Above The Sky

Chapter 181 Yi Doraemon10En (33)

Obviously, this is not funny.

Being able to fly is one, as is not many powerful attack methods.

Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged noble calmed down.

But the strength of the immovable fortified city lies in this...

Before, the secret hand in the blue flame bracelet was exposed, and then the ambush fleet was attacked by the ironclad shark. What's the matter!

Yes, he does have an alchemy epee, but those who know the thing know at a glance that it is an alchemical steel weapon exclusively used by the senior officers of the patrol knights—how does he explain the origin of the weapon?

His lung capacity and vocal range are indeed much stronger than the average wave chant... but that's not the way to use it.

"You have to find someone to contact them."

However, he was not worried that the other party would deliberately target him.

After all, a three-dimensional world soars, and a two-dimensional creature can only roll on the ground, bound by gravity, which is a cruel insult.

"Is there really something wrong with Ailes' territory and not deal with me?"

Putting the communication device in his hand and keeping it close to him, the blond noble sighed gloomily: "But when my brother comes back, a new round of internal cleaning will begin... Although I am safe, there is no doubt about my actions. A few years later."

It's impossible for him to really sing the enemy to death by singing and stirring the water like a normal chanter, right?

"Holding a small booster tank, right? It's easy, it can be done in two hours."

Of course, the reason is not just that... As the commander of the northern necropolis fortress group, the leader of the Ellen family, the current Marquis Ellen, is negotiating a cooperation agreement with the Castle of the Dark Mountains for the spring defense operation of the Dark Mountains next year.

Which conspirators would like an appraiser who can see at a glance poisoning, curses and various subtle and malicious influences?

In other words, any method that relies on basic qualities for attack bonuses is a good method for practitioners who do not move fortified city!

Just like now.

In fact, without him Patrick, the decision was indeed the right one.

"But it's just right... Teacher Gosey said that the exploration was delayed, but it was just right... Although it was an accident, it's not a big problem."

Lying back on the bed, Patrick shook his head and gave up thinking: "Forget it. However, it's not impossible for the natives to take advantage of this place."

But that is, in the case where the conditions are not met, the defect is a bit serious.

Andor's report was very detailed and reliable, and he even used a communicator to fax a real-time picture-although it was almost repaired, it could indeed be seen that the bottom of the pirate flagship 'Twilight Leaf' was severely knocked out two big holes.

As Master Gosse said, the doting mother, although she was very concerned about Isengard's safety, still did not choose to let the group return - only Isengard who completed the task and received the emperor's attention. Can be regarded as some life-saving cards.

"In this case, it's really tricky."

In a word, it is precisely because of this that Ian is now analyzing the triadium's water jet jet, the simplest water-based attack method with extremely good damage.

To exaggerate, Viscount Grant can stabilize the energy level of the third energy level, completely integrate the indigenous people of the entire Nanling Province under his command, and even build a far-sea trade station on the islands in the far sea of ​​the South China Sea to achieve the great cause of conquering the land and opening up the frontier. ... He is the righteous Lord Marquis Grant, one of the princes.

"Everyone is very smart...so it's impossible to guess me."

In the middle of the night, the second floor of Baishi Groceries in the new city area was brightly lit.

Its basic quality is so powerful that even if it can't fly, no one dares to despise it.

Even if it is deliberately targeted, he still has a hole card.

But this is also the limit. After all, the blood inheritance of the Grant family, the highest is the fourth energy level.

Although the Ellen family is a marquis, this does not mean that the Ellen family can issue orders to the Grant family.

An hour and a half later, Yi Doraemon En built his first sublimation weapon.

He is not in his own territory, so even if he knows the news, he can't rectify the inner ghost in the first time - on the other hand, the current Ellen family can be described as a dark tide, even the Marquise is not very sure about herself. Can protect his only son in such an environment.

Just like the Ellen family... Although the family bloodline is not perfect, there has indeed been a fifth-level powerhouse in history.

