Above The Sky

Chapter 177 Pirate Armor (33)

Originally, Ian thought that the so-called mortal danger should be that the ironclad shark's old nest was in a maze, and the environment changed a lot - nothing else, it's just that the area around the nest is radiating heat and is hibernating. Trying to grow and transform, the shark will definitely be severely injured and die. Not surprising.

In the final analysis, the entire South China Sea labyrinth ecosystem is very likely to be attached to the abnormal mutation and high-energy catalysis caused by the nuclear radiation leaked from the orbital accelerator... In this case, it is not very strange to release heat from time to time. In the case of big changes, it is very reasonable.

It turned out that the reason why the ironclad shark was in danger was very simple.

——Someone is fishing in this place!

After patting the shark's head, Ian motioned for the other party to observe the shadowy wooden roots in front of him. The Iron Shark immediately understood that he almost broke into the net.

Yes, even the live fishing net of a living tree boat can never stop an ironclad shark. When it collides with all its strength, even an ironclad vessel will be knocked out of a hole.

However, it is obvious that there are many strong people in this fleet who are good at fishing and hunting sharks. Maybe one person can't deal with it, but it is almost inevitable that a few people will beat it.

At that time, it was really a shark, and it could only become a delicacy in the mouths of others.

Thinking of this, the ironclad shark was shocked and even more obedient.

Ian had never imagined that this shark could have such a complex mind. Compared to that, his thoughts were very simple.

"Let me see what's going on with your fleet."

After several years of training, Ian's vision of vision has not been able to be maintained for a long time within a certain range, but the vision range has also expanded from more than 200 meters in diameter to more than 500 meters.

But this is not the limit - relying on the silver chip to block other perceptions, just simply focus on all the targets on a line, then his prediction range can directly extend to the kilometer level.

At this moment, Ian is like this, he slowly looked around all the sea area above the front, just like a radar scan, he did not observe seriously, just swept away, and immediately skipped the color and outline of the fog in the horizon.

Therefore, ten seconds later, he roughly swept the core personnel on several core ships of the fleet.

The result surprised the young man.

"One first energy level peak, two first energy levels, and alchemy artillery?"

Ian can't say he is surprised, he can only say that he is very surprised - where did the caravan have at least three sublimators, and there are such things as alchemy artillery? If other unscanned ships are counted, the number of this sublime may increase!

Although it sounds, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a handful of sublimators and alchemy artillery... But in the world of Terra, the status of sublimators is actually very noble, especially the sublimators of the first energy level peak, basically It can be regarded as a reserve for nobles.

Yes, the second energy level is the bottom line of the nobles in the world of Terra, but it is also the upper limit of most nobles-even if there is a strong family inheritance, but if the talent is not good and the resources are insufficient, most noble sublimators will be like this. It is only the second energy level in life, and even fewer can reach the peak as diligently as Viscount Grant.

Take Ian himself as an example. On the surface, he is just a wave chant of the first energy level. His energy level is low and his inheritance is also low. , is enough to be the captain of a big ship, even if it is an ocean explorer who can cross the windless belt, the first-level wave chant is an extremely important member, not to mention the second-level master of the wave, Enough to serve as the chief officer of an exploratory mission in the Imperial Royal Ocean Expedition.

As for tax exemptions, document affiliation, and city fee reductions, not to mention small benefits…

Generally speaking, even a multinational caravan of a large chamber of commerce can have a first-level sublimator who can stand up to the sky, and it is enough to expel the monsters along the coast. , and the second energy level is crazy to lead the caravan to run the business, unless it is an official national-level trade caravan... But in that case, the second energy level can't support the factory.

And, most importantly, one more thing...

That is, the entire fleet has almost 'kill' hostility towards them!

"It's weird! Why are they so hostile to me? I'm just a white citizen who hasn't met them yet!"

The alarm bell in Ian's heart was ringing, and he smelled a dangerous breath: "Recently... the only one who has made enemies with me is Patrick from the imperial capital!"

