Above The Sky

Chapter 183 All Kinds Of Martial Arts, This Is The Musket Team! (23)

The vast forest west of Port Harrison is the place where the redwood natives used to live.

A silver-blue halo lit up in his eyes, and Ian, who originally planned to lead the snake out of the hole to see the situation, was completely motivated.


The young man stopped and stood on the rotting roots of a clearing in the mist-filled mountain forest.


Usually, only the sound waves of a few words are enough to do many things.

"Shopping for so long, no matter how free the natives are, it's time to arrive."

There was a thick layer of fog hanging in the forest, like a slightly dirty gauze, some dark wood hidden in the mist, and some submerged fog spiders that could not see the veins at all in the fog. spider web.

At this moment, Ian, who had already opened the precognition vision and the silver chip, had a panoramic view of all the creatures in the entire fog-even the spiders and natives who were constantly moving, and he could not see more clearly than him.

Ian found that the silver chip does not recognize all kinds of creatures. Its so-called identification is actually based on the observation of Ian's sensory organs, and then extracts knowledge from its database for analysis and analysis, and then obtains the results.

Ian is now deep in the outfield.

Where do these firearms come from? When did the natives get them?

The Warcraft-level Mist Spiders go a step further, and they are the shadow-rotten spiders that once inhabited the depths of the indigenous holy land of the Miasma Mist Forest. Therefore, their materials are also quite valuable, whether they are potions, poisons, and alchemy potions.

But Ian wasn't targeting them.

And more and more indigenous hunters are gradually coming around.

Its functions are too powerful, and it is definitely not something that can be made by partiality... So far, all the pre-epoch civilization creations Ian have seen do not match its style of painting.

No matter how much it costs or how much it costs, Viscount Grant will definitely use ordinary gunpowder artillery to plough the field once when dealing with the natives, and then use the alchemy artillery to strike several times, and then let the escort deploy - it is very difficult to have this In frontier settlements supplemented by additional population, people are far more important than money.

Redwoods, outfield.

At the end of the day, if there is a good thing, use it without thinking too much about its origin.

Just as Ian thought, soon, batches of crimson light and shadows poured into the vision horizon.

Yes, rich library.

Decades have passed, and the jungle west of Port Harrison is basically full of newly grown trees, and all those ancient miasmas and worms have been swept away.

as well as……

And Ian's figure disappeared in place.

So Viscount Grant chose to bombard it.

After Ian left the city, he noticed that a group of natives found him, and then a few people turned back immediately and reported the news to the old nest.

Now Ian finds out what could be a life-threatening danger to an unsuspecting self... but one question is answered, and an even more new one arises.

"Also, it's not an imperial style... it's a brand new style that I haven't seen before!"

He uttered the words, the source material revolved, and the surrounding water mist and miasma were immediately dissipated by shocks, and all the liquids dissipated and subsided following the voice of the young man.

The firearm that the natives aimed at themselves seemed to materialize, so that the young man could clearly feel that the other party had aimed at his forehead, heart, arms, shoulders, and legs, without any dead ends.

With Ian's clear drink, the water mist subsided, the fog in the forest faded visibly to the naked eye, and many of the aboriginals hiding around Ian, as well as the fog spiders they cultivated, all appeared as the mist dissipated.

In those days, the indigenous people were all over the forest, and there were hundreds of different kinds of miasma and poisonous insects hidden in the seemingly harmless forest.

Mist spider is a highly poisonous giant spider that has the potential to become a monster. It is generally the size of a human head. The venom is corrosive. Unbalanced, tumbling in the dense forest, and then wrapped in more spider webs, resulting in subsequent spider bite poisoning.

——The power of the wave chant, which can control the flow of water with sound... But only when the boat is propelled, it needs to be chanted continuously.

But the more so, the more Ian felt that this thing should be unlikely to be the creation of the pre-epoch civilization.

"These firearms are much newer than the ones in Harrison Harbor, and appear to be in the style of the Flaming Land - research value."

Most of the beasts in the infield are small deer, rabbits, birds and rodents whose names are unknown. They can fill their stomachs even if they are caught, but if you want to really gain big gains, you have to go to the outfield that has not been destroyed before. Find in the ecosystem.

For this, Ian is not surprised at all. After all, he was the one who defeated the Swamp Crocodile and made the Great Shaman's invasion plan fall short... Viscount Grant can deceive ordinary people, but as a witness of the battlefield at that time, the Great Shaman It was absolutely clear who was his real enemy.

So Ian holds the sword in his right hand and the water gun with his left hand on his waist, looking at the natives who have already pressed the trigger with his eyes burning hot.

The natives have already withdrawn, but there are still many forest areas where miasma poisonous insects remain, which are called 'outer fields'.

These are to enrich the database of silver chips.

For a time, the entire outfield foggy forest fell into a strange silence, and only the noise of the wind blowing through the forests and shaking the branches and leaves was the only sound in this strange environment.

And when they showed up, Ian couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, the natives have plans for Ian, but he doesn't understand exactly why.

- The people are almost here.

The more the silver chip is identified, the richer its information will be, and the more effective the information given will be.

Ian sees them too.

Moreover, Mist, Light and Shadow carries an item that can give Ian a 'sense of danger'.

Moreover, for the natives, a mere 'Wave Chanter' like himself is really a good target to kill.

If you think about it carefully, the age of this chip is at least 1,600 years old, and it has witnessed the collapse of the new moon. Even if the original data entry person is no matter how detailed it is, it is impossible to eliminate the natural evolution after more than 1,000 years in advance. All kinds of animals, plants and insects are recorded.

But Ian didn't care too much about those things either.

"Sure enough, as soon as I left the city, native spies followed me."

With his eyes wide open, Ian saw the rows of apparently well-made firearms, even alchemy firearms, in the opponent's hand. He couldn't help but feel a kind of unbelievable absurdity: "Aboriginals also use firearms?! It's still such a sophisticated active-duty alchemy firearm. !"

Hanging the high-pressure water gun on his waist, and casually holding the two talers and one fine iron long sword from the blacksmith in his hand, Ian walked in the dense woodland in the outfield, looking around for traces of prey.

The next moment, the natives pulled the trigger.

——These people are the best hunters, and with the talents of the Terrans, they can quickly transform into the best gunners.

When the natives were defeated six years ago and the sphere of influence was greatly reduced, this forest area that has been swept many times but has not been fully incorporated into the sphere of influence of Port Harrison is called the "infield".

He is here to hunt.

After confirming this, Ian nodded slightly and took a step forward.

"Could it be that Patrick is looking for trouble again? If so, their actions are too fast - and the fact that they can cooperate so quickly is enough to prove that the natives also hate me."

They didn't panic because of the loss of concealment, and everyone looked at Ian with hatred, almost fanatical determination.

Ian often goes hunting in the wild. The prey ranges from wild boars, deer, rabbits, squirrels to small animals whose heads are like bats and quadrupeds. Basically, he has caught everything, even mosquitoes Neither let go.

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