If he can break through the third energy level, and subordinate the natives of the redwood forest, and build the Greater Redwood Forest Autonomous Region, his status in the Nanling Province may not be as good as the governor of Nanling.

This is the background of the real great nobles - as long as they are given a chance, they have the possibility to become the top power in the Terra Continent.

What bells and whistles, but fortunately I am superior.jpg

Although it sounds like a physical-based attack method, it is equivalent to human beings unable to learn... After all, there is no way for ordinary people to build a pressurized water sac on the inside of their body within a few days.

He raised his head and looked towards the distant sea: "South China Sea... the natives of the Great Redwood Forest... the natives who let Uncle Harrison also die here."

After all, even if one party can fly and turn hundreds of combos in the sky for a long time, it is very likely that in the end, the practitioners of the immovable fortified city will see the opportunity and jump up and hit the upright and simple meteorite epee directly into the ground. .

"It turns out that this guy's water jet is not just a pure source material structure, but also has an internal pressurized water bladder!"

He seemed to have thought of something, and pondered: "Now that part of the plan has been exposed, Ailes has also become a problem - he will definitely increase the protection of Yisen, lest the child die on his territory."

But here is the problem.

If there is no meteorite epee, and no high-quality weapons to exert the terrible basic attributes of the practitioners of the immovable strong city, then Ian can't use his fist to break through a lot of strange defense methods.

Hilliard had an entire empire outfitting him with aetherial and divine weapons, but Ian didn't.

"The appraiser named Ian is also a trouble. With him around, it is difficult to perform many insidious tricks. Fortunately, he only has the first energy level, and he is only a low-level inheritance like a wave chant. Even an alchemy genius, But it is estimated that the aftermath of the battle between the pirates and the teacher was crushed to death."

With a silver chip and a vision of precognition, Ian can be considered a fish in water in terms of biology. After all, he can clearly know which parts of these creatures have what functions the first time he does it, and how to cut it accurately.

In theory, with the same inheritance, one can fly and the other can't, and the one who can fly will definitely beat the one who can't fly.

Don't move the strong city system, everything is good, even if the conditions are met, it is a perfect and invincible inheritance.

——Handheld high pressure water jet transmitter!

The inheritance of the fifth energy level is only in the hands of those really ancient and powerful families. They monopolize the road to the top, and naturally they will not allow new competitors to appear.

What's more, there is still a full set of structural drawings in the silver chip... This can't be made, and he doesn't need to continue to be an alchemist!

With a low voice, Patrick fell silent.

But Ian smiled, with a silver halo in his eyes: "It's easier to handle now."

After watching this scene, Patrick fell into deep thinking, and he couldn't help but regret putting the plan here.

——The reason why humans are humans is precisely because humans can make tools!

Ian did not go home the first time, but took advantage of the late night, upstream the Iwok River, and came to his studio to perform an autopsy on the clam who had been destroyed by him at the center of the operation.

On the contrary, Port Harrison, located on the edge of the world, is relatively safe.

New Town, Studio.

Ian naturally knew for a long time that he was regarded as a thorn in the eye by Patrick - he was not stupid, and his ability would definitely be a thorn in the eyes of those who wanted to do a trick.

The strength of the imperial aristocratic family cannot be based solely on the title. Viscount Grant has a family heritage of ether weapons. He is also a sublime of the second energy level peak, and he is also responsible for sweeping away the barbarians. This is already an important minister. He poses.

Before the break, he had just telecommunicated once with the Marchioness.

Although there is nothing special about this clam and it is not a labyrinth variant born under the influence of the labyrinth field, the rather honest and simple water jet cutting of the other side is very worthwhile for Ian, who is in urgent need of an attack ability. Learn simple means of attack.

Soon, he figured out the details of the monster in front of him: "This is an attack method based on the structure of the body, no wonder the power is stronger and more solid than the ordinary water cannon fish!"

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