Above The Sky

Chapter 211 Who Is Involved In Who's Bad Things? (44, Ask For A Monthly Pass!)


Even though he was currently on the run, Ian immediately gained momentum when he heard gossip, especially about blood inheritance.

Of course, the elf pirate didn't think so. He shook his head in horror, as if he didn't want to hear this kind of secret at all.

Gosey didn't care about this, he stretched out his hand and patted the blond boy's head: "Ian, you know, Yisen's mother was a princess, and his grandfather was His Majesty Axel... Although the princess Avri Na did not inherit the blood of the royal family, but her existence itself can improve the adaptability of the royal bloodline for the descendants of other bloodlines."

"On the other hand, for symbiotic, parasitic, and seldom distorted blood vessels such as the eclipsed dragon, this is also a method to improve their adaptability to the fifth energy level - an optimization that does not There will be too many experiments with possible distortions."

Gently stroking the hair of the young man who buried his face in his knees, the old man said with some pity: "Isengard... It is very likely that the carrier of that experiment. I don't know what kind of experiment carrier it is."

"This may be a harbinger of the great prosperity of the Ellen family, or it may be a subtle way for the royal family to annex the great nobles, or it may be a conspiracy, the premise of a big plan."

"If I have to think about the possibility of Patrick's shot, maybe it's because of this - the Ellen family has been drawn too much by the royal family and is gradually losing its independence... and Isengard is not as good as living in this situation. to die."

"And the source of all this is because of the 'birth' of Isengard."

"Is that so?" After listening to this, Ian had some clues in his heart: "So, did Marquis Ellen's first wife really die of natural causes? No wonder he didn't care much about his concubines and eldest sons. ."

"But Patrick doesn't seem like someone who would do this for the family."


Ian thought that Patrick didn't intend to kill Isengard in the first place, but only intended to interrupt his possibility of advancement, he couldn't help being silent for a while, and then said: "So, Master Gosser, you are also part of this plan. member?"

"Yeah. This is a big issue, and it is impossible for me to refuse when His Majesty invites me."

Master Gosse did not deny this, the old man comforted Yisen's right hand and patted the other's shoulder: "Don't get me wrong, Yisen is my student, this is the first, no matter what plan it is, it must be right My students are beneficial."

"After all, my student..." Said this sentence, the old man's tone was a little lonely, but he finally became firm.

He said in an unshakable tone: "I will protect it."

Ian didn't say much, and continued to control the armor to move forward.

These are just guesses, anyway, Patrick has already shot and is already their enemy.

However, analyzing the reasons for the opponent's shot can also allow Ian to obtain more information.

His psionic premonition told him that although this information was of little use for the time being, for him, for his successor to the 'Black King and the Unmovable Fortress'... maybe there was no other meaning.

Taking this information down, Ian also noticed that Isengard was in a bad mood.

"I don't want to..."

The noble boy buried his head between his arms and knees, and he wept weakly in a low voice: "I don't want this either... If I can choose, I don't want to be born for such a purpose..."


He's still just a kid after all...a kid who's been studying alchemy and living in an ivory tower.

To be betrayed by the uncle that he has always loved and even want to kill, this kind of stimulation is indeed a little bigger.


So after thinking about it, Ian comforted: "This is the case with blood nobles. Yisen, think about it, if you are not from such a noble background, you might starve to death when you were young, or be captured by the natives. What about the sacrifices? You know, when I was a child, I was almost caught and sacrificed with my brother."

"Aren't you still alive now? Look away."

Although Ian won't be comforting, the feelings are in place.

After all, Isengard is not really a fragile little boy. In theory, a noble of his age should come out to run the family business, or as it is now, to contribute to the completion of the family's tasks.

Just being betrayed by someone close to you is indeed difficult to fully accept for a while.

"I understand. I know very well that I will not betray my luck."

Soon, the blond boy took a deep breath, wiped his tears, and regained his strength: "I'm sorry, Ian, for dragging you into the infighting of our Ellen family... I'm really sorry."

"It doesn't have to be."

The white-haired boy shook his head slightly, he had a vague feeling that it was not so much that he was involved in the infighting of the Ellen family, but rather that the Ellen family was involved in a fight with him, or rather, with 'Healy' A larger conspiracy related to 'Yard' and 'Inaga II'.

--He was involved? Not always.

It's really hard to say who was involved in whose shit.

So, Ian said quite seriously: "I don't mind the danger - as long as I remember to pay me enough in the future."

"Unlike you, I am an ordinary citizen in the countryside, and I have to be compensated for taking risks."

"Yeah!" Isengard replied equally seriously: "Without you, my teacher and I would have died long ago... If we can go back alive, I will definitely ask my mother to prepare the most suitable inheritance and potion for you! "

"The Wave Winger is too narrow for your talent... Your potential is definitely stronger than mine!"

"Then I'll thank you in advance... But now, there may be some trouble."

Just when Isengard promised from the bottom of his heart, Ian noticed that the armored shark that was advancing with the armor suddenly became restless. After he carefully observed, he opened the vision of precognition, and then frowned: "We have chasers. Soldiers, the front is also blocked."

"Too bad, I didn't expect the native shaman to personally dispatch, instead of dealing with Viscount Grant, did he come directly to arrest us?"

"How did he find us? Is it really like what Elder Pude said, the natives have a strange thing like Futaba that can roughly predict the future?"

Right now, in Ian's eyes.

Whether it's the Iron Shark, or the Isengard and Master Gosse who he is observing from the side...even the elf pirate.

All of them, the mist on their bodies is as black as ink and scarlet as blood.

This is the second time he has encountered this kind of...

A near-death crisis.

------off topic-----

Will continue to add more tomorrow! Ask for the last double monthly pass!

Recommend a book! The author of "This Lord is very scientific" is Xiao Baibai!

Lin Ke traveled to this world, and with the help of the system, he used modern knowledge to farm and develop, and he became the king and hegemon.

This is the world of professionals, but also the world of swords and magic, the world of blood inheritance, and the world of countless races fighting!

As a result, under the screams of Lin Ke's followers, the history of the Boundless Plane ushered in a change.

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