"Could it be that this pirate has something to do with him? It's not impossible..."

It was clear in his heart that there were already some guesses, but the young man made up his mind to continue to explore clearly: "Shasha, you stay here and don't walk around randomly, I'll go check the situation and come back."

Having said that, Ian abandoned all sublimation organs, and just relied on the swimming skills he had trained in the past to slowly swim towards the surrounding waters, and used the vision of vision to explore the whole picture of the entire fleet.

The silver cyan halo converged into a line, and he stared at the distant situation like a radar scan.

The results surprised Ian.

In this fleet, there is a total of one ascender at the peak of the first energy level, two high-level first energy level, two middle-level, a total of five ascenders.

To be honest, the general imperial nobles do not have this subordinate lineup. Among the five first energy levels, there is one peak, which is just right to form a small knight group, as long as there are several second energy level peak totems like Nanling. The main hell area, going to the general frontier, is enough to open several pioneering villages and towns.

Viscount Grant is different. His father, Old Grant, brought a small group of knights to Nanling back then. There is no shortage of inheritance. Therefore, there are only seven sublimators in the escort team, including the old knight Yam. There are also four sublimators in the three fleets, and their strength is far superior to that of ordinary viscounts.

In the final analysis, if the old Viscount Grant does not die and advances to the third energy level, he is the template for a new frontier marquis.

In addition, the alchemy cannons on the fleet add up to a total of more than 20... This is the real horror.

More than twenty doors! The entire Harrison Harbor escort team has more than 20 guards, and the entire city, large and small, plus the mobile artillery accompanying the army, only has more than 80 guards!

What is the origin of this fleet? It actually has a quarter of the firepower of a frontier fortress town?

Of course, this is actually not comparable. The artillery shells of these pirate fleets are mainly artillery, and there are some alchemy artillery on the flagship, which is completely different from the alchemy artillery position built by Viscount Grant.

After all, the pirate fleet doesn't have to worry about the surrounding monsters of the second energy level besieging them, and naturally they don't need such high firepower.

But even so, this is quite outrageous.

More than that.

Soon, Ian found another piece of information that made him feel 'horrifying'.

——The rear cabin of the flagship of the 'Captain' at the peak of the first energy level... There is actually a purple fog!

Although it is only lavender, it is also the breath of the second energy level!

"What exactly?!"

Ian's eyes flickered, and he just wanted to turn his head to moisten.

But fortunately, he soon realized that it was not a sublimator of the second energy level, but a rather huge dead thing, at least three or four meters high.

After thinking about it, Ian decided to take a closer look.

Soon, with the cooperation of the Predictive Vision and the silver chip, a silver font appeared in front of him.

[Canaan Moore's fourth-generation full-coverage combat armor (Leng Yebu naval battle specialization)]

[Second energy level, well maintained, elite, with special plug-in modules]

[The fourth-generation standard combat armor developed by the Canaan Moore Federal Military Industry Bureau and put into actual combat, because of its classic construction, can be loaded with a variety of combat modules to adapt to combat modes in different regions, and the special naval combat model developed by the Leng Ye Department has been obtained. Canaan Moorish Navy, Recognition of Eternal Quiet Ocean Pirates and Troubled Sea Pirates]

【Sustainable battle time: 2 hours and 37 minutes】

[Special modification - anti-erosion coating, insulating armor, vortex construction engine, deep diving cabin...]


------off topic-----

Recommend my friend Lalu's new book "Children of the Tower"! The quality of the update is guaranteed, everyone can go and see!

This is the best of times. Human beings are once again breaking free from the constraints of gravity. The skyscrapers of the metropolis, the advertisements on the giant electronic screens, the roaring floating cars, these are all part of a new life.

This is paradise. There are no living corpses and ghosts wandering in ancient tunnels outside the civilized circle, no out-of-control machines looking for support targets in the wilderness, and no destruction and chaos in history. All suffering is in the past.

Welcome to Southern Thailand, this is the best choice for every life to restart life.

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