Above The Sky

Chapter 192 Sea Born Long Sword (23)

"After washing the dishes, go to Elder Pude. I won't go home recently. Elder Axe will take care of you."

After instructing Elan, and getting a good "OK", Ian smiled and looked at the tool fish he used to predict the future.

Well, the result is good, just ordinary red, there is no black.

This is quite surprising to Ian - the mortal black and the dangerous red often appear together. After all, some dangers are unavoidable, like a big storm. What's the use of knowing in advance? It takes more than half a month to leave Nanling, and in Nanling, it is possible to be affected by major storms.

And this time, it's just a simple red danger... It proves that in this mission, there is not even a trace of elements brought by the natural environment.

Pure man-made disaster belongs to yes.

"Man is indeed more terrifying than nature."

After sighing with emotion, Ian hugged Elan who rushed over to say goodbye. After feeling that the other party's weight had indeed become heavier, the young man even felt a little emotional, when Young Ying's younger brother really couldn't come back.

- Steel bones harm people!

After saying goodbye, Ian went to his workshop again, sorted out all the prepared medicines, put them in his pocket, and then went to the pier to gather.

The air in the morning was dull and hot, and even though the distant winds had already begun to swirl the tides, the heat had not dissipated in the first time. In the weaker cloud layers farther away, the dark red glow leaked out a little, but it was not as good as the algae oil lamps at the port. more eye-catching.

Not many people go out to sea today. After all, they are all old fishermen. Who would travel far in this weather? But there are still some workers and fishermen sitting at the pier, chatting and playing cards, in groups of two or three, chatting about topics that everyone understands.

In the courtyard of the dock management office, there are many people wearing platinum and iridium workshop work clothes, including men and women, but most of them are experts with unique skills and strong strength.

As members who were recruited by the Platinum Iridium Workshop from all around Nanning, they are either senior explorers, recruited elite mercenaries, adventure experts trained since childhood, or knowledgeable appraisers .

Of course, there were also some locals from Port Harrison who were added by Viscount Grant, such as experienced crew members and navigators, and even the captain was a reliable old captain drawn from the Red Hook fleet.

Most of them had already demonstrated their amazing skills before today, but a few arrived in Port Harrison only yesterday and are now showing themselves in front of Isengard and Master Gosse.

A coastal explorer has demonstrated an astonishing ability to identify and decompose fish. He can identify and name more than a dozen similar-looking but different species at a glance, and if he tastes them, even Where the fish came from can be traced back.

And another first-level cruiser is even more amazing. He can see the traces of fish swimming in the water with the naked eye, and the ability to sense life in the water is also quite good.

As for combat power, it is not something that is valued. After all, with Master Gesai in charge, one or two more first energy levels will not make any essential difference.

But these people who show their abilities can't think of what the people above are thinking.

"Theoretically, there will be one or two killers in these people."

The soundproof ring on his finger flashed gray light, and Master Gosey stared at the crowd in front of him with a frown: "Yison, remember not to be alone with these people, pay attention to safety. The only person we can trust a little bit is Ai Ai. Those 'outsiders' arranged by Els."

"Well, I understand, teacher."

The blond boy's spirit is a little lethargic, and the long-distance communication with his mother a few days ago made him really exhausted... Although he was well protected, he still knew the complexity and cruelty of the power struggle.

Just to be honest, Isengard didn't have much desire for power in the first place, but his mother was the princess and the current wife of the Grand Duke. Even if he was only the third son, he had to compete with the eldest brother of the concubines and the second brother of the eldest son. position.

If he doesn't fight, neither he nor his mother will have a better future.

Even, as it is now, under the threat of death at any time.

Such worries are naturally unlikely to make this young master feel good, but he is somewhat cheered when he thinks that he will soon be able to explore the far seas he has never been to before.

And the arrival of Ian made both his eyes and Master Gosey's eyes lit up, and his mood improved a lot.

Although it took a while to pick up the potion in his studio, Ian arrived not too late - the exploration ship only set sail at noon, so he was several hours early.

But after he really arrived, Ian realized that he was the slowest group... Except for Viscount Grant, almost everyone had arrived. Even just now, Patrick had just got off the boat and was talking to Elder Gossey. Talk about some related security issues.

When Ian arrived, all eyes were on him.

Several alchemists and appraisers who were probably from other platinum and iridium workshops in Nanling looked at Ian with suspicion and jealousy, because Ian was appointed as the chief appraiser of the exploration ship, which means Given the credit, Ian gets a piece of the pie anyway.

This makes these outsiders who are not very familiar with Ian's reputation feel that this young white people is gilded by relationships... After all, according to common sense, a place like Harrison Harbor, where you are fourteen years old, is almost a formal alchemy. Teacher-level genius?

And those locals in Port Harrison and those who came in as guards by their strength had no idea when they looked at Ian. Everyone was not in the same ecological niche, and there was no competition. There were even a few acquaintances who showed a pleasing smile to Ian. After all, they would all hang out in Port Harrison in the future. If they were familiar with the alchemist, they would be familiar with it, otherwise they might not be able to buy any potions in the future.

Ian's view of everyone is relatively general. These people have the ability, but they are still a little weak to deal with the raids of the elf pirates and the natives, not to mention that there may be a killer hidden by Patrick, even more untrustworthy. .

If it weren't for the company of the second-level master Gosey, no matter how great the credit, he would never agree to this task, and would rather stay in Port Harrison and continue to develop.

Except for a warrior with a strange long sword.

It was a cruiser.

The long sword in his hand showed a wavy shape, but when he looked closely, it was straight, and the previous bending was just a layer of water vapor that distorted his vision.

This is an alchemy weapon, the sea-born long sword of Whalesong Cliff, or the highest quality among the sea-born long swords.

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