavitation area in the water. Wherever he passed along the way, whether it was the dust floating in the sea, the mines condensed by the earth element, or Or the stone thorns standing in the deep sea were all blown away and cut off.

hum! The fairy wings and the wave chant simultaneously control the jet of water. The ultra-high-speed vibration even makes the sea water vaporize into high-temperature water vapor. The high-pressure and high-temperature gas cavitation completely wraps Ian. The high temperature and high pressure enough to roast a person in an instant, raised his sword and slashed at the head of the crocodile dragon!

Although Ian can use swords and has learned a lot of the essentials of swordsmanship because of Hilliard's teaching, he has never learned the swordsmanship of fighting in the water, let alone the swordsmanship of fighting giant beasts in the water.

The infinite dust and mud are like living creatures, rapidly gathering towards the top of the crocodile dragon, to condense into a shield that can block the alchemy artillery!

If you are not careful, even the driver will get on it.

Like a vicious shark hunting in the deep sea, Ian rowed a smooth arc in the deep sea dust and mist, and swam directly above the Pain-Eating Crocodile Dragon.

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