Above The Sky

Chapter 209 Eclipse Light Refining Dragon (24)

"Shark, let's go!"

The heart of the element furnace was burning, and Ian also activated the power of the goblin to accelerate the armor once again—and outside the armor, the Iron Shark also swirled happily in the water, and then quickly broke through the sea with the armor. , like a deep-sea torpedo.

Towards the due west, the sea area where the Thunder Vortex is located!

After the armor and the iron armored shark, a deep-sea giant eel with a length of more than 100 meters was stunned for a moment.

It thought that it could easily catch its prey... But who would have thought that cooked grilled fish could swim away?

But the giant eel was not angry, nor was it angry with the emotion.

It just chased faithfully, just as commanded.

Like a hound driving its prey to a trap.

When Andor woke up, he found that he was not dead, but he had lost control of the armor, and he was basically in a stepping stone position with a full four people crowded in the not-so-spacious cockpit.

"Armor was taken prisoner? But they didn't kill me?"

The dark green long-haired elf pirate didn't understand the situation for a while, but he didn't dare to resist at all, or "seized the opportunity" to escape...

What a joke! If the other party dares not to kill him, he will definitely have the ability to solve him in an instant. If he does not resist wisely and does not show his worth, then he is really waiting to die!

After all, he is a pirate, and he is not a noble squire knight. If he can survive, he will of course choose to survive.

Of course, the most important thing is... He felt a strange taste in his mouth...

It was the smell of an alchemy potion, a rather sweet, but unpleasant sweetness.

"woke up?"

Andor heard that the white-haired young man who replaced him and was manipulating the armor turned his back to him, but was keenly aware of the change in his breathing rhythm: "Don't try to resist, keep silent first, then we have a problem If so, we ask and you answer."

His voice was soft and clear, and it sounded very easy to talk, but Andor didn't have the courage to talk too much.

Because the pirates saw that the opposite of him was his mission goal this time.

Master Gosey, who had just woken up, was closing his eyes to inject medicine for himself, and the young master of the Ellen family was staring at him expressionlessly.

"Don't move."

The young master's voice was cold, with a green but powerful threat: "You have just drank my blood. Now my blood is around the major sublimation organs in your body, as long as I As soon as your mind moves, you will become a cripple and die on the spot."

For the first time, what Andor thought in his mind was 'Coaxing people? ', what kind of blood can have the weird taste of alchemy potion, and it can also be used to control people?

However, just as he showed this thought, Isengard shook his head: "Sure enough, I have to let you try."

In an instant, endless pain and itching flooded Andor's senses like a tide.

It was difficult for Andor to explain his perception. First, he felt like army ants were crawling around his internal organs, commingling with pain and itching, and then extreme cramps and convulsions - it was almost like the inside of the stomach wall. When there was a wound, he drank a large mouthful of concentrated salt water, and the flesh and blood around his internal organs were screaming and shrinking.

"Cough...enough?! I totally...completely understand!"

Andor wanted to grit his teeth to hold back the pain, but in the end he couldn't help crying, tears streaming down his face.

——The sublime's tolerance for ordinary pain is far better than ordinary people, but it is obvious that the pain this time is not ordinary.

Looking at this scene, Isengard was a little soft-hearted, but after hesitating for a while, he still firmly said: "You screamed loudly, and it seems that you still have a lot of physical strength, so just scream for a while."

He closed his eyes, didn't even look at it, and continued to slowly increase his strength.

This pain lasted for five minutes, and the elf pirate was almost out of breath and went into shock again.

"I...I planned to say everything...I didn't think about resisting..."

Andor was lying on the bottom of the cockpit, and said in a trance full of tears: "It's not necessary..."

But the three people present didn't care.

To be honest, Ian actually had the same idea with Andor from the beginning.

Blood? Can blood control a person? What is the heritage of the Ellen family?

But when he saw that Isengard cut his wrist, and a strange black viscous blood flowed from his veins, the young man had to admit that he was indeed shocked.

Isengard's blood is a strange liquid. Although it looks black on the outside, it is like petroleum asphalt. It will reflect colorful bright spots due to the illumination of light. At first glance, it is colorful. Black, with an eerie sweetness of noxious substances.

There is no doubt that Isengard's blood is poisonous, or in other words, it has its own special function... As Andor showed, a first-level peak ascender, after taking Isengard's blood, completely lost the ability to resist.

"I see."

Ian thoughtfully said: "You wanted to borrow my high-pressure water gun before, just to let me shoot your blood into that sea area with the water gun... Your blood can erode the source of living wooden boats, right?"

"Yeah." Nodding slightly, Isengard stared at his hand and replied softly, "Although it's not very effective because of the distance, it should be able to slow down the living wooden boat."

"It's also very easy to track."

Ian concluded: "Master Gosse is right, you can't shoot. Now there is a barrier inside the armor, but once you get to the outside world, with the characteristics of your blood, it is easy to be locked."

Master Gosse is now seriously injured. He was struck by Patrick's full-strength lightning strike when he was close to exhaustion. Even if he took the regeneration potion for the first time, he was temporarily unable to fight because of his age.

But he was still conscious, and after hearing Ian's words, he nodded slightly, indicating that the boy was right.


And Ian continued to ask curiously: "What is the effect of the Ellen family's eclipsed light and dragon smelting inheritance...?"

"Although it may involve the secrets of your family, you can choose some that you can tell me."

Ian is really curious - except for Viscount Grant's diving lizard whale, he has not seen any serious high bloodline inheritance.

The eclipsed dragon of the Ellen family is better than the abyssal lizard whale.

According to Patrick's situation, it can control thunder and gust of wind, but Yisen himself has fire attributes, and blood has special functions... The peculiarity of this bloodline really makes him very itchy, if no one answers the question To solve the puzzle, it just feels like there are ants crawling on the back.

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