Above The Sky

Chapter 205 Uncle And Nephew (13)

Naturally, Ian didn't know the thoughts of the elf pirate Andor, and even if he did, his answer would only be 'It's just because of psionic power! ’.

However, this pirate captain was not mediocre after all. After realizing that the situation was extremely unfavorable and that he would never be able to complete the mission of attacking the Low Light, he directly chose to dive.

This is the only correct choice, because no matter how much Master Gosey has the upper hand, a sublime of the wind attribute will not choose to enter the water and fight with naval armor.

But the old man did not give up the pursuit.

"The 130-meter water bottom at 7 o'clock is diving rapidly!"

In the sky, in response to Ian's positioning, the old man raised his cane.

He aimed it at the armor that was rapidly diving, so the violent wind spun rapidly in mid-air, and several alchemy test tubes were involved in it, causing the red, blue and purple dust and liquid to fuse in the lightning and high heat , with a crackling arc spark.

【Alchemy · Fusion】

The technique of converting a mediocre matrix into a higher level of source quality was used by the master at his fingertips, without a trace of stagnation.

Everyone on the low beam sensed that with Master Gosser as the center, all the raindrops in the air were slowly evaporated in a distinct smell of ionization and ozone, and Andor in the submarine armor also opened his eyes. Big eyes, disbelief at the dangerous energy readings on the armored operation panel and the warning of being targeted by a high-energy weapon.

"Plasma cannon?!"

He exclaimed: "I ***** (Canaan Moore foul language), what kind of imperial humanoid heavy firepower armor is this!"

Andor wanted to speed up, but this was already the fastest speed - the pirate captain even pulled out the armored element hearth power supply interface and inserted it towards his back spine, using his first energy level high Tier Elementium additionally recharges the armor's armor.

But the dazzling alchemy plasma ball with a blue outer layer and an orange-red inner core has been thrown into the deep sea by Master Gosser, creating a white mist that shoots into the sky.

In theory, separated by hundreds of meters of deep sea, even the alchemy plasma ball that Master Gosey did his best would not be able to destroy an armor... But from the beginning, the old man did not want to destroy the armor.

Instead, eliminate the driver.


When the alchemy plasma ball accurately hits the light blue armor, the dense current immediately overloads all the defensive armors on the surface of the armor, and a layer of fine hexagonal shield barriers emerges on its surface. The hearth and the driver's essentia output at maximum power, trying to counteract the attack of this second energy level peak.

Obviously, that's almost meaningless.

In an instant, a terrifying lightning strike centered on the armor and spread in all directions—all the animals and beasts in the surrounding seas, whether they were tracked by the natives, or originally lived in The surrounding creatures all seemed to have a shock, and then flew into the distance as if they were fleeing.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Inside the armor, before the hapless elf pirate could do anything, he was beaten by Ian with a series of combos from Master Gosey.

And now, the armor is not a big problem, but the current that breaks through the shield system and conducts into the interior directly electrocutes him into half-ripe - an unforgettable pain flashes inside and outside the skin on the whole body, and even at every nerve cluster, The pirates, who had long been accustomed to pain, let out a shrill scream.

Then, he fainted.

The armor that lost its master's control slowly sank to the bottom of the sea, and Master Gosser also took a breath, showing a tired look: "It's really hard to deal with... It is indeed the crystallization of the highest technology in various countries... If it hadn't been for me to foresee in advance, bring It is full of materials, I am afraid that this time I will not be able to fight back.”

"What's more, compared with armored battery life, it is too stupid."

Don't look at Andor seems to have been completely suppressed by him, and was defeated without a single attack, but if there is no report from Ian, and there is not so much splurge of alchemy matrix, the old man knows very well that with the power of the second energy level, it is very It is difficult to resist a naval battle armor in the sea.

The opponent even only needs to rush to the vicinity of the low beam with the armored defense and sink the ship, and then things will be terrible.

Tempest in Mutation is not vegetarian.

Because too much essentia was consumed to resist cannonballs and fight with armor, Master Gosser swayed and flew towards the low beam. He had already drank a bottle of the essence of essentia, but it would take a while for it to take effect.

And Ian breathed a sigh of relief and solved the armor. Even if most of the dangers of this operation were settled, then, as long as Viscount Grant drives the ether weapon...

The boy suddenly opened his eyes.

He saw the scarlet aura of death permeating Master Gosse.

——Although it was said that when I fought with the armor before, and even defended against the attack of the pirate fleet, everyone on the entire fleet was filled with such a dead air... But the fleet was harassed by the armored shark, and the armor has been repelled. Under the circumstances, why does Master Gesai still have such a strong, almost certain death aura? !

What's more, this death energy is even stronger than during the battle!

"Defense! Master, defend with all your strength!"

Trying his best to use the shortest words to warn, Ian saw that Master Gosse also raised his head sharply after hearing his own voice. He seemed to sense something, so he looked up to the sky.

At this moment, the old man showed a look of astonishment, and several bottles of the medicine around him were also broken, causing a layer of silver-white thick lattice defense layer to emerge...

But there is indeed something in this world that is faster than the wind.

such as lightning.

boom! ! !

Accompanied by dazzling blue-white lightning at the top of the sky, turbulent thunder came out from the dome, and a twisting thunderbolt seemed to be wrapped in the wrath of the sky, and slammed down at the figure of the old man suspended in the rain curtain!

Far more dazzling than normal lightning, the energy is denser, and the inextricable strands of lightning converge into one, smash it before the lattice defense is completely formed, and then hit Master Gesai.

The old man fell into the wave like a rock.

Except for Ian, everyone didn't understand what happened for a while... Even Ethan Gard, who had the fastest head turn, might still be thinking 'Lightning strike? Why so coincidental...' The possibility of such a mistake.

But the boy of Bai Zhimin had already turned his head and looked towards the other side of the sky.

There, there was a tiny black figure.

He stood in the middle of the black rain cloud, and the bluish-white arc wrapped around his body wrapped in black carapace armor, as supple as a hound that had long been tamed.

The blond man stretched out one hand, and the arc that guided Thunder was still winding around his fingertips, crackling.

Considered by everyone as a 'mediocre', he stared blankly at his teacher falling into the sea, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the low beam.

From the chest to the neck, and then the black carapace armor that completely covered his cheeks covered his whole body, only the scarlet compound eye structure observation glasses at the eyes stared in this direction.

Stare at that person.

The icy pressure spread, causing almost everyone who noticed his existence to take a step back subconsciously.

Only Ian raised his hand without hesitation, hugged Isengard, who had been stunned in place, and carried the young master who was standing still, looking at each other from a distance, and jumped into the already stormy South China Sea. among.

Only the blond boy was left muttering incredulously, torn apart by the sea breeze and thunder.



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